(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Fab, thanks cytania..... good luck with the practice !


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

barnesy , AlecinOz

Hey guys, thanks for your input here. It is interesting.  Hammer ons to add embelishments are great - difficult to get used to though - my fingers are bleeding !


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi last_rebel, James

This is great advice and I will bear it in mind. I am going to give this song writing a shot and I am quite excited by it too...

Thanks again, much appreciated and good luck with your endeavours too !



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi etc_04

This is a massive help to me, thank you for taking the time to point this out and answer my query... fabulous...

All the best and thanks again



(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Hi jerome.oneil

Many thanks for helping out here....

Scales it is then, cool.  Okay, sorry to ask, but how may I start with this. Which ones first, where can i see them etc etc.... any ideas?




(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi etc_04

Thanks for chiming in....

Do you use this technique yourself?  Do you have an example song, or chord progression where this technique adds significant value over just playing the chord normally....

I know I could try any chord to do this in reality... but I find, say when playing open chord C, the strings just dampen and it doesn't sound that good.....




(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

James, last_rebel

Firstly, thank you both so very much for your meaningful thoughts. I appreciate the time you both took to divulge your experiences and thought processes. It is interesting.

I do have experiences (as do we all) that I would like to write about and I am determined to get some of them down. My struggle, is that when I have tried applying a few chord progressions, I end up reverting back to sequences I already know and use in well known songs and it ends up, therefore, sounding the same or similar.

Some of the simplest songs have been the best and the most successful and even with using well known chord progressions, the melody sung to, over and above the chords is what makes the song work - and specifically, it is this that I have struggled with. As I mentioned, i have a tendency to revert back to songs I know.

I will take on board your advice and try again...

Thanks guys..


Hi all

I am a proficient acoustic player and am looking to transfer my learnings to an electric, with the aim of looking to learn lead solos for instrumental breaks in songs.

Has anyone got any sound advice for getting started here?

When you see guitarists soloing, it looks like they are playing almost intuitively... that is what I want to achieve.... the question is how?

Thanks guys...



(2 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Where in Wales... I'm from Newport. Can play acoustic and drums?

Interested in playing covers or writing own stuff. I play drums and acoustic guitar reasonably proficiently... I'm not Eric Clapton, neither am I Eric Claptout, but looking to progress in good company and have a laugh along the way...

I've never been in a band before, so it'll be great fun and a learning curve.

Anyone interested?


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

That sounds interesting cytania..

And where can we see these scales to learn them, do you know please?


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi guys..

I am quite proficient on acoustic and electric (but not lead) and I have been considering writing my own song.  Getting started is the hardest part I am told. How would you recommend someone writing their first song, should begin please?

Many thanks



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Roger

Thank you for taking the time to reply, that is appreciated.

I too tried it and can, sort of see how this 'effect' may add a dimension to the sound, but I'm not sure that it is effective enough to warrant incorporating the technique into my playing. But I have to say, it is used extensively by acoustic players.

I will keep an eye out for anyone out there who can add additional value and thanks again.

I have only recently found this site too, but it is an answer to a prayer - I'm loving it, thank you

All the best

Jason :-)


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi all...

I'm not sure if anyone else has wondered this, but when you see good acoustic guitarists strumming away, they often seem to hammer their fingers on and off the fretboard whilst playing their chords (open and barr) in time with their strumming. I have always wondered what effect this creates whilst playing... or why they do it?  Does anyone know why or can anyone give me an example to try to demonstrate this effect please? Cheers
