Yea, I got it on a couple of days ago, it sounds awesome.  Also, I happened to have got an insanely good deal from a friend.  15$ for the pickup and $15 to put it in.


(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

A truly awesome amp that I found and bought not too long ago is the Randall RG75 Series 2.  It is PLENTY loud for small to medium gigs, the distortion is beyond amazing, and the clean is crystal clear.  And with the clean, it doesn't distort until you get to a pretty high volume, and that is pretty much the case with all solid-state amps.  And if it really matters to you that much, then keep the volume down lower and mike it up to the PA.  Also, this thing comes with a 4 switch foot-pedal.  One to switch the gain channels, one to switch from gain to clean, one to switch the clean boost on and off, and one to switch the reverb and any effects you have in your loop on and off.

Now, they made a Series 3 of this amp, its the same thing except its got a new circuit (hence, a new series) and a couple of effects.  The 75 watt RG Series 3 will run you about 420-450$ new.  Probably about 300$ or so used.  I got my RG 75 II for 225$ at a local music shop. 

All in all, if i had to rate this out of 10, I would have to give it a 9.  The only reason for the docked point is it's no tube amp.    In simple terms- It's amazing, cheap, and loud.  If you can find one I recommend buying one.

Hope this helped,

I was just wondering because I got this for real cheap and for some reason I want to find out just how good I should expect this thing to be.  Now, mind you, the pickup that I am replacing with this is a stock epiphone LP special two, which by the way is just plain useless


(1 replies, posted in Electric)

I was just thinking and I decided I wanted to find out about some scales that fellow chordians love for Metal and Hard Rock/Rock.  The coolest ones I have come across so far are these two:

Neo Classical(Absolutely thee coolest scale out there)

Phrygian(the third mode)

Just tell me what you guys think and of other scales you know of that are good for a headbanger!



(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Yep, I'll second that you got it right.  Thats how I've always done it and it works fine.


(30 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Honestly, it took me 8 months to get my barre chords down well and quick enough.  Just keep going man!



(8 replies, posted in Electric)

jerome.oneil wrote:

When I'm playing a solo, I prefer to use the entire neck, and only worry about resolving the solo on the chord roots.   I don't think in terms of "Well, this song is in C so I'm going to solo in Am"  It's more "This song is in C and I can play that scale at these various places on the neck."   The pentatonics come out a lot because they are so easy to play,  so that's not a conscious decision I make, it's just an artifact of how my mind works in translating the fretboard.   

I think it is important to learn scales not just across the neck, but down the neck as well.   I want to be able to play any major or mintor scale at any position on the neck.  Knowing how the intervals in scales works helps that a great deal.  I can play C major, for example,  but because I know the interval patterns, I can also play D dorian, E phrigian, F lydian, G mixolidian, Am, and B locrian.  It's all the same scale.  It's just a matter of where you start playing.

Gotta love those modes huh!  My favorite two are Dorian and Mixolidian.  Put them together and stringing them around is fun and it sounds awesome.  Another reason why I think the minor pentatonics are so cool is because one, they have a lot of full step gaps(come to think of it, there is no half step gaps in any of the patterns, they are all a full step or full step and a half) and two, they are extremely easy to fit into anything and solo around in without thinking at all. 



(8 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

There is a movie called Hendrix.  Basically it was like walk the line only they had little interviews with Wood Harris as Jimi Hendrix.  It was pretty good though I know some people thought it was horrible. 



(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Haha.  Great logic.


(26 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I suppose that would depend.  Most people including myself change the stock strings, mostly because a lot of the time the stock strings are crap.  BUT, if it is a nice guitar like a Gibson or Martin, or even higher value Epiphones or Ibanez it might have nice strings on them to begin with.  I would definetly change them if you have had this thing for a couple years.  If you're gonna change them then may I suggest Takamine lights?  I prefer these because they last a long time, they are strong, and they "break in" extremely fast.  I just changed my accoustic strings last night and they are fully broken in tonight after only 2-3 hours of play.  Hope this helped.

Tone Obbsession


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

You have an amazing way with words.  If someone else or I tried to say this same point it would be very uninteresting.  In fact, for me this idea sounds uninteresting.  But you made it interesting.  I love it!  Great job again!


(61 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

upyerkilt wrote:

but if you made a countr song and made it really heavy rock, it might turn out quite good

I think people in bands sould experiment as much as possible, if it doesnt turn out then no harm, no one but yourselves heard it.


oh, believe me, we experiement a heck of a lot.  There's absolutely no shortage of that.


(61 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

We play all originals.  Anything rock really.  Right now Me( i'm lead and vocals) and the keyboarder are working on a metal song, but we have several songs as laid back or more laid back than pink floyd.  litterally anything that has something to do with rock.  except maybe country rock.  Dont get me wrong, im not knocking country, its just not something i would want to play.  i actually like country.

tone obbsession


(20 replies, posted in Electric)

hey man i play banjo...a little.  enough to do some simpler songs and stuff. 
fun fun, i love the tone you get from banjos, its extremely 'twangy' wouldn't you say? ha. 
banjos are sweet


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

The one in "Another Brick in the Wall" part II
Its not real hard, but its fun to play with alot of reverb and a little wah wah on a clean channel.  sounds amazing. 
only prob is that the only one that i found on chordie that was decent only gave me a rough guide, i had to figure most of it out by ear...
w/e peace man
tone obbsession


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

heh, here goes.  The two electrics i own are an epiphone Les Paul Special II,(Almost sounds nice, but its really only like 140$ american) and i really dont mind this one, its light, and the playability is pretty good, but the pickups are extremely screwed up, though i suppose it is near ten years old now.  and then i have another les paul, but to tell the truth its even a lower brand then epiphone.  I made a huge mistake by picking this one up at an electronics store.  Buying on impulse sucks huh.  My Acoustic i like however, and that doesnt create any noise, even on the gain channels.  It is an Ibanez V70CE.  Thanks for asking


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

What about an Ibanez Artcore AFS75T?  Looks pretty fricken beautiful, and i noticed the price just dropped to 300$ American.  At a battle of the bands my band recently played in(and won) there was a guy who was playing this guitar and it sounded awesome.


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have been looking for a nice guitar for around 230-300$(although i would like to stay away from 290-300 if at all possible), and i could use some chordian opinion(hah, that has a nice ring to it).  A few that I have been looking at are:

-Schecter Omen 6
-Jackson Dinky series
-Dean V shape and xplorer shape
-BC Rich warlock
-Ibanez GSA60(nice vintage sunburst)
-Floyd Rose DSOT-3
-Esp Viper 100-fm, h-101 flame top, and f-100fm

okay, so its more than a few.  i especially like the Deans and the Esp's.  Also i like the Ibanez. 
Let me know of any suggestions and/or what you think of my selections.



(20 replies, posted in Electric)

Drop D is pretty sweet.  If you really want to screw around with tunings try open G.  The tuning of the strings is as follows:
If you tune it this way when you strum all the open strings the result will be a triad(chord).  This is absolutely awesome, because then when playing just a barre chord you will always get a good sounding chord.  Like, if you barre chord the second fret, a full step above the open strings, your result is an A chord.  Then the fourth is a B.  The fifth is a C.  The seventh is a D.  The ninth is a E.  The tenth is an F.   And the 12th brings you back to your G chord only an octave higher.  Hope this helped.

Tone Obbsession


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks to both of you.  I was just trying to figure out an excuse that i could use to tell myself that this thing would help the feedback and hum from my amp, heh.  Just thinking logically if you say it reduces electronic noises, i have noticed that most of the buzz is actually coming from my guitar(ex.  touch a string and the buzz is barely audible, however, when not touching a string it is much louder)so if i put it inbetween my guitar and my amp, wouldnt that help?  sorry if im being kinda argumentative, like i said, i really want this to somehow work, and from all the reviews iv read it seems like a lot of people just stuck it between the guitar and the amp and got results.  Which is why i am confused and am trying to figure out how that is possible.


(7 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have always prefered GHS Boomers .009.  They arent extremely expensive and i have found them to have  great sustain and they seem to be stronger than other strings, including fender supers.


(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Okay, so i just bought a Randall Rg75 G2.  Absolutely an awesome amp.  But, probably due to my crappy guitars, and their crappy pickups, the high gain channel has an unbelievable amount of feedback, and i can't let go of the strings without instant noise and feedback.  I have been reading and reaserching on the Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor, but I still have one question.  Does this thing have the ability to minimize the amount of noise and feedback coming from my amp, or just the hiss from other pedals?  Also, what's your opinions on it?


(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)


If you are going to fingerpick most of the time, you would probably benefit most from a nylon strung guitar, a classical guitar as they call them.   However, if your fingers really are to short, then you might want to get a steel strung.  Classical guitars tend to have wider necks.

As for the barre chords.  Just keep practicing.  They are a pain in the a** for everyone.  Took me a good 8 months to fully master them.  A nylon string guitar will stress your fingers less and will probably be much easier than a steel strung guitar to pull off a barre chord anyway.



(21 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

hey..  It it true that it really does depend on personal preference, although playing style and type of music affects it to.  If you play hardcore metal and are rythym, you are constantly strumming extremely fast and would probably benefit from a softer pick, although, as stated above, softer picks do tend to make a slap as the spring back from hitting the string above.  As for harder picks, which i prefer, they will probably leave you better off in anything other than the ridiculously fast strumming of some songs and music styles.

Iv recently found one of these used for a very cheap price at the shop where i take lessons, and my band needs a little more power.  but the one thing i cant seem to find out about this amp is whether or not it has any affects other than spring reverb.  I know for sure that the g3 does have them, but everywhere i have looked on the web have said different things.  help!