(6 replies, posted in Electric)

I dont know how big of help I can be here... but I'll try. When trying to get better phrasing I always look at the melody and then I try to build off of the melody(sorry about spelling). Also another key to phrasing is to use dynamics. Try to stick to the melody differing it slightly. Artists mentioned above are great at this, also I sujest to listen to Carlos Santana, Phil Keaggy, Joe Satriani. There are alot of great artists, some are sensitive to phrasing and the others suffer because they dont. Listen to other instrumentalists as well, like a violin player. You can learn phrasing it just takes time.
Good luck.


(9 replies, posted in Electric)

Mostly I just use what sounds best with the song. Once you get the hang of changing modes it helps ALOT!!!!!!! I mainly use major, minor. I love useing Phryian and Dorian when there is no melody so i can create one with those scales sometimes it does not work... In most casses I only use major, minor, major penta, minor penta. The penta scales give you alot when you want something really fat but if you can learn how to mix them with the minor and major scale you can get something even fatter. Like I said first though just use what feels and sounds good with the music.


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

thank you.


(73 replies, posted in Electric)

hey im 17 i wish i started playing guitar at 14 man i would be alot better. so if anyone wants to give me any tips just send them my way.


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

i thought about getting one of those for my next guitar. I played an original 60s model, i liked it alot, but that was the one with the single pickups, so I have only thought about it. If you do get one be sure to tell me what you think about it. smile


(2 replies, posted in Electric)

Hey, I just have a queston on sweep picking. Does anyone know how it is done? I know it is really fast and hard but can anyone post up some lessons for myself and others to learn off of? If so this would be amazing, or if anyone has anyother techniques they know or have learned about guitar playing. thank you!


(52 replies, posted in Electric)

i play mostly the rythem electric in my churchs youth band. i find that if there is not two guitars then the one should play in standerd tuning. and yes i have alot of the same problems but only in the slow songs as my guitar does not do as well with softer music most of the time. just remimber that God has you in your place for a reason do not give up. your only there because he wants you to be there so just worship him and he will take care of the rest. you may also try playing with your mids turned up higher and your lows and highs turned down as because the highs and the lows are taken up by the vocies- the highs, and the lows- the bass and the bass drum.