(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

it's crazy how everyone has their story filled with triumphs, tragedies and tribulations.  over six billion stories.  i like the curiousity this song illustrates, but i think its a kind of frusterating possibility because there're so many people out there who might have stories so similiar to yours but you may never get to meet them...

Here are the notes and chords to “why the hell notâ€



Repeat three times



Repeat twice

E--3--3--3-----------------------7--8--7/back to 3


D--5----------                                    7
A--5                                                 7
E--3                                                 5
Right now I’m thinking my irresponsibility might look cute but you’re looking at me like

                                B  C
I’m a go dammed moron
And repeat at it was just a pen…..

now repeat the chorus till its done, and play the next verse...hope ya'll have fun and enjoy the song!


Good Lord is the first phrase that
Enters into my head
When our eyes first became acquainted
On that orange day in late September

But I'm too afraid because
your gorgeousness, it
kills my words
Everytime I open up my mouth
A jar full of butterflies on crack
Gets released into my stomach


Right now I'm thinking my irresponsibilities might look cute
But you're looking at me like I'm a goddamn moron
It was just a pen
For gods sake I'm gonna have to be a lot more prepared
If I'm ever gonna get to make out with you

Verse 2:

The new year has dawned, and I've
Sent those butterflies away to rehab
The first couple times, I talk to you
You blow me off
But then the next time
Your mahogony eyes ignite
As you stroke your brown hair
So softly
And speak in sweet tone


Stresses of our daily lives prevents further communication
And destiny has led me in a new direction
Which means I won't see you a few time a week at class
Oh well maybe we'll cross paths later on
And get to meet each other yet another time


Who are you?
Is what I think when I think
Of you in that black turtle neck
With that braid in your hair

PS sorry if this is complicated...first song I ever tabbed!!!


(242 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I live in Gleneden Beach, OR.  Started playing six years ago, started singing/songwriting and playing everyday about ten months ago...I'm 25 and picked up the guitar through a pretty dark phase of my life, the darkness left but the guitar stayed!


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is the first song I wrote and composed.  I don't know how to insert the notes and chords of this song in tab form, but here are the lyrics:


Good Lord is the first phrase that
Enters into my head
When our eyes first became acquainted
On that orange day in late September

But I'm too afraid because
your gorgeousness, it
kills my words
Everytime I open up my mouth
A jar full of butterflies on crack
Gets released into my stomach


Right now I'm thinking my irresponsibilities might look cute
But you're looking at me like I'm a goddamn moron
It was just a pen
For gods sake I'm gonna have to be a lot more prepared
If I'm ever gonna get to make out with you

Verse 2:

The new year has dawned, and I've
Sent those butterflies away to rehab
The first couple times, I talk to you
You blow me off
But then the next time
Your mahogony eyes ignite
As you stroke your brown hair
So softly
And speak in sweet tone


Stresses of our daily lives prevents further communication
And destiny has led me in a new direction
Which means I won't see you a few time a week at class
Oh well maybe we'll cross paths later on
And get to meet each other yet another time


Who are you?
Is what I think when I think
Of you in that black turtle neck
With that braid in your hair


(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

it took me a while to write lyrics, and it's definately not an easy endeavor.  what i did and still do is compose the acoustic structure of the song...you know, intro, verse, bridge, chorus.  then practice your creation, and write lyrics.  just write down whatver comes to mind, my first song was a story about a brown haired girl whom I had class with whose gorgeousness intimidated the hell out of me and when I finally got comftorable talking to her I decided to quit school and move out of my home town.  it's just telling a story.   i also constantly write and rewrite, try to match lyrics with notes and chords.   and I only have lyrics to like four of the thirteen or so songs I've composed, but i'm not too passionate about writing, passion for writing is probably the most important factor. also, work on your voice, because unless you're naturally gifted or have taken choir in the past, singing and playing is pretty tough.  i bought a microphone for my computer and recorded me playing really easy songs to play, like "Island in the Sun" by Weezer and "again I go unnoticed" by dashboard confessional.  I think it helped me improve alot, being able to hear myself.  good luck with your creations!


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I've been playing for about six years now and only recently starting composing my own music.  I think learning theory would definately up my guitar skills.  Does anyone here know of any good books that I can learn theory from?  Thanks.