Today is the day! I got my shredneck.  it's the tinyest thing. only the first seven frets of the guitar. it says that it's not meant to be tuned and they mean it. I basically put a capo on  guitar that corresponded to the shredneck  and tuned it. Then proceeded to practice the chords and changes for carol of the bells. Gm Eb Gm7 Cm Gm6 D .  after half an hour I tried out the real guitar to see if there was a differnce. I know it sounds stupid but my hand didn't cramp up as fast. I think I may like this. it's maybe a whole 18 inches long and since I work in offices this thing is perfect. no sound coming from it to bother anyone while on lunch. the best part is that I don't have to stress if I leave it in my car. this going to totally double my practice time.


will do. the more i read about it the more i can't wait. though all of the rare posts i find in other forums have alot of people complaining. the reviews are good though. i am torn. but i still cant wait.


(8 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

try searching out cigar box guitar. there are alot of links on that and some of them have the spam-jo.

need to ask. I have been told by someone in my family that they decided to order me a Shredneck for my Bday. I guess it's comming in the mail. they over heard me chatting about wishing i had room in my car to practice so i can build up finger strength. now i Know that there are lots of alternatives for something to play while on lunch but i am at a new location everyday and i know that leaving your guitar in the hot car can damage it. so what i want to know is if anyone has used this or if anyone has an opinion about it from looking at the website. i am getting one of these anyways. and it will give me a chance to think up ways to improve on the idea.

that's the website.


(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

oh and i forgot to add that super glue was invented to be used for plastic gun sights in WW2 but it was too sticky.  the super glue used to stitch flesh together today is medical grade. without the chemicals that are bad for the body.


(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Roger Guppy wrote:

Hi Anastasia,

I do not really think there is any thing you can do but rest it up until it is healed.

The only thing that might work, if the cut is not too bad, is to 'superglue' it as 'superglue' sticks skin better than anything else. Several thin coats might do the trick but for heavens sake make sure it is dry before you play. You do not want to become that attached to your guitar. lol


Super glue is toxic to your system don't use it.  there is this stuff at the drugstore called liquid bandage. i cut myself playing a few weeks back. if the cut isn't too bad then use that. it will sting like heck but when the first coat dries use a second(according to the instructions). then you can play get some practice in. it helps it heal alot faster.


(22 replies, posted in Acoustic)

here is something you can do. check out andy Mckee and then try what he's doing.

tell me what you think

hey there are a lot of books at the library and you can go to plenty of websites to get information and supplies.
i'm not trying to spam but i think most people have seen what stewart mac has to offer.

i haven't been playing for too long but i do know that it was best that i bought a cheaper one. i spent about $100 US on mine and it has been pretty good. i do recommend taking it to a Luthier of some sort so that it can be properly set up. Having it so inexpensively means that i can learn on it and not worrry too much about what damage may happen to it. even better is now that i have learned a few songs i have gone down my local guitar Center and tried out all kinds i like the sounds of some of them but some of the more expensive ones i don't really care for the sound. It is a matter of your own taste I ended up getting mine at a local target store. took it down to the Luthier to have it set up and put better bridge pins on it and it sounds great. the best part is that i plan to learn to make my own guitar. and what better way to learn than on a cheaper one? I will probably buy a more expensive one once my first year of playing is up.


(11 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hello all,

if you look up some of the greatest players  you will find that even some of them have the fattest of fingers and play excellently. I have seen it in person for myself. Don't stress too much about your hand size. and please dont take the strings off of the 12 string guitar. it was meant for picking and sounds great. you just have to take your time while playing. you will find that even if you were learing on a Ukelele that you would learn to play well.

well now I didn't expect to see this many females on this site. I bought myself a guitar two months ago and only know how to play Mad World by Tears for fears.

it sounds pretty good so far. it's also a simple song. i am not a teen any more(31) but i decided this year to be 21 instead. This site is really great! My goal is to make a guitar but my mentor has left so i get to make it on my own. I am going to start out by making a mandolin.