(35 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I listen to a song for a only few times, learn the chords.  Practice the guitar part over and over until I know it without thinking much about it. I add different chords in between.  Then I sing the song but I sing it my way.  Many of the songs I sing and play are not exactly as the original.  I like to experiment with different strums, beats and it really is so much more enjoyable to take a song and it's music and make it your own.

Hi  For the past 20+ years I have had my own medical transcription business and still working full time at that.  I opened an educational supply business one year ago with my sisters and working there as well.   For the past 10+ years or so I have volunteered playing guitar and singing in local schools, nursing homes, fundraisers etc. and have enjoyed every minute of it.  Play about once a week with a friend singing and learning new techniques to compliment each other on our guitars.  Was hoping to have an all female band by the time I turned 50 - hasn't happened yet.  Have three months to go.

Hi I beat you all.  I am fast approaching 49 and  got my first guitar when I was 13. I love playing acoustic plug in.  I have a 6 string Citation (30 years old and still sounds awesome), a 12 string plug in Ovation - Beautiful instrument. Have an electric Strat - still haven't mastered that yet.  Just bought an acoustic Garrison - plug in.  Love to play. Would love to be in a band someday - my goal at age 40 was to have an all girl band by 50 - time is almost up.  Been playing daily now since age 40.  Would rather play and sing more than anything else!!!