(30 replies, posted in Acoustic)

When I was much younger the speed aspect was all that mattered. Fluid effortless technique is important but why play a thousand notes when 10 well placed will do . Less is always more when it comes to tasteful . Speed and attack has it's place ...but with me ... it's no longer the only place.


(32 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

are you referring to the timbre or ability to sing a melody line?I wouldn't worry at all if its your own sound. Most of us mortals have a hard time being objective about ourselves and in ternally we may be aspiring to a voice like...well Stevie Wonder or whoever it is that has so profoundly influenced us.. but we really should find our strength. On the other hand ...if it is a problem with getting out of key etc..... then well you may not be a singer..I know I am cynical //no offense to anyone but singing is so poweful when executed with expression that the audience believes......keep falling off the melody line significantly and its a hexation to the spirit. just my opinion.


(30 replies, posted in Acoustic)

letting the music breathe... ultimately it is a matter of personal preference...I have just been really moved by the passion expressed in certain styles of melodic phrases with perhaps not so familiar chops timing not hard on the ear but certainly not entirely familiar. most listeners seek familiarity.


(30 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I was so focused on one style of playing guitar for so long ..probably the first 10 years ....blistering lead speed..no appreciation for sonority. Touch...emoting.I feel like I matured or grew as a guitarist when I was stricken with overwhelming emotion from the power and soul of a single note..placed at the perfect time..perfect length. Listen to Chet Atkins. He gets every note solid with excellence of spirit.This not only rare talent it is also dilligent practice.
How about this analogy...view talent as offensive slugging power on a baseball team.And practice and discipline on guitar is akin to speed on a team.talent and power slugging are awsome exciting....get the best press...but with a typical 3 out of 10 sucess rate....speed shows up to play everynight. But I digress.I also found in my own guitar experience that that if you reach acrtain level of fluid expressive nuanced... you have to practice to maintain that achievment. Practice a lot.
Unless you are a professional guitarist who is soley /primarily supported by your playing then it's not unusual for 3-8 hours playing per day with some breaks of course. after all..if you do it for a living ..you have to be able to offer "something to somebody "to continue.Few realize how much work goes on behind the public view that results in such high quality.After all you're not supposed to see work.
I'm not dissing certain types of speed style guitar slayers.....but everyone plays what they like.
while I respect and admire some very gifted classical or jazz guitarist.... I just cant see my self humming their music in my head...there are so many excellent local unknown guitarist to day..you have to find your strength. It's not wrestling... It kills me when I see polls like the top 100 guitarist. it is subjective especially in the secular mainstream music.
Pardon my excesive rant....I cycle on Hippo Manic cycles...in playing too.


(30 replies, posted in Acoustic)

The replies you have gotten are ...ceertainly interesting in one aspect or he other ....but I still have one HUGE question that has not been adressed in any of these replys..
and that is what exactly do you mean by playing guitar?
Let me explain please ..because I think this must be addressed before  you can get the answer you are desiring.
I have been playing guitar for well over 35 years. I have played with bands , jammed etc.
This last Saturday night I went to a recital by Ana Vidovic. I have never been in the room with anyone in my life that played the guitar like that. I am not saying she is even the greatest guitarist I have ever heard...I am simply saying I have never been so close to anyone that played a guitar like that.
Granted she is a classical virtuoso...but I will never attain anything like that level of technique mastery ..whatever you call it.
What I am trying to say is that the guitar is a tool. HOw do you want to use it ? If you want to aspire to play like a professional lead guitarist in a rock band .... well there is a reason they are professional.. everyone is not a lead guitarist. Tom Petty said while playing with the Travelling Wilburys... how many groups have 5 rhythm guitarist.
If you consider learing to play guitar  is to be like Wes Montgomery ... thats something else too. If you are a songwriter who uses the guitar to accompany your singing.... thats different too.
Bob Dylan can play guitar and he does so completely adequately for his intention. 
If you know three chords and the truth you can change the world.
I saw on TV Johnny Cash with Willie Nelson . Johnny let Willie play his guitar  and Willie started playing some nice chords and several lead  runs  a she is so adept at.
After that Johnny  said that  guitar has never been played before.
Of course he was simply saying his approach to the guitar is part of his song delivery ... not the main deal ...
So back to your question. Can you really learn to play? You have to decide what is it you want to do. YOu can improve  on amything by hard work and practice.
If you are aspiring to a professional level of guitar playing you will need some god given talent to go along with the hard work.

Whew! did that make sense?


(0 replies, posted in Song requests)

would really like to see the chord progression to Van Morrison's
"Steal My Heart Away" It is from his "Down The Road " release.
I notice that there are quite a few Van Morrison tabs available ...but not so many with his much more recent material...like the last 10 years. Odd It strikes me....nothing against his earlier work at all ..just a glaring absence of his more recent stuff. If it would be more convenient .. I would appreciate it if you just e-mailed me the chord progression
thanks !


(59 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Being a beginner ..you really only need a competent guitar,that is playable. I seriously would not recommend that you spend $2000.00 on a guitar yet.As several have already stated... the guitar will not affect your sound as much as your skill and sonoriety. Takamine makes an excellent acoustic with neck action like an electric. I have been playing a Takamine EF381m since 1982 and it is a fine guitar.Cost under $1000.00 . You can spend a lot more on a guitar but I assure you your sound etc will not improve proportionately with the amount of money you spend.