Awww you guppies are so sweet. Thank you so much! And Bonedaddy, you rock! I am so amazed that you actually tried my song! Seriously... like, its so so awe-imspiring to see that you guys take the time to read and try my song. I know, its the first and its not that well. But i'm trying to do someting more to it...its just really confusing. well...lets not exactly sure on what a guppy is, but yeah, guppies you are. And thank you so much, loves. And yeah, i will definitely be unfrightened to ask for help. thanks!
2 2007-06-07 04:53:40
Topic: 1st song...untitled (7 replies, posted in Songwriting)
alright guppies... my name is ashley, im 15 and this is my first song posting. i've'nt discovered or written chords for it yet since im quite a rookie to playing guitar. but hopefully i will soon enough. please tell me what you think or if theres any way to make it better. thanks!
(havent thought of a title yet..)
Late last June i was walking by
My old high school
2 weeks past we were free again
Looked at Sir John and said
Do you think i'll ever get there someday?
Well he smiled and touched my hand
you'll be fine, child
Keep on smilin' wide
Chase your dreams as high up in the sky
Be sure to lift up your chin
raise it high
Dont look down for you might fall
one step more to where
you can have it all
you may say home is where you were born
but when you look around
open up your eyes
you will see home is
Surrounded by disguise
You will think:
This is not my home.
3 2007-05-24 04:35:27
Re: You (10 replies, posted in Songwriting)
Hey, Jets. i just wanted to say, i think you are an amazing writer! Your writing really inspires me to write my own songs. I'm only 15, so i haven't been writing that long, but I've written a few. i don't know if i'm ready to post them yet. I'm still learning guitar, so hopefully sooner or later i can get them to go togetgher... So at the moment, i'm still just a young grasshopper. But as soon as i get one posted, i'll have you check it out, i'd love to hear what you think of them.