Thanks Mhebert. wil check it out
2 2007-05-18 00:59:25
Topic: Where can I find my special guitar (3 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Hi all . Andy from Scotland . Can anyone help me here ? I have been playing for a while , though still not very good , but I have been trying for years to find an accoustic guitar that has the shape of a classical, is just as light , has the same width of fingerboard , ( with cut-away also ) but is not a classical , but is a folk style guitar with steel strings . The problem is that I have always owned classics and my fingers naturally fall into the wider shape of the classic fingerboard , therefore when I try a normal accoustic steel string guitar, I find it impossibe, as there is no room on the fret . I can't afford to have one made, but I'd love a store bought one from maybe Yamaha or someone , but I don't think such a guitar exists on the entire planet . Can anyone help ?? Cheers