So I decided to pick up guitar again about six months ago.  I went out and bought one of those package acoustic deals; the Yamaha Gigmaker.  I've had it set-up properly and have even upgraded the strings.

Here's the problem.  When I play some of the barre chords, primarily B and C I get this dull sound.  I can play these chords fine and even check each string to make sure I'm hitting 'em clean.  It doesn't vibrate but just sounds deep. 

I practice a couple of hours each night and have gotten pretty efficient again.  Could it be the guitar? I'm thinking about buying a new one if that's the case.  I put a lot of time into so the money would be well spent.  What do you guys think?


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks guys.  I've finally overcome my fear of barre chords but I am where Frankster was talking about.  I would find a new song, play it a little and then move on because I thought I could do.  I think I need to start challenging myself more.


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I recently decided to take guitar up again and after 4 months, I feel like I'm hitting a wall.  I think that may be caused by how I practice.  How do you guys practice?  I just run through a few songs in my songbook for about an hour.  Any thoughts?