(5 replies, posted in Electric)

This is a very good guitar for the money, the pickups are great, they kept the cost down because of the finish, its very thin but has a nice vintage worn look. The fifth didget in the serial number will indicate the year or born on date, (3) 2003 (5) 2005 and so on,if its a nine it'll be a 1999. The price is a little high if its used , but about right if NEW,you can get it used for around 500 on eBay....It's a sweet one......Hoped this helped, ....FiveO


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks guys for responding, you've  been helpful....FiveO


(3 replies, posted in Electric)

Should the string through ferrels in a string through Tele body fit a little loose and have to be glued in place or be so tight as to have to be tapped in ? I realize they come in different sizes, but the ones that seem to be right for the standard holes are still a little loose ? Thanks for any help you can give..FiveO


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks Bootlegger for chiming in, I always appreciate your opinion and advice....Good to hear from you !....FiveO


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

No I didn't Prime it, I assumed since it was only down to the bare wood in places that I would be OK to just spray the finish coat, esp since it was black , I wasn't too concerned about it not  covering well. I had wet sanded it with 800 grit and had a nice smooth surface. I was going for a high gloss finish rather than the old faded worn from Gibson. It obviously reacted weird  though, not actually bubbleing up but dried to a rough texture ?? I guess now I'll have to sand it all the way down to the wood and go at it again, maybe it'll be worth it. Thanks for your interest..... FiveO


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks for the advice, it makes sense and I think it'll help.  Thanks, FiveO


(6 replies, posted in Electric)

I recently sanded down a Gibson LP Special, Factory Faded Worn finish,to the wood in some places but not totally, then upon spraying it with a  black Laquer, it began to lightly roughen up. I realize you don't spray Laquer over Enamal, but I assumed Gibson hadn't used any Enamal on it, what happened ? Any help will be greatly appreciated and simplify it please, the whole Nitro, or Poly , etc...stuff totally looses me. Thanks,  FiveO


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Nothing to add, I just enjoyed reading these posts, Excellant input from all, this is why I

love this site....Keep it up guys,  FiveO


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks for responding, it wasn't Jeff and I'm sure it was a Special version of a Fender Tele,Thinline...Just can't locate one anywhere to confirm, probally a Custom made body , oh well..........FiveO


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

It had a Fender Tele headstock, and it had the F note in the body, and appeared to be the same size as a Tele, only with the extra horn on the top rather than being rounded off. During the two hour show I looked at it often, only to noticed later in our pictures, taken up close, 2nd row, that it was different, and beautiful ! Thanks, for looking, FiveO


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

I just saw the Lead guitar player in Willie Nelsons band, and he was playing what appeared to be a beautiful yellow Thinline Tele, however after a closer look I noticed it had two horns, similar to a Gibson SG, anybody have a clue as to what model it is, I've looked around and can't seem to find one in any catologs ?? Just wondering,... FiveO


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Hey T. Strat, excellant advice on lineing up that bridge by stringing those two E strings, I had that very problem of one string being too close to the edge, on a recent build and this idea fixes that...Thanks again, FiveO


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanx,  Sounds like very good advise.  FiveO


(8 replies, posted in Electric)

What is Nitro, and is Polyurethane the same or an equivilant, and is it OK, to apply clear laquer over one or the other,  for a final finish ?  A guitar Hot- Rodder attempting to rebuild a few from the ground up. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, FiveO


(0 replies, posted in Electric)

If you haven't seen one of these get ready to be pleasantly surprised !  Quality is amazing. Fender describes these beautiful necks on these as high gloss, so my question is does anyone know if these necks are Polyurethane, Nitro or Laquer they are a HIGH Gloss, and when I put a Fender Logo in place of the Squier, can I spray Laquer over it or will it bubble up ? I'm not up on my finishes and probally don't need to do this to this beautiful Maple neck, but just don't like the Squier logo..Thanks for any advise..FiveO


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks, T Strat, great tip, I was  about to attempt to drill  the string holes  in a couple of bodies and have seen the results of  not drilling straight and it's not pretty, been wondering  and dreading attempting  this , since I don't have a drill press either.....Thanks,  FiveO


(7 replies, posted in Electric)

Is there a difference in the string spaceing on the Fender USA bridges -vs- others ? So many are unmarked, I suppose the  only way to tell is by measuring the string hole spacing,  and is the difference enough to matter. I love building Tele's and have heard this is something to be careful about, any help or advise would be greatly apreciated, Thanks,  FiveO.


(20 replies, posted in Electric)

I Have them both, but for some reason I tend to gravitate to the Epi more, It seems to be easier and less forgiving for a casual / still learner, such as I. The sound is just fuller and there must be a hair more space between the strings, which makes chording easier...If you must chose one, I'd say go with the Epi, but give them both a good workout before you decide....only you will know for sure, but you'll know.....good luc k,  Five O.


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks, Bootlegger, I kinda felt that way about it, I'm somewhat a purist, but I thought I'd try one , I did and it just didn't feel right, wanted some other opinions, Thanks again, ...FiveO


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks for the info, it helps..

There's a chance, although without knowing at least the type of bridge or guitar , iffy, that if the saddle has two adjustment screws and the saddle is sitting at an angle,  one of the screws is loose or barely touching the base of the bridge plate, which will cause unwanted noise..good luck, FiveO


(4 replies, posted in Electric)

Is a Wilkinson Bridge considered an up-grade , especially for a Fender Telecaster, or is it just another after market product...? I would really appreciate some advice, Thanks,  FiveO


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

Thanks, my friend, you make an excellant point, about mixing of the parts, I did it like you suggested on my last one, but was just reluctant to sand on this one, at least now I feel better about it, Thanks again, its always a pleasure talking with ya,...FiveO


(13 replies, posted in Electric)

Bootlegger, I desperately need your opinion, or anyone who wants to chime in. I love to assemble Fender Tele's, about 90% Fender parts and then can't part with them, which is a whole other problem.  I prefer the USA Fender body but love the Japanese necks, which wont fit in the heel pocket without filing about 1/16 or so off the sides of the neck heel, which kills me to do to that beautiful finish , would you try and enlarge the neck pocket of the body instead ? I don't usually sell them , but still hate to devalue either part. ..Thanks, FiveO


(0 replies, posted in Electric)

I Picked up a Tele body on eBay, the guy made no claim that it was a Fender, however it turned out nice after refinishing, a keeper, then I noticed after applying the pickguard that it was a little wider all around than my many other Tele's, about 13 1/2 inches at its widest point across....Have I lucked into an old Fender body from days gone buy or just another clone ??? Thanks anyone, FiveO