Hey all,
I've somewhat recently made a more categorized routine for my practice schedule where I work on specific techniques or chords or something each day. One of the things I practice is hammer-ons and pull-offs. Hammer-ons I've become quite good at, but I'm still not satisfied with my pull-offs. My routine goes as follows (for those interested in adding something to their own practice):
Pull-off with 1st and 2nd fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 1st and 3rd fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 1st and 4th fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 2nd and 3rd fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 2nd and 4th fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 3rd and 4th fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 1st, 2nd and 4th fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 1st, 3rd and 4th fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
Pull-off with 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers on each string, high e to low E and back again
I do the same pattern with hammer-ons. Anyway, here's my actual question. Can anyone tell me what you're actually supposed to do with your fingers when you pull-off? I've seen suggestions to just pull straight off of the string very quickly and I've seen others say that you should kind of pluck the string or 'flick-off'. I've had some successes and some failures with both techniques. With pulling straight off, I often don't get a very clear second note (it's very soft). With the flick-offs, it will often sound like I'm just plucking the string, which ruins the pull-off. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!