(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)


I know this question seems a little bit inadequate at first view, but I have to ask it anyway: Will there be a possibility in the future to download whole songbooks via chordie.com ?

I have seen a thread on correcting songs and the opinion that one should correct only songs that are in his or hers own songbook. I am following this approach but still I would like to modify the print layout on some songs.

As you might know, there is a piece of software out there that does this pretty well:

<a href="http&#58;&#47;&#47;www.tenbyten.com/software/songsgen/" target="_blank">http://www.tenbyten.com/software/songsgen/</a>

After correcting typos and simple errors and putting together my customized songbook, I really would like to download the single chopro files and give the printout a look and feel that I prefer.

And I do not want to copy'n'paste each file if I have a 50-songs-songbook....

