(1 replies, posted in Song requests)

I am creating a program wherein we've taken kids that have had conflicts with the law and we're teaching them basic tabs and setting them up in bands. 
We've had excellent statistics.  The program has been running for 6 months and we've only had one kid during that time that we've had to dismiss from the program because of police intervention.  So I have a problem with people who have trouble with tab websites.

Now getting to the reason for the post.  I'm looking for fairly easy punk songs for the kids to play.  We have to watch the language in the songs and the instrumentation should be easy on all fronts, guitar, bass, keyboards and drums. 
They already know  seven nation army by the White Stripes and Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana and they're working on a punked up version of Cherry Bomb by the Runaways and Ball of Confusion by the Temptations. 

If anybody can think of other fairly easy punk or rock songs that you think the kids might be interested in trying let me know.

Also, if there's anybody in Sudbury Ontario Canada that would like to help out.