(12 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Buy a mexican telecaster, preferably the lightest weight possible. Put a gibson burstbucker either 1 or 2 in the neck position. DO NOT over buy an amp a small amp overdriven sounds much better than a 50-100 watt amp set on 1-3. Another Great guitar in my opinion which few mention is the korean PRS wiith the soapbar pickups. Definitly a pro quality instrument at beginners prices. Lastly buy used a mexican fender with a good setup will save you between 50-200 dollars and is a VERY RESPECTABLE AXE.  At least 40-50% of these guitars are usedn by giging pros who dont want to endanger a vintage guitar on the road.

Strat difficult to play but with the right stomp box can do anything

Tele Easier to play almost as versitle with the right guitar tech

Gibson Much easier to play in my oopinion for the most part overpriced But a used LES PAUL SPECIAL with soapbar pickups would be my stuck on a jungle island  instrument. NO JOKE TAKE IT EASY WITH THE AMP WATTAGE