I trying to put to basses in my band. One rhythm and one lead. Any suggestions on how I could bo this?
1 2007-06-26 05:26:01
Topic: lead bass and rhythm bass (1 replies, posted in Other string instruments)
2 2007-06-26 05:22:27
Re: What 5 songs would YOU choose to perform? (40 replies, posted in Acoustic)
In no particular order:
Band on the Run (Wings)
I Am The Walrus (The Beatles)
Baba O'Reily (The Who)
Across the Universe (The Beatles)
Knocking on Heavens Door (Grateful Dead jamming version)
3 2007-06-26 05:14:50
Re: What made you choose an acoustic guitar over an electric guitar. (23 replies, posted in Acoustic)
I always found that acoustics seem more personal and intimate than electrics. They're more pure. electrics need to be plugged in to things and need to be distorted to sound good, but an acoustic is just there. Nothing is changed, you just play it and it creates a beautiful sound. Acoustics strip music down ot it's basic element, thus making its beauty more prominent.