(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I only get to play at church or at work.
Guess I shouldn't complain...the wife has that covered already.

Well, I guess at this point the goal is to die with as few regrets as possible.



(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Awesome move!
First thing I do to all the necks on my guitars.


Ugh...out of all the strings, I hate the G-String the most.
Thinking of learning how to play in alternate tunings just to get away from the ever-persistent problems with the G-String.



(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

God bless and keep you thru this trial...



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you all!
I've decided that I'm going to sell it. Turns out that the high action is from the guitar being under tension for an extended amount of time (Over the years that the customer and his daughter did not play it).
The belly of the guitar is slightly bulged which, in turn, raises the bridge/action.

I could put a butt-bridge on it (The one that overlaps the bottom of the guitar) but that's more work than i'm willing to put into something I won't play much anyway.

I'll leave it to the next owner to fix.

I'm keeping the case though...hehe.



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

zguitar wrote:

You can get paid in guitars instead of money? I need to remember that.

What do you do for a living Detman?

From the age of 4.

Well, the customer and I got on the topic of music as he is an avid pianist...so it was no shame in him offering an instrument in trade for services.



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Zurf wrote:

Very cool. 

We should have a get-together soon - right about the time you get that back from getting it set up. 

- Zurf

Lol, it won't be anytime soon that this puppy sees the shop.
It won't be going to the doc until at least december. Gotta route all funding to prep for Thanksgiving at our house this year...lol.



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

bensonp wrote:

I agree with beamer.  Do what you want and live life.  I am sorry to hear about your friend.  It is always a sad thing being confronted by cancer. Life does seem unfair much of the time.

I agree with the other realists here.
There's no point in trying to extend our lives...eventually we all have to die. Why live in misery and neglecting the enjoyment and pleasures of life only to die anyway?

Preservation is pointless if it means denial of the enjoyment of the life we were given.



(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey all,

    Just thought I'd announce the latest stringed instrument to hit my fingers...

Did a job that wound up being shorter than expected, customer offered the guitar for payment.
Why not...








Apparently it's a Nagoya N-12-23 made in the early 70's.
It's a lot harder to play than a 6-string so I may just keep it for vintage sake.
I will probably have it professionally setup and the action lowered so I can actually play it. The way it is now...argh..hurts to fret because the strings are so high.

Can these be played with a slide?



(120 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Dm of mD

I had one of those happen.

I was sitting at home relaxing when for some odd reason the wife wants chocolate ice cream.
We have none.
So I get dressed in the middle of the night and stomp out of the house, slam the car door when I get in and floor it out the driveway, floor it down the block and in frustration...peel out by accident when I get to the light.

Big fat ticket for me, as the car that pulled up behind me before I peeled out onto the main road......was a cop.

Stupid ice cream....



(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Time to brush up on your soldering...lol.
Common mistake.
Sometimes it's best to just take things apart.



(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Wow, what a blessing!!


If it were'nt for facebook I'd have no life lol...
It's the only way I can keep the few old friends from home I have in my life.


Heavy news.


He did it out of love for his wife. He didn't want to burden her in their final years.
So sad...



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

jerome.oneil wrote:
Detman101 wrote:
manicbassman wrote:


really missing adblock on the Android mobile version of Firefox... sad

Another reason to leave blackberry and get the Samsung Galaxy-II...


BB10 is pretty dang cool, if you have the patience to wait for it.

I dunno...I've been with Blackberry since 2007.
Android phones are just too amazing and no one even makes apps for blackberry anymore.

But if the wife has her way I'll never get a new phone...lol.



(17 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

manicbassman wrote:
topdown wrote:

Firefox + AdBlock Plus = No ads!

I wouldn't use the net without it.


really missing adblock on the Android mobile version of Firefox... sad

Another reason to leave blackberry and get the Samsung Galaxy-II...


Zurf wrote:

Hey!  My back and guitar strap made the banner!  I think it was very wise of Detman not to permit my face on the banner as that would scare people away. 

- Zurf

Lol, I just didn't have time to sit through all the video footage of us from that day to get a cap of your face.
I pretty much had time to review one video and screencap it within 2 minutes in order to get the banner together during a short lull at work.

The next banner submission will be much better with as many faces from the site as I can find...if that's cool with everyone involved.
PM photo submissions and ideas for the next banner submission are lovingly accepted.


Just joined it!!
Working on a Photoshopped Banner for the page for ya!



(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Change of Plans.
Will not be going to the gigs on Friday and Saturday.


Sorry, fun with the wife and son and his 2 little girl friends from church is worth more than the money.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Wow man, congrats!!



(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Too many choices....
We don't have any sense of "Faithfulness" because there are too many options.

Guitar doesn't sound quite right....buy a new one.
Wife acting up...divorce her and get another.
Car has a bad brake caliper....trade it in on another.

We never stick with anything nowadays....no one in this new generation knows about "FIXING" anything...

I'm soooo thankful God blessed me to be born in the 70's!!!!

Dm of mD


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

...stinky when you had cabbage for lunch.



Lol, it would be an extension of my wife's hatred of my guitar playing....lol.




(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I've got a line of gigs next week from the 5th thru the 9th...All in the AM for a pastor's church celebration.
Can you believe I'm actually getting paid for playing too!?

I think I'm only going to play for the 5th, 8th and 9th  tho....gotta go in to the lab some time that week lol...
