(2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Thanks for the prompt reply and feedback, mate.

I play bass. smile


(2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hi all,

Finally got our first couple of recording up on the myspace now...

Would appreciate it if you had a listen and gave us some feedback.




(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good job man - just had a go at playing it there and it sounded fantastic.


(2 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks alot for that, i'm a great fan of The Verve.

He really nails it doesn't he, gonna need to try that out.

Thanks alot for your responses guys, really appreciate it.

Hi there,

Well i've been playing guitar (acoustic) since christmas and have mastered the basic chords. I can also now play barre chords but still haven't mastered the movement between them yet although i'm getting there.

I practise every day for atleast 45 minutes and i love playing with a passion.

Me and a mate have started a band called The Fierce Excitement (http://www.myspace.com/thefierceexcitement - we don't have any songs up) but we haven't practised as a group as yet, we've decided to wait till after our exams have finished (end of this month).

I'm going to be playing rhythm guitar and will also be on vocals but i just wanted your opinion on this.
