I've been trying this:


with a muffled A and low E and it sounds OK

Thanks all - I'll give it a try!


(17 replies, posted in Electric)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BOGMuGc … re=related

Here's my natural epi in action!


(17 replies, posted in Electric)

I play one and it has great playability and dirties up nicely. I use it in a Joy Division cover band (!) which is very harsh sounding but I can also get some nice sweet tones out of it too.


It's the 'sound of music' by Joy Division and comes in at about 0:40



it's the sound of music by joy division


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Well it's quite a relief to know that the so-called "standard" way of playing a B chord is anything but! I'm trying out all the options, but I think that I have to give up the idea of the "perfect" B chord for now and concentrate on a really good workaround.



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Chordie Rules! I've been playing guitar for years but have never mastered the standard b chord (when played near the head). I can play a Bm no problem. I've talked to fellow guitarists and everyone plays it differently. Some people seem to have really bendy joints, but my fingers (along with the rest of me) just don't bend. Here's the rundown:

If I barre it with my pinky, I can only get a clear sound on the ADG strings.

Despite all my finger exercises, if I barre it with my ring finger, I have to change the angle of the guitar, and I can still only get a clear sound on the ADG strings.

My best bet for sound is to barre with my index, and use one finger per string for the DGB strings. With some work I can get a nice clean sound but it's really awkward.

What does everyone else do?