(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

go to the Grant lee Phillips website/homepage..............join his discussion forum............ask nicely and they will give you the chords for his songs...............

that's what i did............they gave me the chords for another of his songs.............look for my thread over there ......it's been a while, i cant remember the name of the song of his i asked about............

good luck



(3 replies, posted in Song requests)

i agree the entire cd is great.......

for "home" i do have the strumming pattern figured out, but i dont know how to convey the information to you....i dont know the vocabulary......i just sat and listened to the song while playing and it seemed to fall in to place.......the second verse is a little more difficult ......

if you find out the chords to breakdown, i would like to know them...

go to youtube and type in Chris Daughtry......he is actually a pretty good guitar player......on youtube, there is a pretty good version of Bon Jovi's song that i cant think of the name right now.......



(3 replies, posted in Song requests)

i see some ultimate guitar stuff posted here so i will direct you to that website........ although i hate that pop up infested website, you can get quite a few Daughtry songs there............

i was wanting the Breakdown song too......but on ultimate-guitar you can the "Home" song......the one that says tune down 1/2 step.......it's dead on and just a fun song to play......very hard to sing though.....the dude has a great voice......

good luck


i will probably ask this wrong...........i read the "disclaimer".......which basically says: "dont ask".....

but i am going to "request" some help with this song from Peter Himmelman.......great song.....can an expert help out an amateur guitar player here?.......

i am wanting the song tabbed and also the notes that need to be played that match the female background singer in the given parts of the song........

thanks for any feedback that can be provided


so now i go to the store to buy more strings because i am out and i want to change them more than every 6 months... <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

and low and behold we got choices.......more choices than i realized and i dont have a clue....

i just asked for Martin strings for my Martin guitar and the girl asks if i want "medium" or "light" .......metal or nylon..........coated or uncoated...........blah blah blah.......and actually i dont remember all the questions and choices because i glazed over..........

the guitar was given to me as a gift and the second set of strings i had were in the case........

the first set of strings on this guitar were new but they were not "shiny"/"bronze", they were just a dull tarnished color.

the new ones i put on are now shiny bronze......

i asked to see the box with the "light" strings and that box looked familiar. i then asked to see the box of "medium" and that box looked familiar. i then asked to see the "heavy" strings and there was no such thing............hmmmmm.........

so i bought some light and medium strings..........


WHAT DID I REALLY "WANT"????? what will i "like"?

the ever "high maintenance",



should i redo the one string or just leave it till next time???

it shouldnt hurt anything right??/


well, i got the job done and i wished i had seen the article just posted, it would have helped a little bit......

the guitar sounds great so i guess all is well......is that an ok measure????

it did help doing one string at a time. especially for my first time. had i done them all at once, i would have really gotten things completely unorganized........

but dumb question time:.... <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

does it matter which way you turn the "knob"?

on my "big string" at the "top", i actually think i got it backwards but it looks more comfortable that way because the string makes a straighter line to the "knob". it seems that doing this with the smallest string at the bottom would have allowed a straighter line to it's "knob" as well..

so can you do strings 1 and 6 "backwards" so that the strings make a straighter line to their respective "knobs"???.....plus this gives more clearance for the other strings to get to their proper position........

thanks for any help/advice......

my guitar sounds great again so things seemed to have worked. i just dont want to ruin it....


PS....by the way i have a Martin D 28.......if that matters

double PS.....at one point i got one string backwards and it pulled up against another knob that it should not have been touching. had i done all the strings at once, i would have had a rat's nest. hopefully things will go smoother on my second time around and any future changes..........

dude......heavy stuff!!!!.......makes sense.... <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

off to get the project done in the prescence of a new found delimma!!!....

one at a time or all at once??? that is the question

how about a little Johnny Cash???

i did it one string at a time

and it didnt cost me much time.

you will know it's me when i turn them strings around

i am gonna do it all in style

gonna drive everybody wild

cause i will be the only one with that delimma in this town

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

git r dun.... <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">.....that was bad.... <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">



will be my friday night project!!!


thank you for your help!!!!!!!!!!

a changing i will go.........

i have a kit to do this......

any tips before i go?.......it will be my first time.....


why do some people leave their strings long and "curled" up rather than cut them like when you get the guitar new???


i am new the forum and new to the guitar. i got an acoustic guitar in June of this year and have played it every single day for the six months i have had it..... <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_smile.gif" border=0 alt="Smile">

how do you know when it is time to change the strings?


PS....i have really loved this website and have a stack of music i have printed out and been playing like crazy.....thanks to everyone that posts that stuff....it's great


(0 replies, posted in Acoustic)


i guess it worked Per!!!


craig...aka senor