(58 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have always had dogs and cats.  Presently have a 9yr old lab mutt and a grey cat.  My dog is getting on and is starting to show signs of her age.  She brings me lots of happiness, I enjoy my bi-dayly walks with her on the mountain near my house.

Chordie rocks...the new autoscroll feature is GREAT..thank you so much....Maybe some sort of backbeat section could be fun next...what do you think?  something like this guys site... http://lab.andre-michelle.com/fl-909  Thanks again..to Chordie and all the members who transpose all the wonderful music for all us newbies out there.


(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I added a public songbook to my own and now I can't delete it.  I have deleted all the songs in it but can't get rid of the book title in my list.  Any help would be appreciated.....love the site!