Need chord progression to Raised on Robbery by Joni Mitchell. Can anyone help.
2 2006-11-15 22:58:17
Re: Bob Seger? (3 replies, posted in Song requests)
Sorry can't help you on Bob Seger, but I've got a question and request. Been looking for Joni Mitchell's Raised on Robbery -- chord progression. Can't find it on internet though you'd think it would be easy to find. But my question is this: how do you post a new request or topic without replying to someone else. When I hit New Topic and fill in all the information, I can preview message, upload files and do all sorts of things: except send it. Where is the send button???
3 2006-11-13 21:16:07
Re: strings (14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Thanks all for your replies....useful. I play almost every day as well, sometimes as much as three hours a day. I suspected I was getting toward the end of the line with these strings cause they don't stay in tune as long as before. But that could also be cause the weather has changed and the room is colder at night and probably a bit dryer (we burn wood alot). Is still around? I used them a year ago. Good place if they are. Anyone have any other on line outlets? On a related subject; someone mentioned to me that if a 70mm pick will not stay put when put under the strings of the first fret, then probably the action is too high. Any comments? I play a pretty cheap Epiphone that hasn't been altered in any way (except strings). I wonder if lowering the action would help with barre chords.
4 2006-11-11 19:45:26
Re: strings (14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
How often to replace strings? Do the good ones (expenseive) last longer than cheaper ones? I've had mine on for a year now. I guess I like to wait til the winter; sit in front of a fire and change strings.
5 2006-10-24 21:36:09
Re: how long you,s been playing? (27 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Quietly Seeking, did you have any problem receiving the material in the mail? Its been almost two weeks now and the stuff hasn't arrived. Customer Serice says it was sent via a service I never heard of; certainly not a major like UPS. They said if its not here soon, they'll resend via priority mail. As you said in your posting, I expect it will take some time to go through all that material. As a semi-retireee, what else is there to do in the winter?
6 2006-10-23 14:18:55
Re: SINGING ALONG (8 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Thanks each of you for the advice and encouragement. Its good to know even the pros whine a little. As for the capo -- yes I do have one and I think I understand its use; correct me if I'm wrong -- each higher fret you put it one raises the pitch one step (or half note). So if you play say a C chord with its typical fingering, you are now playing a C# chord? If you have the capo on fret two, this chord becomes D. Is that how it works? But what do you do if you need to move down a bit. Seems the capo can only raise the pitch.
7 2006-10-23 01:25:23
Re: HELP PLEASE (13 replies, posted in Songwriting)
I liked this reply. Very practical advice. Thanks.
8 2006-10-23 01:02:58
Re: im stuck in a deep hole...kind of (13 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Songwriting seems to be the general answer to getting bored....I read all the replies to your original message and that's what I got out of them. So the topic really now turns to songwriting: is it really that simple that those of us with little formal music education and knowledge can do it? I guess I've always been more a poet than a songwriter, and never thought of it as being a lyricist versus being a chord/melody guy. Now (after several years of teaching myself some guitar and a little theory -- circle of fifths, making a 7th and a minor chord, learning some basic blues and rock progressions -- do you folks think its time to marry the two and write a song??? Is there some trick to knowing where in a melody a certain chord would go well? Obviously stick to the key (at first), then there's the tried and true (but often boring) classic structures (Duke of Earl for example). Are there any further tricks other than "what sounds good?"
9 2006-10-23 00:39:41
Re: Getting Bored (3 replies, posted in Acoustic)
If you like classic rock, just go into Ace Hardware (where Musack seems to be classic rock), shop around for awhile, humming the tunes as you go, and then when you get home, remember which ones were really cool and upbeat, logon to Chordie, get the chords and lyrics and start practicing. Just joking about Ace (though its true -- at least here in the Auburn, CA store), but you should just find thousands of songs that are tabbed that you want to play. And most "classic rock" isn't too hard; even easy.
10 2006-10-22 19:43:02
Topic: SINGING ALONG (8 replies, posted in Acoustic)
In the shower I don't do so bad...but I am loath to take my guitar in there with me. When I'm singing along to a song I'm learning (and which I'm playing in the key that I found it (either in a book or on Chordie or whereever) sometimes it seems on key (I ask my wife and often she says its OK -- she's a good pianist), but sometimes not. Now I know everyone's voice is keyed differently and good singers can move around from key to key and up and down to higher and lower octaves (range), but how does a rank amateur like me know in advance what keys are good for my voice? Sometimes I transpose a song and it gets easier to sing with, and sometimes a new key makes it worse. Theoretically did a composer write a particular song in a particular key or did they compose it for their own voice?
11 2006-10-21 18:51:05
Re: how long you,s been playing? (27 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Interesting that your perspective is that $200 will get you alot of personal lesson time, while I thought just the opposite -- here where I live (Auburn, CA) I can get 4 1/2hr lessons a month for $100. With this set of CDs etc I can refer back to them forever -- they also say there is a lifetime hotline type of thing for specific questions not covered etc. -- kindof like what we can do on this site. What intrigued me most about this packaged lesson thing is the CDs have lots of songs (forget how many they say) to play along with once you've learned them via the lesson plan. I don't have much opportunity to play with other people (I'd probably be too scared and screw up anyway), so I thought this might be fun to do. Will see.
12 2006-10-21 16:21:35
Re: how long you,s been playing? (27 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Even though I wouldn't consider myself very good, I can vouch for the fact that practice over time will make those short stubs perform. On the other hand (not to be comical) after four years of playing (I started as well at 57) there are chords that I know I never will make (I don't even try for anything beyond a three fret spread). But there is often a chord variation that can be substituted and what's the difference anyway? I just play for enjoyment. Regarding lessons etc.... I read a great review here on Chordie about the package of CDs, DVDs and book called "Learn and Master Guitar" so after four years of doing it all on my own, I forked out the $200 (on special btw) and am going to give it a try. I'm just now waiting for delivery. I will report back re. my thoughts on this -- the review called it the cream of the crop or something like that of all on-line, or CD/DVD tutorials (for $200 bills, it better be). Enjoy your playing folks.
13 2006-10-15 16:47:38
Re: Peter Vogl: Good/Bad Experience? (2 replies, posted in Acoustic)
I bought a Peter Vogel CD/Book combination a year or so ago and didn't much like it.
14 2006-10-15 02:22:25
Re: thumb problems (15 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Muchas gracias. This is a very cool site.
15 2006-10-15 02:14:17
Re: how long you,s been playing? (27 replies, posted in Acoustic)
I'm really new to guitar -- can someone tell me what a plectum, plecky, plec is??? Doesn't seem to be another word for pick, so what the h is a plecky? And how much in inches is 70mm?
16 2006-10-15 01:52:29
Re: thumb problems (15 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Sorry to bother y'all with this....I'm a brand new user of Chordie and cannot figure out how to post a new message. Obviously I've found how to reply to one, but can someone tell me how to ask a new question in the forum?