(24 replies, posted in Acoustic)

don't know if you would consider "lifehouse" a christian rock band, but i kind of do.  their songs are awesome, lyrics are clean and have a great message.  one really easy song to learn is "You and Me" by Lifehouse.

Also, i like Creed, which is hard rock with a Christian influence.  Great songs, clean lyrics.  check 'em out.



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

My favorite store is by far "Guitar Center".  I've been to the stores in S.F., Hollywood, Denver, Falls Church, L.A. and i've found them all to be the same - very friendly and tolerant of all levels of players.  I've only been playing a few months - myself and i've never felt ashamed at all to pick up any guitar in the store and try it out.  just tell the sales dudes that you're a new player - they almost always say the same thing - congrats, everyone starts somewhere.  nobody was born knowing how to play and everyone remembers what it was like to learn and everyone is still learning - just at different points on the curve.  my advice, don't sweat it.  if you are treated poorly - let them know it, but don't let it stop you from pursuing your love of playing.  but try "guitar center" for sure - hopefully you have one close to you.