(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hi All

I recently bought this guitar and am very pleased with it, I know its not top end quality but a Taylor would set me back three times what I paid for the Yamaha.

The action is quite low which is what attracted me to it and also the slimline neck, I am still progressing and am playing classical mostly at home and not through an amp.
My question is at the moment I am using normal tension strings but does anyone own one of these and use hard tension strings?, do you get any fret buzz and does the neck bow due to the extra tension, I use hard tension on other guitars but they are more solidly built.

Any advice would be truly appreciated.


Hi everyone,

Does anyone own a Taylor NS32-CE classical guitar, and if so does it sound decent unplugged?
I know the body is slim but have heard some good reviews so far.

Thanks semi-acoustic


(8 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks everyone for your expert advice, it is very much appreciated, I guess I will leave well alone and just enjoy.

Hi all,

Does anybody own this guitar, I know its a level entry but does it have a narrower neck than the usual 50-52mm true classicals, is it decent unplugged ?

Any advice would be truly appreciated, I have decided to splash out on a decent classical maybe in a year or two, but until then want something with low action, I dont mind paying between 200 and 300 pounds, but if anyone has any suggestions.

Thank you


Hi Everyone,

I have found a surface crack in the laquer on my Ovation Legend guitar (approx 2 inches in length), I know a repair would be expensive and although the guitar is 26 years old (apart from the crack) is in mint condition.

The question is do I just leave it, as it has not affected the tone or playability, I think I may do just that, but am seeking some advice, I am going to order a humidifier,  the type which hangs down through the sound hole and rests on the strings, but was wondering can the guitar be left in a vertical or horizontal position.

Any advice would be truly appreciated.

Thank you



(0 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hi Everyone,

Thinking of purchasing this guitar which retails at around the £650 mark, has anyone got this model and or any comments, string gauge preference etc, your views and expertise would be very much appreciated.

Thank you


Hi Everyone

Looking to buy an Ibanez AEG10NE classical as a travel guitar but I have been using high tension strings on my yamaha, my question is,  can I use them on this guitar without any problems as it is not as well made as other models in the higher priced range. The action is slightly higher than I am used to but if anybody has had any problems or have any comments I would be more than grateful.

Thank you



(240 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hi everyone

Looking for some advice on buying another classical guitar, I already have a yamaha G231, it plays well and has a full sound which you would expect from a true claasical, however the wide neck has put me off playing classical songs, I have small hands so barre chords are a problem.
I have been learning simple stuff like malaguena, adelita but would like to progress over the coming years to a good standard.
Most of the hybrid classicals which there are many, unplugged are mellow due to the thinner bodies etc, but they all have the desirable 17/8 necks as I have an ovation legend guitar I have become used to playing the slimmer neck,I would love to buy a Taylor eventually but a bit out of my price range at the moment.
I dont gig or anything but appreciate what a good quality guitar feels and sounds like but my budget will only stretch to £500, can anybody recommend a decent guitar for the price? I dont mind going a bit higher if it feels right. I am not going to rush into this as the London Guitar Show comes up in June so I guess I can try as many as possible.
Yamaha APX 5NA, or 9NA
Takamine EC132SC
Godin ACS Slim
These are possibilities but would truly appreciate any advice.



(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Thanks for the advice frankfef,

Will certainly look at those they are well built , I suppose the best option is to try as many as possible at a guitar show.

Thanks again



(2 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hi everyone 

Hope you can help, I have been playing guitar for some years now I own an Ovation legend, and a Yamaha G231 ii classical, I have now decided to concentrate more on classical playing but I find the neck on the the yamaha like most classical guitars quite wide, I would like to upgrade to something with a slimmer neck.
I tried an ibanez GA5TCE which has the slim neck (and body) but unplugged does not offer the fullness, I would like to eventually buy something special but not until I have reached a high standard.

Any advice would be truly appreciated, I dont mind spending up to £500.



(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Don't be shy you guys just do some simple chords, how do you think hendrix and clapton sounded when they first started playing.

It doesn't matter if you stay put for hours, take your time and you will know when the right guitar is seated on your lap, if it doesn't feel right then don't buy it, go to the next store, don't be pressured into anything, it's your hard earned cash.

Happy Shopping


(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Eva Cassidy, Wonderful World.

Pure Genius !!!!


(4 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have been trying to find out the model of a guitar which the great singer songwriter John Miles plays.

It is featured on a dvd release for a german tv programme which is called 'Ohne Filter', I can see it is a Gibson, it has a signature just above the fretboard on the guitar body, it looks like a semi acoustic but has no soundhole ???

The song it is featured in is breathtaking and is called 'Pale Spanish Moon' if anyone has the chords to this song I would be grateful.

Thanks All


(76 replies, posted in Acoustic)

'Hello' by Lionel Ritchie.

But remember finger pick it using all base strings, 'Romanza' also is a great song which is not too difficult for the more advanced guitarist.


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi there

I swear by Ovation and have a Legend which is almost 30 years old, it is in mint condition as I have always looked after it, if you have not got a hard case for your guitar yet, think about it.

I don't know how established a guitarist you are but you can't go wrong if you practice finger style and take it one step at a time.

Once you have mastered finger style the chords sound a lot more exciting, even the simple ones.

I use Martin Acoustic light 80/20 bronze as they are easy to pick and have an amazing sound.

I am sure you will get that Adamas one day, the more you pay the more you get, Ovation certainly offer quality when you get to the higher end of their market.  Good Luck
