How about.."His Everything"

I'm hearin' ya Dino....

dino48 wrote:

No nightmares,only daytime when I hear rap,hip hop and heavy metal.


(109 replies, posted in Electric)

Without a doubt , Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan, not the greatest guitarists but their music burned into my soul....

Hippo birdy, two ewes, hippo birdy ,two ewes.....:)


(35 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Where do the strings go ? Do they just go slack and flop around or does something keep them slightly taut ? They could get kinked too ...Just wondering...


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I really like Eric Burdon and the Animals version of Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire...very different but much feeling...


(48 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thankyou so much  Pete and Zurf smile


(48 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi folks, thought I'd try one more ...this is from our regular Monday night Hillbilly Hoot in Adelaide , old Bonnie and Delaney song from the 70's...played it for my beautiful partner Lyn...cheers.


(48 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks everyone for your kind comments..I actually posted the wrong video..well right video wrong version so will change it for the proper one. Pete, I used my little Samsung ES 55 digital jobby and I just discovered it has  a setting for sizing for the web , 240 / 640 or something like to do more.


(48 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I think I've done it first video.. a song very dear to my heart...A song about my Grandfather at Gallipoli..

mekidsmom wrote:

Thanks Ray!  It's likely that your camera records the files in a very large file format.  I've found that editing my files with windows movie maker and then saving them to "dvd quality" seems to work well for youtube.  The smaller the file the better, plus larger files take FOREVER to upload.  Your camera will probably record at the highest setting so that your videos will look great on a large screen TV, but you don't need that great of a quality for youtube.  Similar to pictures, you can take them at 8mp but you only need 3mp for printing small copies or sharing online, you need the 8mp if you're going to blow the picture up to print a HUGE copy.  So my friend, you'll need to edit those files to make them "uploadable"  smile  Let me know if you need any help!  smile


(48 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thanks so much  for that ..will see what I can do with my new found knowledge lol .

mekidsmom wrote:

Thanks Ray!  It's likely that your camera records the files in a very large file format.  I've found that editing my files with windows movie maker and then saving them to "dvd quality" seems to work well for youtube.  The smaller the file the better, plus larger files take FOREVER to upload.  Your camera will probably record at the highest setting so that your videos will look great on a large screen TV, but you don't need that great of a quality for youtube.  Similar to pictures, you can take them at 8mp but you only need 3mp for printing small copies or sharing online, you need the 8mp if you're going to blow the picture up to print a HUGE copy.  So my friend, you'll need to edit those files to make them "uploadable"  smile  Let me know if you need any help!  smile


(48 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Wow ,MKM, had a look on youtube at some of your songs..what a voice are great !...Wish I could get videos on to youtube...for some reason it says they are all to big...its just what my camera takes...I dont get it ..

mekidsmom wrote:

Zurf is right... this style of written music (words and chords and NOT standard notation) doesn't lead to a simple read and play.  You really should start with a song that you know well.  If you can listen to a recording, try to hear where the chord changes are.  With some songs they'll be after a strum cycle every time, some songs will be in the middle of a strum cycle, it's different with each song.  Chordie simply pulls the songs together from other places on the net and tries to make them more easy to find and read.  It's not foolproof, it's not always correct, and guitar certainly isn't always easy as you know. 

I was going to say to stick with "Leaving on a Jet Plane" but I'm not really sure it's your "style" that you'll enjoy it enough to stick with it, but that was the first song I learned.  I can honestly say that I played that song to death while learning it that I almost never ever play it anymore LOL!  BUT... it's a simple song, you play each chord for an entire strumming pattern and play the E twice through the strum pattern (well that's what I do) and you can use a really simple pattern or a trickier one.  I had a video up at one point but I took it down as I felt I was more confusing than helpful.  Pix will get you going on the right track!! 

For your amusement, my youtube name is the same as my username here on Chordie.  If there's any junk I've done on there that you'd like me to slow down and explain, I'd be glad to.  I've learned a lot more songs, but most of those up there are from my first year playing... I'm coming up on my official year two mark here in a few months.  If you live and breathe guitar for a while, you'll get it!!  Stick with it, I look forward to seeing more posts from you on your progress!  OH... and, WELCOME TO CHORDIE!!  smile



(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thats fine Zurf , I play it in G too ! Thanks

Zurf wrote:

I'll try.  I've never tabbed anything.  Is there some software or something for drawing the lines? 

I play it in G, but I think Johnny plays it in A, so my tab will be a whole step off.

- Zurf


(17 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I love that song !! play it regularly..BUT couldnt work out the intro properly...Can you tab it for me Zurf ??

Zurf wrote:

I've worked out the "solo" to Johnny Cash's Blue Train.  That's as far as I've come.  It's going to be a long, long journey I fear.  Good luck with yours Pete.  We should trade some recordings via e-mail to encourage one another on this trip. 

- Zurf

Mmmm....its really hard to say....fair to ok I guess...I know a lot of songs that most people know ..and a lot they wouldnt..none of them very hard.. I love songs that tell stories , I am mainly rythm with an imbellish here and there but I keep it ..where does that put one ?? most people here have said , you think you are ok till you hear someone that is...I've had people way more experienced than me that I held in awe say " You have songs with tricky rhythm patterns !! " NOOO way I say , I just plays em..and then I actually took notice of what I was doing, and he was again..where does that put you? I really think I'm very average most of the time...but sometimes late at night in my own lounge room , I swear I'm awesome lol ...all relative I guess..:)


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome to you Gabby ! You just collected a million new friends in one hit !..beat that facebook !;)


(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Boy aint that the truth ..I know hundreds and someone asked for one and I went blank !!!

mekidsmom wrote:
flester wrote:

If you can sing and play it without thinking, when someone says 'give us a song', then you know it.

I agree... but being able to think of the song that you know that you can sing and play without thinking... that's another story!  LOL!

Truly beautiful Zurf, John Denver was right when he sang ' Almost heaven , West Virginia, Blueridge Mountains , Shennadoah River"...Love the colours of Autumn or as you blokes say , Fall..:) ..its spring here now...


(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Well done sir !! There are folks that would never even contemplate getting up there and it IS scary but it gets better..keep doing it ! I find that you can play at home and its burned into your subconscious ( and thats where they should be before going public with it) and never miss a beat ..but put a mike in front of you and your brain fades lol.... a good tip I was shown and do is have a mike at home , even a pretend one and play with that in front of you....


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A padded cell ? lol smile

arkady wrote:

Hi Russ
Sorry to hear about your injuries. It must been one hell of a shock to wake up to.
Speedy recovery my friend and move any potential sharp objects well away from where you sleep.
Crash mats and cushions maybe an idea....


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Woke up this mornin' with a scar on my face
Na na na na na nany na na
Such a big scar it was a big disgrace
Na na na na na nany na na...

We gotta get a hit song out of all this surely Russ lol wink


(26 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Wow , Russ, I had exactly the same nightmare and I dont think me Or my wallet will EVER recover...

topdown wrote:
Phill Williams wrote:

i once had a nightmare, it lasted 7 years till we got glad that one's over.

Wow - I've had that same EXACT dream. No physical injuries, but my wallet will never recover.

Wishin' ya a speedy recovery Russ


(16 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks again MKM, I am keeping that damn dog down a bit more lately, like to give him a good kick really...

mekidsmom wrote:

Excellent Ray.  This one really speaks very loudly to the one thing that most people choose to whisper about while they want to shout.  Very well written.  Keeping that dog at bay...


(16 replies, posted in Poems)

Thankyou Old Doll, you know I am doing just that , journaling that is..I heard it helps so Im giving it a shot.Sir Winston Churchill coined the term "The black dog " for depression I believe and when I first heard it I thought that is exactly what it is !

Old Doll wrote:

Hello Ray,

I was just having a quick gander here before retiring.

This is a dark piece, but so well written . I love dogs, but i could imagine a fearsome dark beast  while reading this.
Unfriendly yes, snapping at your heals yes, dragging you down to every dark stagnant pool he can muster  to drown the life from you.. Yes, i knew this dog at times in my own life. Its well muzzled now but his fear remains  away in the shadows somewhere.

Start Journaling every day, first thing in the morning if you can.. Theres not a better way to start the day clearing mind clutter. It doesnt have to be pages, just one page is ofton enough.
You may be surprised at how well it keeps the dog at bay.

Its an excellent piece,worth its merit on a new thread.

I wish you joy with peace of mind in abundance.

Oiche Mhait" [Goodnight }

Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Poems)

Inspired I truly was by everyones kind comments on my pice of previous poetry, I would like to inflict this upon you all. A very dark piece written when I was at my lowest point in my life and my life long battle with depression... I read it now and cant believe that I wrote THIS .....

The Black Dog         

He came to me in early days
As a pup he  held no fear
He’d follow me , occasionally
Close but never near

Years would pass without a sign
Of him I’d never think
Then he’d come to me, suddenly
And leave again in a blink

What brought him back, more frequently
I could never tell
To bother me, disturbingly
And make a living hell

The things in life that we hold dear
Can be a burden too
You just cant see, tragically
What they do to you

The dog has grown larger now
Fed by my regrets
Feeding   free , hungrily
Larger still he gets

Now he doesn’t leave at all
To feed him is a chore
He glares at me, malevolently
I have no soul no more

I’ll starve the cur, I’ll see him gone
But I know he will not die
He’ll leave me be, temporarily,
And watch me quietly cry

So who and what is this Black Dog
With eyes so fierce yet sad
Just like me , melancholy
I want my Mum so bad…….