(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)


(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I'm printing from my laptop now, and that is working fine, even though it's printing through my desktop system.  So, it's got to be something specific to me.  However, it's still really curious that only the chords would move.

Any ideas?


(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

The 1st page looks OK, but the 2nd apge starts to mess up.  That's what happens when I print from the songbook too.  I've enclosed another sample to demonstrate what happens.

I'm starting to think that it might be something about my desktop system.  On my desktop, I see the error in Print Preview.  On my laptop, it looks fine in print preview.  However, when I print from my laptop, the printouts are messed up.  The common denominator is that my laptop actually prints through my desktop system.

As anyone else reported anything similar?


(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I don't think it's my print driver, because it happens whether I print to my printer or to a PDF using Macromedia FlashPaper.

I'm attaching a PDF sample print so that you can see what I'm talking about.



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I'm having a problem printing and I'm not sure if it's just me or a broader problem.  When I try to print my songbook, the chords sometimes don't end up in the right place.  Some of the chords move over to the left margin of the page.  In fact, often several of the chords will move to the same place on the left margin and print on top of one another so that they are not legible.

I've tried this both on my laptop, running IE 6, and my desktop, running the new IE7 beta.  I see variations of the same thing in both cases.  It could be IE, Chordie, or my print driver.  I don't have any idea.

Has anyone else seen this?


(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I'll check it out.  Thanks!!!


(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

No problem.  I've been in and out as well.  I just wanted to check back in!


(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Question for admin:  Was the information that I posted on 6/16 helpful in troubleshooting the blank spacing issue?


(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Each line of the tab represents the 6 strings of the guitar.  The top line of the tab represents the high E string, the second line represents the B string, etc. down to the low E string, which is the botton line of the tab.

The numbers in the tab show you which frets to finger for each string.  That's the basics.

There's a better description and some examples on this website:  <a href="http://guitar.about.com/library/blguitarlessonarchive.htm" target="_blank">http://guitar.about.com/library/blguitarlessonarchive.htm</a>

Hope that helps...



(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Sorry I hadn't responded sooner.

Just today, I edited the copy of Brown Eyed Girl that is in My Songbook.  Before I edited it, there was a blank line between the verses.

The only change that I made was to change the 1st chord of the chorus from [D] to [D7].  I just added the 7 to that chord.  Now, all of the blank lines are gone when you view it in formatted mode.

I hope that helps.



(16 replies, posted in About Chordie)

When I edit songs (change a chord and save, for example), it seems to take out all of the "white space" from the song.  In other words, it removes all of the blank lines from my songs and collapses all of the lines together.

Is there any way to add blank lines to improve the readability of the songs?  I didn't see anything in the help that worked for this.


Looks fine now.  Thanks!

It actually not just in my songbook.  I can't view any songs in formatted mode.  I see everything as unformatted!

I just started having this problem tonight.  I don't know if it's an issue on my end or with Chordie, but I thought I'd mention it.  I've tried clearing by browser cache, but no luck.

When I go to my songbooks and click the name of a song, the song shows up as unformatted, even though all of the songs I have added are formatted.  It's annoying because I now can't change the key of any of the songs in my songbooks.

Any help would be appreciated.  By the way, Chordie is awesome!

