Each morning I wake and enjoy my coffee...I get awake and begin thanking this world for it's gifts. One such gift Roger, is this website. The work all have put into it makes me so thankful. Great songs. I have over 1000 songs in my books and pc so anything someone wants to hear I am ready..
Does me proud to sit on the front porch or patio and people stop to listen. I always say, THANK CHORDIE. NO ME.
1 2013-06-23 12:18:25
Topic: What I Do (4 replies, posted in About Chordie)
2 2013-06-16 12:14:39
Re: Happy fathers day to all the dads (6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Thanks for the wish.........A wonderful way to wake up...I been married 40 yrs. and still love my wife much..Each day i touch my guitars and play for my days start and days finish.
Each day a new song seems to hit me. I hang to it for about 2 days till its down pat. Then in the book it goes...
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY Never forget this great site..This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
3 2013-06-16 12:07:45
Topic: Can someone help me with the opening riff (1 replies, posted in Electric)
i need the opening riff or tabs for Highway 101 Somewhere tonight.
4 2013-02-05 15:09:43
Re: B7 CHORD (18 replies, posted in Acoustic)
the B7 becomes ez in time...even with fatty fingers... use it with E and A7 and A learn to rock to it by going A 2 A 1 then open E then the chord...gluck
5 2009-02-24 13:27:51
Topic: A great song today (1 replies, posted in Song requests)
Mark Chestnutt...................Brother Jukebox... great lead riffs and fun around the fireplace...
Have A Go........
6 2009-02-22 14:32:51
Topic: Sunday Song for laughs (0 replies, posted in Song requests)
Todays song for the oldies......."Give me Forty Acres" a Traditional one thats fun some won't remember it.. about turning a truck around....many can join in and sing the chorus.... Have fun and a happy day..
7 2009-02-21 13:21:29
Topic: Looking for a song name (4 replies, posted in Song requests)
REmember the song that goes "I gotta woman mean as she can be" who done it and whats the title...
8 2009-02-21 12:42:08
Topic: today i have another ez song for the men (0 replies, posted in Song requests)
This is a Dolly Parton song that many have done...you may need to pull it up to recall....it is called "Old Flames"
"last nite i met an old friend........someone who"
EZ D, G, D7, and A chords
Sing it to the wife go slow and ez...is a nice one...to dance to...:cool:
9 2009-02-20 13:06:59
Re: todays song is eazy all (4 replies, posted in Song requests)
i was singing to my wifey as she ironed today and got all mixed up........ya know sexy wifey that can sing with me.....
I will try to push a daily song off on you if you are baby boomer....my remember when songs....
10 2009-02-20 13:04:48
Re: todays song is eazy all (4 replies, posted in Song requests)
sorry all i was wrong about "sing in the sunshine" ....d, d7, g , a7... what i did was quoting the Platters and "only you"" with the f#7 and bm.....thats the pretty chordes....
anyway to good songs for the day..
11 2009-02-20 12:24:07
Topic: todays song is eazy all (4 replies, posted in Song requests)
Today i have chosen Gail Garnett and "we'll sing in the sunshine" lemme know if you remember it and like it.....D, D7, F#7 (real purdy) and Bm (purdy purdy)
12 2009-01-27 00:50:47
Re: B7 CHORD (18 replies, posted in Acoustic)
ya know years ago that was a tuff chord when i started i still remember it.. But...practice use E, A7, B7 on Folsum Prison, Ray Charles Whatd I say, Jerry Lee in Whole lotta shaking Going on and Kansas City..you will soon get it...trust me Practice 1 hr and quit..then after a 6-8 rest one more hour...
13 2009-01-15 17:35:47
Topic: New song request.. Can you recall (0 replies, posted in Song requests)
Mama Bear or Who's been sleeping around with Mama Bear.............thats all i know....MOM Wants to Hear it..
its old........
14 2008-12-04 13:34:37
Re: SONGS ABOUT CARS (53 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
Hot Rod Race Arkie Shibley
15 2008-06-30 15:39:27
Re: help me with the chords to billy swan and the song "I can Help" (4 replies, posted in Song requests)
Looks like no help on the Billy Swan song I can Help.....thx for the view anyway.....
16 2008-06-30 15:38:24
Re: help me with the chords to billy swan and the song "I can Help" (4 replies, posted in Song requests)
17 2008-06-26 18:16:08
Topic: help me with the chords to billy swan and the song "I can Help" (4 replies, posted in Song requests)
Hi guys and gals. I hardly get time on here anymore but thursdays is my day off help with these chordes...begin in E please... E, AM
18 2008-06-05 21:45:49
Re: Digitec Harmonizer 4 (5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Thanks ......Thank you alot Wl and Russ.
19 2008-05-28 17:37:42
Re: ARE THERE GUITAR PLAYERS WHO REFUSE TO USE EFFECT PROCESSORS? (14 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Good old Accoustic Amp 1950 sound ain't bad at times....
20 2008-05-22 18:34:28
Topic: Digitec Harmonizer 4 (5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Hey all, thinking about a Digitec 4 Harmonizer. Anyone been toying with one or know anything about em..
21 2008-05-22 18:26:12
Re: New acoustic player. Need advice on... (4 replies, posted in Acoustic)
buy a Martin..
22 2008-05-22 18:25:07
Re: RX for fingers (16 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Some say change chord patterns maybe D or C or G that way you get a good cover...Limit practice to 2 hours ..........1hr each....1 hr in AM and 1 hr in PM...enjoy. You gotta be tuff if yer gunna make it.
23 2007-11-13 15:17:51
Topic: help (9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)
I don't really understand this forum but can anyone help me learn what is the c6 and f6 chordes... I am doing Billy Swan "I Can HELP" or trying to..
24 2007-11-13 15:06:57
Re: A question for SouthPaw41L (9 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
i need to know what a c6 and f6 is.
25 2007-08-06 12:08:03
Topic: I need your help please (1 replies, posted in Song requests)
Norah Jones and Willie Nelson did a song Called:
I don't want to get over you....can someone help me with chords. I can't find it. My mother is 82 and wants to sing it with me.. Please add it to the songs and advise me
blinddog48@yahoo.com and God Bless.