I have 2 acoustics 1 yamaha 2 BC rich the yamaha i play most And sounds better than the higher priced BC Rich
1 2008-02-19 05:39:23
Re: What kind of guitar do you have? (240 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
2 2008-02-19 02:19:20
Re: Im looking for a song that goes... (4 replies, posted in Song requests)
check out the song by Richard Marx,,,,,Right Here Waiting.
Its on chordie or you can find it in public songbook Player 3
hope this helps
3 2008-01-27 05:55:00
Re: HEELLLPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (39 replies, posted in Acoustic)
f = NO3211 it's like the C just bar the b&e with the first finger & drop the other two down to the d&g hope this helllllppppssss
4 2006-05-10 14:04:32
Re: What guitar would you recommend? (10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)
Hi....Whatever name brand guitar you buy make sure you play it in tune first....I found two guitars the same brand & make ...side by side sound a little differant so take the time to STOP..LOOK...&...LISTEN...to the sound of each.Pick the one that you think sounds best...that way you will be happy with your choice & remember the moor you play it the sweeeeeter it will sound.......lkelly
5 2006-05-10 13:25:03
Re: how long you,s been playing? (27 replies, posted in Acoustic)
Hi Ihave been playing for 2yrs & I play a Yamaha...The pk I like is 70 to 75mm ...this makes the sound richer.. a good and fresh set of strings help as well... a stiff pk will make your strings sound flat... ....lkelly
6 2006-04-27 00:21:12
Re: Looking for Newfie songs (4 replies, posted in About Chordie)
I am fron nfld & I just gotinto playing guitar.. I like Great big sea .. Their songs have simple chords but they are not all the way through the song. If you know any nfld songs.like Little Isle of nfld. or Those Little Boats Of NFLD......Love to have them ...... thanks LKelly
7 2006-04-27 00:18:46
Re: Looking for Newfie songs (4 replies, posted in About Chordie)
I am fron nfld & I just gotinto playing guitar.. I like Great big sea .. Their songs have simple chords but they are not all the way through the song. If you know any nfld songs.like Little Isle of nfld. or Those Little Boats Of NFLD......Love to have them ...... thanks LKelly
8 2006-04-27 00:02:21
Re: Requesting a favour (1 replies, posted in About Chordie)
I think chordie is super..I am just starting to play guitar I cannot play by ear so I would like to see the chords all the way through the song ..........THANKS LKELLY
9 2006-03-11 20:21:02
Topic: Looking for Newfie songs (4 replies, posted in About Chordie)
Looking for new / old Newfie songs with simple chords. Just learning to play guitar