Hi Russell, I am brand new here and just reading a few posts. I have built 5 acoustic steel strings and 1 tele copy. A lot of giutar finishes these days is an epoxy. Chemical removers don't work very well. Have you visited Frets website http://www.frets.com/ there is a repair page on the site that is an  outstanding source of information. There is a large section on finishing and refinishing. I have used the reranch produts. They are high quality. I have also used Stew Macs, also high quality laquer with tints. For clear coats, I like Deft laquor because of the spray nozzle. It sprays a fan shape, not a small cirlce. The fan can be rotated to any position and allows for slightly overlapping the spray...much better than a circle spray. I hope the frets page helps.