(0 replies, posted in Poems)

Lately not much activity in this section.......posting for a hope of otherwise


Stories and fantasies
Tell you all I can,
Pictures of me and my
Inglorious past
I just want to show, this is
Really what I am
So tell me, tell me, are you
My "in death we part", at last?

I know that my ways are
A bit too clichè
Or perhaps it's in fact
Just a facade, if you may,
My mind works, oh, so treacherously
To please you with tact
It doesn't see no reason
It just wants you to stay

But I think that I like it—
This war of hormones
I let loose my strings
And have my ends be shown
I'm an open book
With a cover that deceives
But I'm willing to lose myself if
It's you who perceives



(0 replies, posted in Poems)

Still working on this.....maybe I should it as it is tho
Left alone in the rush
To own a self-led life
An innocent, carefree
And miserable little child
While playing pretend an adult
In a make-believe world of lies
It fell behind, yearning
For days when he once smiled 


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

official-9anime wrote:

What a nostalgic and thoughtful collection!



(1 replies, posted in Poems)

karan_k wrote:

In fields where hope was once so dim,
Rise voices strong, breaking within,
NGOs for women, bold and bright,
Shining paths through endless night.

They lift the hands that once were tied,
Where dreams were lost, now dreams collide.
For every woman, far and near,
They wipe away each silent tear.

Through education, strength, and grace,
They help her find her rightful place.
A shield, a guide, a hand to lend,
NGOs for women, a lifelong friend.

In every heart, they plant a seed,
To rise, to fight, to lead, to heed.
Empowering voices, once unheard,
Now echo with each spoken word.

For in their care, the future lies,
Where women soar and touch the skies.
NGOs for women, standing tall,
Together, they uplift us all.

Wow!! This is so cool!! I'm gonna dare to ask, why the topic is so specific??     


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Peatle Jville wrote:

Good poem I enjoyed reading it. Two Worlds Apart interesting words Shivan. I think about differences and commonalities a lot.   How people who become adversaries because of their point of view forget about also their commonalities. Life has many layers and what appears simple can become very complex.  Birds of different feathers some fly some don't they all have to eat to survive.
Humans sometimes lose their way by becoming too focused on their differences while forgetting their similarities like having to eat to survive.

I didn't consider this perspective.......clears some serious dilemma bothering me. I think I should explore more in terms of the settings of my works, as I have been stuck to one or two topics....thanks!!     


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

jets60 wrote:

Maybe an edit or two, but it is a beautiful, bittersweet poem. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks jets60........it is bittersweet....
I'm still not satisfied with the middle section, all I had in mind were the first two stanza and the last, and I kinda filled in the rest......I'll take some time to tweak it some more     


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

This is a new poem, I just completed it..... Though it still looks like it could use some polishing

You and I
Without an end or a beginning
Never came close or drifted away

Stuck together
Two birds of different feathers
We always kept each other at bay

Closing in, but repelling
Like poles, opposites we stay

Flying away
You've been free forever
While I'm always flightless and stray

I'm only gonna be chasing
There's nothing else for me at play

Towards the horizon
Still being tugged off my feet
By your allure that's brighter than day

Someday, not never
If heavens really do listen
Let us be each other's, I pray

Though I doubt
Because you and I
Are two worlds apart, they say


(0 replies, posted in Poems)

This one's meant to knock some sense into me, though it didn't actually work lol

"Grow up and see the truth,
You self-centered buffoon!
This life, you see,
Seldom gives one a silver spoon
So stop tailing,
Even if it is the moon,
And remember there's no one
To whom you must swoon" 


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill Williams wrote:
Ryuusei wrote:
Phill Williams wrote:

It reads like diary entries.maybe you could expand on what you've written, don't force a poetic lilt just write down what you see around you as you have done, what you feel at the time. You have the talent,  let it flow. I'm only offering advice as you've mentioned you are struggling to write new stuff. Good luck.

I think what you're referring to is a limit specific to Haikus......I'll try to make it simpler next time, in terms of the word choices

But a thought is always there that Haikus have restrictive conditions( 17 syllables max, and only 3 lines), so there are shackles.

No I think you've misunderstood what I meant. I remember in a previous post you mentioned that you couldn't imagine new poetry, I have no idea what a Haikus is as I'm no literary genius like Pete. I thought you wanted some advice on continuing this piece and/or writing new stuff. Excuse my ignorance

You are right, Phill! It does look like I was not clear in my statement lol..............what I meant is I altogether stopped writing Haiku..........and advices are absolutely welcome at my end.........Also I think you should try Haiku sometimes, it's a straightforward concept, and although the rules are meant for it in Japanese writing, the same rules are implemented in English, or any other language if one wants to write......     


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill Williams wrote:

It reads like diary entries.maybe you could expand on what you've written, don't force a poetic lilt just write down what you see around you as you have done, what you feel at the time. You have the talent,  let it flow. I'm only offering advice as you've mentioned you are struggling to write new stuff. Good luck.

I think what you're referring to is a limit specific to Haikus......I'll try to make it simpler next time, in terms of the word choices

But a thought is always there that Haikus have restrictive conditions( 17 syllables max, and only 3 lines), so there are shackles.     


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Peatle Jville wrote:

Shivan thank you for your kind comments about my videos and other work feel free to call me Pete my actual name.

Thanks!! I would love yours and everyone else's commentary on my works.........it would genuinely make me happy to get opinions


(8 replies, posted in Poems)

This is a short collection of haikus I wrote around 10 years ago..... They were lying in my Facebook backup, from back when Notes was a feature on there...........I wish I could've written more though, I love the concept of Haikus

Gigantic crickets
Hither and thither
Spring, I believe?


This fever, makes me shiver,
What the hell, man!
Is it really summer?


Ah, this breeze
Soothes that pain
The still glaring sun brings about


It's chilling outside,
I'm sitting in my room,
Nothing to do 


(2 replies, posted in Poems)

That's sad......I personally never heard of Herbie Flowers, but I can definitely relate to this for one my favorite artists when they passed on......
But people have only their own selves to share the memories/experiences with.......or with a community who might relate, which is hard to come by


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Peatle Jville wrote:

First time I have read your poems  Ryuuse if my memory correct and I must say you are good.

Thank you, good sir! I've seen your work here which is amazing , and your few videos I've seen are also a sweet treat!
You may call me Shivam( my actual name)     


(0 replies, posted in Poems)

This is also an old work, probably 5 years old or so.........it reminds me how I used to have a broader vision then as compared to now, and how everything was not about love......

Untold, unheard
A tidal wrath
Suddenly hits
Salvaged from the aftermath—
The broken bits,
Rusted o'er
The course of time,
Way past
Their glorious prime

Systems collapse
In a fix
"There's a stick
Just pick
Ain't no risks!"
Say the guys
With money for the buys
To the dude
Starving for a little food

Lay the fragments
Neglected; stray
Unaided to utter dismay
"Care" is just another word to say
Authorities in disarray
Imperiled can only pray
And then, a hope
That things be gay? 


(0 replies, posted in Poems)

Little by little,
We strive, we try
But dreams, they turn brittle
When the efforts come out dry
Conversations get in a pickle
Situations leave us wry
Incessantly making some trickle
Others— just break down, cry 


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill Williams wrote:

Wow, that's a deep one! I find it easy to rewrite a piece if I have the original before me, but rewriting from memory is not so easy. You've done a great job anyway. We'll done

Thanks, and the time it takes to recover something from memory is tiring really.........sometimes when I want to extend the length, I use garbage stuff and later polish......I guess that's how it was possible in this case as well     


(5 replies, posted in Poems)

This is so wholesome!! And really insightful together with the commentary......sounds like a lesson for my whole being tho lol     


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

easybeat wrote:

Good on ya break the so called ``rules``
how can you be original following a template?

Right......and anyways, I'm not sure if nursery rhymes can be applied everywhere.

I won't deny that I have written some simple rhymes as well, but I ended up keeping most on the back burner     


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill Williams wrote:

What can  say? BRILLIANT

I mean you could say other things.....I would love to hear more


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

This is probably the lengthiest I've ever written.......while I was writing this over an Instagram story, I lost the entire stuff due to force closure, and I had only retained the first two and last stanza in memory......so I re did the middle section again from scratch, but I know subconsciously that the original was better.

Teach me how to laugh and smile
To leave all my insecurities
It will be a glow-up so much as
Just a notch up on the dial

You cannot begin to imagine
How crazy it's to live,
I find myself so out of place
Still searching for my kin

|| Plane of Gratitude ||

The adjectives you are to me
Are "loving" and "sincere"
Will pray for you to keep that way
So I can live sans fear

And boy, won't it really be
A genuine pleasure
For me to reciprocate to you
That sweet and loving gesture!

|| Plane of Gratitude ||

The expectations you may have, I presume,
Of me being born anew, though
I'd plaintively entreat you,
Just let them let be fume

I vow it won't ever be, I bet,
And this is my solemn oath,
That I'd turn into someone whom
You've never previously met

Just take my words as peremptory
As they could practically come
I would still be him
It would still be ME!!


(2 replies, posted in Poems)

Wow!! It's awesome that I was able to inspire something in any capacity......
Btw, I heard of Maltesers the first time. I don't think I've seen it around me ever. I just searched for them and found them being sold online though......but just going through your poem instigates me to try them out!

Not to mention the poem itself is really hilarious     


(2 replies, posted in Poems)

I seem to be in a hurry to post all my poems here; as I've never received any feedbacks on them before.......it's a really satisfying seeing someone share any critique!

Writer's block is scary tho!     


(2 replies, posted in Poems)

Thanks Phill......I overlooked that part, should've changed it myself. Thanks for the edit though!!     


(2 replies, posted in Poems)

Lately, I haven't written anything at all. It's as if I've been drained of all the words. I sometimes try to write and push myself to produce something worth repeating, but it's just not possible. Maybe I need to try a changeover

Below is a short poem I wrote around 5 years back
The lines that I never wrote
The words that I never spoke
Haunt me as nightmares
Where I choke
Where I succumb
I could struggle
I would, if I wasn't NUMB