
(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers Bill
I like your criticism, That is what good friends should do is express themselves honestly. That is what I love about you is your not a fake.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Glad you got the humour.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Welcome  back to Chordie Land interesting to hear about your new chapter in life and music.


(15 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I like the way you did El Paso.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Mash that is was one of my all time favourite comedy series. It is a shame they don't make more ones like that now days. Even though it was set In korea it was a favourite of one of my Uncles. My cousin was in a later conflict, Vietnam, he was a medical doctor over there with the Australian Army. Sadly while working away in a Operating theatre on a wounded soldier he was killed by a stray missile. Anyway my Uncle told me Mash made him think back with laughter about his son's life every time he watched it. I hope that you Veterans out there are receiving, care and good reconition from the countries you are from.
Love to you and Dondra.
Pete and Maree


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello  Chordies ,
With all the seriousness of the week I thought I would introduce you to a bit of Kiwi Humour a New Zealand folk comedy duo doing a song Jenny. I hope you find it funny.


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you for all your valuable insights on how the world still hasn't learnt to live in Peace. Folk music is a good genre to get people discussing all that afflicts humans.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you all of you for taking the time to give Derek a listen. Having people from outside NZ like his music would make him happy.


(15 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Farewell Leonard now you have crossed the river to join the other great  poets, and song writers in the Tower Of Song. Tom Jones doing his powerful cover of Leonards, Tower Of Song  came into my head on hearing the sad news. I have attached it below.


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

That is the good thing about folk music is it can always talk about whats happening in the now and also the past. I think that folk music has always been a great platform to open up discussion on what's happening in the world. Thank you Keepitreal and Classical Guitar for your feed back I enjoy your comments.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Steve is a great roll model for youngester here in NZ. He comes from a family of 18 kids. When he was 13 years old his father died he went of the rails briefly, until his older brother Warren took him in and help put him back on track. His sister Valerie Adams is a Double Gold medal Olympic shotput champion.
Steve is the highest paid Kiwi  sportsperson so far. He has provided scholarships to help disadvantage youth to get educated and develop their sporting potential. With him playing NBA Basketball kiwi are starting to get very interested in Basketball. Our national game is Rugby Union.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tenement  to compare Derek to Gordon Lightfoot is a Big compliment he would be honored to be in such company. Derek style has been described as from the Texas school of song writing. I am not sure what that is. I know Derek has been influenced by American Folk and Country and Western story telling. He does it in a Kiwi way.  I will attach another older video of a song I like of Derek's preformed live called What Came Naturally.


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank  you Tenement for that link interesting reading. Nothing in life is straight forward and the reasoning around actions taken by people in war is always  going to be  complex. I guess at times individual  sense of destiny drives one to sacrific life.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers Dino he has that folk country style of pulling different threads together to tell one story.

Bill I enjoyed  that  video thank you for sharing. Tommy when  being interviewed is always a interesting speaker. Of course his ability with the guitar is undeniable and his  own style and techniques out of this world.. Through people like Tommy and Mark Knopfler the brilliance of Chet Atkins guitar playing style lives on inspiring new generations.
A wonderful comment I heard Tommy made on the radio one day is " I wasn't a natural on guitar when I started all I did was kept at it until it became natural."


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill, Derek's  wife died a short while back and I think music and his strong faith has helped him with the grieving process.
Another song you might like of his on youtube is What Came Natural.


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

Bill your such an awesome scribe and follower of music and life. I soak up your comments like a sponge. You make Chordie Land a wonderful land to be part of.. I try to put passion into my life's creative attempts without it everythings falls flat. I glad you understood my strange Kiwi wording structures.
Your Friend.


(13 replies, posted in Poems)

I have writen a poem about a conversation I like to have with a suicide bomber. A big long ???????? I have made a attempt at turning it into a song on soundcloud. My version is not very good but I think someone else might be able to turn it into a song. This poem is not an attack on followers of Islam.

                                                                          Hey Mister
Hey Mister can you tell me what your heaven's like.
Is that some sort of a place that's made on spite.
I don't understand why you want to blow yourself up and innocent people.
Hey Mister I dont understand you at all.
Don't you have people that you love.
Hey Mister what's your heaven's like.
I thought that God made us for love.
I thought he made us differant so that we could enjoy each others differances.
I didn't think he  created us for war and self destruction.
Hey Mister, Mister, Mister can you tell me what your heaven's like.
Hey Mister Hey Mister can you tell me what your heaven's about.
Hey Mister do you believe in the same God as I do.
Is your God of hate instead a God of love like the one that I presume is the God of the Universe.
Hey Mister what's your heavens like what your heaven's like.
Tell me what your heaven is like.
Please don't blow me up.
Don't blow my kids up.
Don't blow up the innocent.
Don't blow yourself up just for some strange cause.
Hey Mister can you tell me what your heaven's like.
Hey Mister can you tell me what your heaven's like.

Hello from the South end of Chordie Land.
I thought it would be good to introduce a little known favourite New Zealand Folk singer and songwriter to you all out in the Chordie-verse. His name is Derek Lind a not so well known person here and around the world. He is a favourite of mine I will attach a link of him doing a song of his at a gig earlier this year.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you EB that backing music you did with your friends time lapse photography on youtube made me think about trying something a bit more visual. EB your a good song writer. The challenge for all composers is trying to make that one  stand out song that will become something extra special.
Jandle, that is going to be my biggest challenge trying to make something that is easier on the viewers eyes more in focus and steady.
Thank you all of you for your feed back it means a lot to me.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am loving all your clever replies. With the divide between rich and poor getting bigger we sure could do with a revolution.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill
Love to Dondra. Great to see you back here in Chordie Land. I have put a longer version up on soundcloud of, Faith Will Get Us Through, if you want to give it a listen. I have also posted a quirky video on YT titled Tain Line which might entertain. Cheers Zurf the cheap budget made it a bit rough. My wife Maree has a collection of P.J. Shutlar art so I thought I would use those as part of the video. 
Your friend Peatle


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Mojo you have made a song that I enjoy because, simply it works in a clever way by being  catchy and easy to remember. It also makes a statement about having fun with life's setbacks.  A go to  song  that rings in your head when you want to uplift yourself  at times when things are not working out.  People who read this post,  make sure you give this song a listen.  To me this song has legs which will should take it to all sorts of people around this world.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello Chordie Land here I am surrounded by fireworks. Here in New Zealand every year we still celebrate Guy Fawkes on November the 5th with fireworks. I am wondering if  any other parts of Chordie Land are doing that or even know what I am posting about????? Guy Fawkes failed to blow  up the English Parliament and for some reason it has become part of our New Zealand annual events.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello from Springtime  down here in NZ. Time to grow new Ideas. As those in the Northern hemisphere head into winter we in the South Pacific Ocean head into summer. I have attempted to do a differant way of presenting my music ideas on youtube I will attach my effort here for anyone wanting to have a watch or give some feed back.