
(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi JImmy,

firstly, dont feel like you are being a pain in the arse. This forum is here to help everyone, each other. Even if you dont get the same person helping you all the time, we are all here to help each other ( or at least I hope we are)

To answer your question, it depends on what sort of style you play I suppose. If you play lead guitar I think it would be handy to know individual notes but probably not essential.

I could not look at a fret board and tell you any note straight away, but it is easily worked out.

I learned what each note was on 6 strings for the first 5 frets, but now as I look at my fret board I can not tell you what every note is straight away, would take 10 seconds for some of them and others I know straight away.

If you are strumming straight chords it is not nescessary to know all note if any.

It is handy to know the notes up to the 5th fret to read chords such as D/C which would be a D chord and holding a C note, but even then you could sit and work out the note first,

so na, you dont need to memorise all notes



(11 replies, posted in My local band and me)

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  ok so robbie williams might be a big headed arrogant sort of guy that the women like but no need to be embarrassed. I actually like his songs and I am into heavy rock and punk music, ( and also country,folk and lots more but not usually pop crap)

I met a guy that done a few of his songs and done them on an acoustic and they sounded great, apart from angels, he was bad at that.

Also I know another guy that plays ...... wait for it...... rowan keaton.!!!!! when I first heard I thought oh no, please no a rowan song, but now I think they are great, I just wont listen to rowan doing them,

you can take any song from any artist and play it, even the really bad artists do good songs even if they need changed a little to suit yourself.

You two should get together and have a jam, see where it goes.

I only Jam with a couple of guys now and play in bothies to people and the very occasional time in a pub.

A pub, yeah two of you meet at nova scotia bar at the trongate, they have open days and nights for music.



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

good song james I say as I sit here with my guitar strumming away at it, but what a tongue twister that single sex soap opera is to sing.lol



(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

i was wathcing this guy a while ago, but after clicking on this link and seeing him again and then looking at more of his stuff, it looks like he has his own website. And I might be wrong but I think he is looking for money for  teaching online.

I hope I am wrong in my assumptions but I got that feeling that is the way he is leading.

if he has no other skill and cannot find a job, and cannot get in a band for a really good reason then good luck to him.

maybe I should go and tell him to come in here and give advice, thats if he doesnt already, hmmm, maybe he does???

d oyou?




(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)


I just got on this site after about an hour trying to.

I kept getting this message

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /data/www/guitar/include/functions.inc on line 1628

is this to do with an error on the site or maybe my computer? anyone else get this?



(81 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I got one on the go just now roger.

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

i thought after listening to really silly naff lyrics on a silly pop song that I could come up with something sillier. So, I wrote this.

I have not recorded it yet and I hope I remember the melody of it when i get to record it at the weekend or next weekend, but I do remember the chorus was fast, but I might change the melody.

{t: I used to}
{st:Ken Godwin}

C# m                   A7
I used to be a tree frog
         D                   A4
But now I’m a happy man
I used climb the highest trees
But now I don’t think that I can
G                           Em
I used to smoke cigars on a rope
But now I eat pies from a tin
I used to sacrifice goats to the dead
now I attend church and confess my sin

           D                                                           G
           I used to I used to I used to I used to                         X2

            G    Em  F  C   C#m    A7 C#m

I used to be a racing car driver
Now I’m a corpse going up in flames
I used to be a tv talk show host
Now I want to present some games

I used to find myself at bedtime
Now I just lose myself in the dark
I used to bleed from my eyes
But now it’s only when I walk in the park


G  Em  F  C  C#m  A7   C#m   A7       F   C    A7   (X2)  F  C  C#m



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi gayle and welcome to chordie

You have said what a lot of others have said and also how I felt a few years ago.

I had lyrics and paper everywhere, in folders, out folders etc. hand written lyrics, scribbled chords re written over and over.

Then I found chordie, awww, lol. Changed my life and the way I played, and how much I played.

I have got 4 folders full of music, lyrics and chords and 90 % is from here.

Also you can make your own online book so if you go to a party get yer bum on their computer seat and load up chordie and go thru your online books.

It is a really good feature. Instead of printing out every song you want to try, you can keep it in your song book online and print it out when you know you can do it,

have fun



(81 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well done roger.

good song.

what drum machine do you use?

in fact what are you using to record your songs? you are getting a much better sound than i get with guitar pro. maybe you have a better sound card than me? wouldnt be hard ,lol



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

hi dlc

by using windows movie maker you can chuck stuff onto that site.

dont need to have a camcorder, have one pic or lots or none, you can put yer music on that then post it on.

let us know when you have done it and i will give my my honest opinion, unless it will be very bad, then i might just keep quiet  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

looking forward to hearing



(9 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi crapo,

welcome to the forum.

hope you find it as useful as I have, and I enjoy sharing my little knowlege wit hothers too.

and as you can see I am crap at typing, not speklling mistake, just typing mistakes

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(81 replies, posted in Songwriting)

cheers roger.

Time has healed!! lol, but still.... blah blah. right yeah so

thanks for the comment, I got notice in my e mail that there was a comment on this video but when i went i couldnt see any comment. I tihnk youtube is playing up a bit today, probably since it is the weekend and it must be getting overloaded with new clips all the time.

took me a while to get thru all those pics, I am still experimenting when i can with videos.

My next mission is to have me singing in time with the music and have pics etc. It will take a while though.lol

I just noticed also that the sound on "time" was not as good when i recorded it today, I will have to see what i am doing wrong when mixing it down.



(81 replies, posted in Songwriting)

and my new video

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGwJGSEyf9E" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGwJGSEyf9E</a>

a song I wrote 10 years ago to this month. A sad song and based on a true story.

the lyrics:

There's something wrong

you've been crying too long

I come around, I come around to keep you company

Ye sit next to the fire

and you cry yourself to sleep again

I hate to see you cry

So I put my arm around you

and say


time will pass and time will heal

time has got time to steal

time may not be your friend

but it's not all you got until tomorrow

I dont understand

Why you won't let me hold your hand

I try to give you comfort

But you dont want none today

If you ask me to leave you

do you think that I will say ok?

well I'm never going to leave you

and I think it'll be alright to stay




(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

from some acoustics I have seen that thre owner has put on his own peg at the bottom of the neck, near the body for a strap to be attatched they have not had good ballance. When it is on and the strap is around you the guitar slides when let go.

So be careful where you put a peg.

I use a strap with the lace that gets tied at the top near the nutt or knut or however ye spell it.

I find that ok and it sits nice when the strap is on, a good ballance.



(5 replies, posted in Song requests)

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

I am sure they have played it every year I have seen them since 1993. But sometimes I have been that intoxicated I cannot remember every song. <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

enjoy the gig.



(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

if you go to the bottom of the forum there is a section for people to ask about different areas from all over the world. This way all the area questions are in one place and easy to find.

the section is called " my local band". But it is not just for local bands.



(4 replies, posted in Acoustic)

and just in case.....

when you see a O next to the string but not on an actual fret, this string gets played open.



(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

spot on Roger,

thats what I interpetated as well  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_biggrin.gif" border=0 alt="Very Happy">

we all do it when it comes to the opposite sex, male and female, we are a terrible species in this universe but we love it  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">


(5 replies, posted in Song requests)

yer not going to hear "listen" at the barras this year

they are playing the fukk set of imflamable matieral, all but one song " closed groove" this song will be played at the end.

first song will be as ever alternative ulster, then dong all the rest of the album.

I am looking forward to it. This is the only religion I follw ,lol, the Stiff little fingers " st paddy's day gig " I have lost count how many years now, but in a drunken guess right now I think 16 times this year, and every time just gets better



(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

yes but those tabs are still for the bass guitar

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

big question is,,, do you want to write her one?

or are you just going along with the idea to get your wicked way? either way is good  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_twisted.gif" border=0 alt="Twisted Evil">

ok some ideas that will woo her.

mention the word love a few times, and how her eyes look so beautiful, how you love her hair whether it is long or short, dont mention her breasts, well not unless they are so fantastic you cannot leave them out but mention them in a loving attractive way and not a dirty mind like mine would  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  If she has long sexy legs mention them.

Anything you find attractive about her, mention it, nose, ears, toe, hair, bum, legs,

oh yeah, and her personality I suppose, women for some reason keep going on about this personality thing. ( persoanlly I tihnk they mention this if they know they have a not so nice looking guy )  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">   <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_eek.gif" border=0 alt="Shocked">

mention how she talks if she talks really nice. i.e. whispering in your ear etc.

and how much you love it when you make love, oh yeah and also when you make love to her  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  that always helps.

Dont mention how she compares to other women, not even an old girlfriend that dumped you and you got over it but you still want to have a go with her.  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_biggrin.gif" border=0 alt="Very Happy">

here, this is the best question I have ever seen in chordie. Also the best one I have had fun replying to.

hope this helps.

in fact, send me a pic of her tell me her likes and dislikes and I will write a song,lol.

Na, got to do this yourself, a very personnal thing is love songs.



(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

I will stay out of this one as Rogers lyrics are good, very good, there is the first verse.

who is up for the second?



(14 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Indie

The tabs you were looking at there are BAss guitar tabs. Thats why there are only four strings.

it is showing that the bass plays the D string twelve PLucks on the 3rd fret then the A string for twelve plucks on the thrid fret, then it gets repeated 3 times ( x3) before moving onto the D string again then the A string on the 5th fret etc etc etc

for the guitar tabs for this song ( that I have never heard) go here

<a href="http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.php?what=tab&id=429417" target="_blank"> http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.u … tar.com/pr int.php?what=tab&id=429417</a>

Now, for the tabs here, they are playing power chords, place your fingers where the numbers are on your guitar and play.

hope this makes sense and helps you



(1 replies, posted in About Chordie)

well, yep, I certainly saw the question as the topic,

my answer is you get a piece of paper and a pen and write your name down  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">   <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">   <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

Sorry, I just couldnt resist that answer.



(5 replies, posted in Song requests)

hi craig,

I used to play this all the time,

so from memory ( and if wrong I will post it correctly tomorrow if i remember and if i dont then ask again,lol)

Dm D Dm  Am     G

(the D is just strummed once)

then the wee bit before the chorus goes  A  G  C

wo oh ohohoho

C                    G

why dont yo listen to your heart

thehn then the wee break part I think is

F             C

oh its not as bad as it seems

etc   G

thats the way I played it anyway and sounded correct



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Hi tim

It is a wee Mahalo I got too.
But now I have been playing it quite a lot I thin ki should get a bigger one with wire strings but cannot find one for under £50 yet ( the limit my wife will pay for my birthday)
I got 27 days to find one now or she might end up buying me something I dont want ( again!!!  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  I am so glad she doesnt read in here)
