
(31 replies, posted in Songwriting)


See! No one else was needed.  You did good on you own!

you make recording  look to easy. which i know its not.

Oh well. i cant be good at everything!

Very well done.

Old Doll


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi last Rebel,

This young man doesnt need music, its all there in his God given voice.

He makes a snow storm sound warm!

Nice one "Thanks"

Old Doll.

I had a incident with my son when my Mam Died He was 7 or so at that time.

I see you and you see me
Why are we just sitting here
when we could go out and play
You go on and leave
and I'm still so lonely.

You know these Make believe friends they sometimes have?
Well i do wonder hard about that one.Young children are so unconditioned
at that age!

Now as for "I will pull down your underwear" What a clever child to know this terrifys most adults as well as children. I know it would me.
Ill have mine well secured if she comes this way "Trick or Treating" Lol.

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Daddy cool

Thank you for  the Email update Re." My Little Tractor."

They also will be printed and enjoyed by the wee ones.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Simplistic song, about what shyness  must be about.

I find bashfulness such an  appealing quality in people. I much prefer this to

someone full of there own importance! They can take a hike , in my book

Well Done. Cool.

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well Captured James,

How observent are you? Ive met loads of these young people in my days.

Somehow some of them grow up to become sensible adults.T G.

I also have rune stones, In a bag. { Somehow that doesent sound right! Ah
you know what i mean James!! "A gift i got from a friend."

Great Lyrics!

Old Doll.

Sumelton 1

What about Newton singing  "Dream Catch Me" I Love that song.

Old Doll.


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Don,
Good to hear from you. Thank God it wasn't all your betting slips?

I had all my notes for Classes and workshops hand written for years. Then some people
would request copies of themes i would discuss at these venues.. I sat one day all day

typing everything into a PC. so i could do printouts! After all my hard work i to lost all.
I now use Microsoft office word. this auto saves, but i also save just in case.

Irelands soccor team were playing same time as the rugby, and even though the club had 2 tvs I must admit

I did watch the soccor.Well Don !This was just as exciting as watching someone tuck there  Shirt into there Jocks!

No Olympic Standards here! Ive had better moves on a dance floor and more scores! " even if i say so myself" LOL..
So i went and spoke to the guy who was doing the music for the night!

I Guy,some equipment,great voice, boy! did he play some of the best music  spanning 30 years. Now his
performance was worthy of a gold!. I went home a happy bunny.

I will look forward to your song adorning the "Forums Song Writing Section" as i do with everyone!

Don't forget "Save save save" Not all the Dosh of your winnings now? Your words! Don Corleone Sir".

Slán and keep trotting!!

Old Doll.


(42 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Ark

for your reply! God what was i on this morning? Must have been all the Fajhaitas and Natchos i ate last night, not to mention the sour cream.
overload of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees lol. Oh a just a wee drop of wine? alright then! 3 glasses.

Would you have known  this one from the past?
This guy was 70 today! Makes me feel old. But it was and is a great song.



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

No Ark i never did!
I enjoy writing, always did! I see the power in everyone elses words,
not so much in my own. I did have 2 pieces published. I have never
submitted, this was done by other people!  One about a guy who
called here 30 years ago. A knife sharpener,middle aged Very fit man. He had been in the circus, most of his life. As he was sharpening my garden tools
he started telling me all about his life. Well i did ask him as i do find other people worlds fascinating.
On that lovely hot sunny day, his smell was axle grease.He had the most beautiful blue eyes,shining like diamonds in his head. A shyness i will never forget and a wonderful Belfast Accent. He told me all about himself.
I knew Ark when he left that day i would never forget him. I captured him on
paper, but he captured me in my mind. To this day i long to talk to him again.
Impossible now as i discovered some years ago he has passed to his own Circus beyond. Feel sad now even thinking of Him. I never can understand
why people have this affect on me?
My other piece was about Womans Issues. Woman in this country were very
badly treated for to long! My involvement in trying to improve this, led me to write a piece, Which was submitted  to the EEC and Bundas Bank looking for funding for womans needs in my area. I was never a very political person
but i always had a very strong sense of life and the Injustice that sometimes comes with it.We had a powerful womans group then. To this day i hold
them with the greatest love and admiration. They are now spread far
and wide, But they laid very important foundations. Which our community
to this day benifit from. Thinking of all this now, reminds me of how much energy i had then. Those wee gofers in the zoo always remind me of us
back then. Furrowing away underneath all the S##t  and obstacles
they threw at us. Each barrier we broke down,would make us brave enough
to take on more.

Yes! we got our funding. I was asked to read my piece at a very large venue.
I remember how nervous i was.
Insecurity is a horrible feeling. Never did learn how to drop kick that one?
Probably why i dont do anything with my written words.
The forum here gives me the freedom to do this. "Thank You Per".
Ark my Stroll Soul, Bet you sorry you asked the question!!
God what am i like? one simple question and you get a tome of an answer!
I think i need therapy? I also need to get my Ass outa here to prepare
for a wedding later in the week. Not mine i hasten to add. Sure ill leave that
to all you lovely young people, i just help to make you all look purdy on the day.
Speaking of days Ark!
Have a happy one.

Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

to answer your question " Yes" I never did join any site till Chordie.
Never ever thought id be posting and still involved with Chordie so long!

Then i was requested to Face book and Myspace.

Chordie is still my Favourite, and as everything in life has a time scale sure
Ill enjoy this as long as its meant to last?

Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Thank You Sumelton1
Your Right! No mystery here anymore. Just learned all that while still
in my Jammies! "Now what else can i learn today with such ease? hmmm.....

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi James
Just come home, American visitors, wonderful night! wonderful conversation.

Exoskeletons "Ants" imagine over 500 million years old? These wonderful tiny creatures the mind boggles even
with a few wines. Roger will love this. Thankfully he wasn't burned alive! He may even refrain from useing sprays?  Although we all know they are must to keep our own nest habitable!
Personally i prefer Essential Rosemary oil, mixed with common water  i found is the best and most natural deterrant.
Seen some beautiful Ant hills recently, done as i love to do, watched them in total quiet and bliss. There work is all about total unition. Humans could
learn so much from them.
Love the image,"We got our special groove".
Well done James.

Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Ah God Alvee,

Wouldn't that guy just make you sick with so much talent?
Ive just spent the last hour few hours, going from practise to chordie!

I think ill just put my baby away and go back to the Whistle!

That just ruined my glorious God Given Sunday!

Now i want to comfort eat.

Old Doll.

Good song lastRebel,

I love Alan Jacksons voice. Line danced to his Chattahoochee!

He also does a great rendition of Buffetts "Five Oclock Somewhere.

Adalida by Strait, great song to Rock n Roll to.

Murder On Music Row" Is one of the loviest sounds to slow dance to.

Yes! I do agree with some here "He Did mean dont lose sight of the
real sound of Country Music.

A wee bit like our  own "Diddly Di Music. We may not all like it, but wouldn't
want to lose it from our Culture.

You are entitled to your own opinion of course!

Old Doll.


(22 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Last rebel Darlin,
I have a million. But right now "Wonderful Tonight" in this mode is my all
time favourite! But the girlies always spoil it by singing " But i say" Guys you have no chance tonight"?. Which i must say " I find amusing, but they know it drives me nuts.
Any how, all that aside.
Sparkling Chains" By admin James McCormick  is my all time favourite
for this year. If anyone ever epitomised my thinking and how i feel about
life in general at this stage " James captured it unknowingly for me
in his written word.
I have sung it so many times in ceremonies ie, Weddings, Anniversary,
and just in general. as i love to sing the song. The words are so wonderful.
I suggest you save the words you young people, theres a lot to be learned from  them!
You will appreciate and understand  them  more as you get older,  maybe
Just maybe you will even remember James and Old Doll from the
Chordie Forum?. I feel honoured to be linked to this Gentleman
and his words.
Dia Linn to you James and the Forum.

Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Paddy Jacks,

My old friend ! Fáilte to you.

Well are you still picking or PLECTRUMMING? TEE HEE.

Quick Hello, off out tonight. No dancing though, because i hurt my
"IlIac Sacrum" isnt those 2 words just the best way to  describe me?  No! ah your right there PJ, everyone has them. Better known as a Pain in the A++.

Have a good evening young man.

Old Doll.


(13 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Moddish,
After reading your post. your guitars are so a part of you, this was the
first word came to mind.

Triskele.. Meaning!
3 spirals, or arms or legs radiating from the centre. 2 being your Arms
and the central point being your new Arm and love! " Guitar"
Just a suggestion. Enjoy the instrument whatever its called..

Old Doll.

Alvee33, i couldn't agree more!

I read it twice, just to make sure he was joking about dropkicking wee dogs..
Im sure he was! YOU WERE UYK? i hope. i thought you had a wee dram or 2 taken.. I laughed so much, as your post kept reminding me of  the tv shows
Rab C Nesbitt". I dont really like Tv, but i used watch his shows, for the absolute madness to his way of thinking, with his family,friends and Mary Doll.
I used to have a sore belly for a week after some of his shows.
you could be writing there scripts " You remind me of my own Lads. Who like
yourself have a good  all round healthy sense of self and life. With the gift
of Laughter.. We need more of this in life. Enough seriousness in this world
without adding to it!
Thank You UYK, "Your a Joy to the Forum.. Enjoy your retreat!!!!.

Old Doll.

I used to love this song way back. Apparently its now a hit with
"Family Guy" another Rab C, from what i hear?  My son showed me the full cartoon version, very funny!
but its been removed.



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Just came to have my lunch and seen this post. Arsdteach, i to would prefer
to see your own written words.
This is just a quickly written silly piece to get the message to you. It doesn't have to be all complicated to get the message across.
Ps, My dog is delighted with you, he has just eaten my now cold lunch!
The experts here are wonderful at freely giving advice..

Wordless in Canada?      Helena Donovan.
You said you couldn’t write a song
Your words were very few.
The words you did compose
May sound corny just to you.

Your honesty within the post
Is what appealed to me
Your not into stealing lyrics
But give credit where its due.
Your not wordless in Canada
Your music already saying
Compliments from people
Your gift is in your playing.

So play Guitar pick and strum
Hold it like your lover
Let your mind sail and chill
Some words will drift or hover..

She can be the softest thing
To touch, love, and hold.
Her scent, smile, her beauty
A million words about her soul.

So Wordless in Canada
dont fret cry or rattle
this could be worse
you could be known
As Sleepless In Seattle.

Ardsteach from the forum
These Corny words record
I’ve just spent my lunchtime
Answering your call.

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi James,

Its a good place to find!. So more about being aware of our actions/words,  Then Ashamed"..
If I think ive hurt someone, I dont like the feeling im left with.

But then apologies can be majestic words in motion.

Your song here is exactly that James! You clever Man!

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Arkkady,

Beautiful lyrics and song... Your lady must be so pleased to know she means
so much to you.
Well done for putting this so well in song.

Old Doll.

Hi Rockerchick,
JUST BE YOUR SELF! If your not needing there approval, your fine!
Accents i love. It defines you and sometimes your roots. Now im not to keen
on people who cross the water for a week and come back with a drawl.
Nothing wrong with a drawl, but come on now, why lose your own accent?
My sister speaks Dutch Fluently with the best Dublin Accent. Funny to listen
to, but 30 years in the Netherlands hasnt changed her.

I also was taken to a dinner many years ago and seated beside a older man and woman. Sure i chatted away to them no problem. Going home i was told
they were 2 Professors. I tried so hard to think what id spoken about to them?.
Did i make a fool of myself with such learned people?. This was my own insecurity. As it turned out i spent lots of time in there company later on and
did tell them how i felt at that time.... They were educated, had no snobbery
and willing to answer and explain every question i would put to them.
So in life your going to meet all sorts, Just be yourself and always treat
people with the same standards you expect for your self.
My 2 beautiful professors have since passed. There treatment of me, encouraged me to go back to Adult Education ....See! "The Sparkling Chain Connection" once again. Every link is a learning process. Good or Bad.

Old Doll.


(25 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

You are so right! How could i have forgotten that, I love her Singing.

Hope life is good for you?

Old Doll.


(44 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Congratulations RockDoc,

Enjoy Enjoy!

Old Doll.