
(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

ah the normal view from the top of a scottish mountain,lol.

I have never been up that one although I have visited gorton bothy a few times, thats the nearest bothy i think. 1 or 2 is not enough Al. 4 at least and a visit or 5 to a bothy with yer instrument is the minimum per year for me .

well, as usual, never went all the way up to the top of ben lomond, moaning kids!!!! too steep, sore legs, can we rest can we rest, nearly there? etc etc ,lol.

I should try smaller ones for their small wee legs,  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_rolleyes.gif" border=0 alt="Rolling Eyes">



(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I think ye have just gave me an idea,lol

I might post on my youtube space on how I cheat with chords. on F, B, A, Fm Bm C# C#m and a few others.lol

Will let you know, but first I hear Ben lomond calling, I am away a walk up scotlands most southernly munro



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)


if you look further down the page there is a section for song requests. You might have a better chance of someone answering you there.

In chordie there are sections for relevant questions. If everyone were to ask everything in the same place the forum would be a mess.

you might find this meaasge will be moved to the correct section sometime or deleted.


<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

good one phil

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_rolleyes.gif" border=0 alt="Rolling Eyes">


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks james,

I told roger, after watching it this morning I know I can do the guitar better, After 6 or 7 times I think I was getting annyoed with myself and laid down the first guitar I managed all the way thru.

Also the sound levels could have been better but this is harder to do for me. I dont normally have drums, this was about the 3rd time I have used my fruit loops6 program and exported it into guitar pro, so although not perfect , it helps me for later songs.



(6 replies, posted in Acoustic)

HI fatfingers

Welcome to chordie and keep practicing the F chord.

I think if ye can do C then a bit more patience and practice and ye will manage F.

I have big thick fingers, though not fat they are still thick and dumpy.

If you dont like certain chords you can use the "transopse" opion to the right of the song you are viewing. It might mean you cannot sing the song though and might not be able to play along with the song. But then, it might make it better so you can sing along easier.

give that a go and let us know

hope this is of some help to you



(6 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I just noticed this topic,

well done Pere. Roger did say something about you getting a baby.

Good to hear mother and wean are well.

Congrats to both of you.

all the best for the future.



(61 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

here's a name I just thoght of and I will never use it as I dont plan to be in another band so anyone can use it if they think it is good enough for them

Justus  , ,, sounds like justice but just us, lol

I really do have to get out on a saturday more often




(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ok, I had a spare 3 hours today as I had a hangover and too ill to go out into the great big world ( apart from going to shop to get a set of new speakers, bead,milk and a plunger  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  dont ask!!

so, with my spare 3 odd hours I made a new video and also recorded this song " WITH YOU" my way. ( not the song "my way" )

It never tooko long to upload at all but it is taking ages to get on the site, just liike my last one, but it will eventually get up.

if it does work then try later, it has not been showing it yet for the last hour.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VzifUoDRqc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VzifUoDRqc</a>

I also have a uke playing in it at the break.


<table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>jweisser wrote on Fri, 16 February 2007 21&#58;21</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
The only way to end the fear of sing and performing in front of people is to do it as much as possible.  You may screw up because you are nervous but don't stop playing.  Your family will always support you so play in front of them.

very good advice, keep doing it until your embarrassing period disapears.

I was very shy singing in front of people, even when i was singing in a band while playing bass, I thought I sounded stupid and looked daft, and maybe I did look and sound stupid but I really dont care.lol.

If you ever hear a song by syd barrett called "if it's in you" you will be suprised if not shocked at what people made money from.

I covered this song nearly exactly the way Syd sang it and what a great song it is.

click on the link then feel good about singing

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_X5tQcML_A" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_X5tQcML_A</a>




how does james know scrimpy is alex? ( yes  iam drunk and maybe missed scrimmpy signing this but i have looked 3 times and still cant see the name alex!!) lmao


ok, alex/skimp,

You say you think we might think it is crap!!! not at all, anfd to tel lyou the truth right now, right here, I never read all of the song, but what is good is you have music to it, words and lyrixcs and made the effort to write it down, and obviousl yyou have a tune in your head for it, so whether anyone here thinks it is good or not is not an issue.

You have wrote a song, and hopefully you have wrote a song that you like and that is the biggest part of song writing,

( i have said this before, and will probably say it several time again)

As david Bowie says, if you write a song ans you like it then someone in the wolr dwill like it too. You will not be the only person in the world that likes your sonprobklem now is trying to find a few hundred thousand people to buy it to make money from it,.lol

I write a lot of songs, more than i post in hrere and that I post in youtube, some I like but I tihnk others wont like it so I dont bother posting anywhere ( yes!! I should listen to my own advice)

I will go back and read your full song now.

and someone  ( james or roger) said it was a bit morbid????? wtf???? nothing wrong with morbid songs, I am an extremely big gfan of pink flod and they have quite a few very successfull morbid songs ,lol

so if morbid songs is all you can write then carry on writitng exceleent morbid songsd.


ffs, i could go on for another hour or so on this but i am wanting to go play pool online





(13 replies, posted in Acoustic)


I have been playing now for about 16 years and I still cannot fingerpikc properly, but  istill try.

But, I never even tried this until about a year ago.

I think it depends on what style you want to play.

If you are desperate to fingerplucking only then go ahead and keep practicing this and nothing else, but if you want t odo everything then master the art of strumming forst.

My wife can fingerpluck and she doesnt even play  the guitar really, but she can do about 4 or 5 songs really good, much better than me.

She has tried to show me how do do fingerplucking properly but i find it really hard using a finger for each string.

I, instead use two or three fingers for finger plucking and I play the strings randomly and I like it. It might sound terrible but I like it and that s all that matters as I am not making moeny from it and having fun, and that is what it is all about, having fun!!!

carrying on trying though



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

nope roger,

I dont think it is for privialged users, I cannot see the link at all now, so the delete button must work.


and a warnign for anyone esle wanting to to abuse the chordie site.

I will do the same. i look at things that dont even interest me,

yes, you you may all call ma sad, but when you have the choice of watching changing roms or wife swap or trisha etc on telly, me sifting thru this site is mucyh more fun ,lol  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(2 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I just noticed  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_redface.gif" border=0 alt="Embarassed">  that you can add videos to the songs in chordie,

great feature!!!! well it lets you put a link to youtube ( and maybe other sites?)

this is greast to see how people play songs.

One thing though, It has not got a lot of songs in the video section and already it has been abused by the user  "abby khan"

I have clicked to delete their entry of what was suppose to be " summer of 69" by brian adams, instead it had a guy playing something completely different, so hopefully the delete button worked.

please do not abuse the site and put vdeos on other song names, no matter how cool you think they are. Youtube is full of videos, you can give us the link to cool music videos in the forum if you are that desperate for everyone to see it.

thank you



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi ron

I tihnk it makes a difference to the sound whether you use soft or hard, but it depends what sort of sound you want and what you are comfortable playing with.

I use a few different plectrums but not for different sounds, just because I never buy the same one  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  and I have a habit of leaving them lying around and when I go to take one out my wee p[lectrum dispenser I have stuck on my guitar it is a different one.

right now I am using chordie's own picks along with a dunlop .60mm, the chordie ones are thicker.

I like ones around the .60mm - .75mm. I find that under .60mm is too flimsy but then it all depends on what you feel comfy with.



(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi dirty and welcome to chordie,

anything you need to know just ask and someone will hopefully help you, or 20 people will give you their opinions.

With your name I thought you were my mate from dumbarton, he uses that name for his e mail, hmm, maybe you are him????



(9 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

hi hendrix follower,

My first band I was in many years ago prcticed twice a week for 4 weeks before doing our first gig. We were supporting a local band in a pub.

We only done covers at the time. We chose 12 songs and practiced them many many times.

I know in scotland you can play in a pub before you are of legal age ( 18 here) but you just cannot buy or drink the good stuff.

Get to know local bands and get them to know you and your music. Look out for battle of the bands etc.

see if you can play in a local club that doesnt sell bevy.

Whatever you do, make sure you have fun doing what you want to do as a band.



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

in fact James,

so superb I am playing this, going to print it out and play it while away in my bothies.

I have changed it slightly, the chords, not lyrics. Near enough the same but i dont play a Dm, i am playing the verse the same al lthe way thru and the chorus has  more chords. Not the way you probably play it,lol.

I will post this one on the net at the weekend if i get time so you can hear how i am doing it.



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)


superb mate!!!

forget what I said anout those other lyrics being the best you wote, this song is sellable.

I really think you should look into selling your songs. This has better lyrics than those manufactured groups.



(12 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

sorry chris, I am new to the uke too, ( about 6 months)  i am wanting a new one too, hopefully end of the month . thats if my wife has took on the heavy hints of " I want a uke for my birthday"
So, ireland and using £'s? so Northern Ireland?  Iam sure there is a ferry or hover craft that comes into glasgow from there for shopping? maybe they were just talking about it? Anyway, quite a few music shops in rainy glasgow.
I was wanting a new uke about £50 and a new scotland football top, but i hope I get the uke. Whatever I dont get, I will have within 6 months.

So, I hope you get some good replies to give me some ideas too


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

well wrote out roger ,lol.

did your friend dress up and do silly things and dress down for this song or does he post pics of himself on the net like this?  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  good on him anyway.

and i know i asked before but i dont know if i got a reply or maybe i missed it but

what do you use to record?

and what drum machine do you use?



(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like this.

especially the last two lines. Writing a song for someone knowing they will never hear it and mentioning it at the end gave it that certain, " I loved you but bugger it" sort of feeling.

Or thats the way I read it.

good work,

keep it up



(0 replies, posted in About Chordie)


It took me a while, nearly a year if it has been on this long to notice that you can have a buddy list,lol

I have two on my list now but I am wondering to what use it is apart from easier to send private messages?

I know there might be something telling me about it but I havent looked and if I dont get a reply here I will have to look, so any ideas before I go and look myself?

<img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)


This could be the best lyrics you have written.

I like this a lot, a very lot lot  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

looking forward to roger doing it, I might even print this one out and use it myself if I like it as much as I think I should.

now im off to do this " i used to"




(11 replies, posted in My local band and me)

there is no stage Craig, it is a tiny wee pub and I think the open mic is always in there, whenever someone feels like playing they play,lol. But there will be a set day probably that a few meet up and have jams in there.

But I hear there are a lot of really good open mic nights , wednesday being one but canny remember what pub, should be easy to find on a search on the net I would think.
