
(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Nice one Phill


(50 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That is a beautiful guitar  can't wait to hear Bill playing and singing with it.


(11 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Phill glad you  like what I do. I appreciate you taking the time to have a listen.


(11 replies, posted in Poems)

Brilliant  video  Bill you are onto my humour.


(11 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you EB.  My visiting  friend from the UK tells me our interpretation  of the word knockers has a  differant meaning  to the people in the UK. The word knockers to them  talks about a piece  of female anatomy  while we are talking about being put down. I  think all criticism is valid but  it shouldn't stop people from people doing what they enjoy. Talking singing is cool with the right delivery.  I think  E B you have got a great way of doing it in a Kiwi way.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I like your differant take on Christmas Phill not everyone gets to have a family Christmas. It seems to me your song is writen from the perspective of a person having Christmas alone.????


(11 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill ,That happen's to me often just when I get a  idea I like,  I have to do something else. Later on I can't remember how it went.
Bill great to hear from you I will attach a link of me doing the poem with just me and piano. Not one of my better performances.


(11 replies, posted in Poems)

This poem is me a unsuccessful   songwriter  thinking about songs and what work's.
                             A SONG
People ask me, how do you write a song?
I don't write the song's they  write themselves.
If I try and write a song it won't work.
I can't go to a song  the song has to come to me.
Yeah you know  a song can have it's own  feet.
It doesn't need me, but I need the song.
It has to come to me.
I don't know when a song comes.
Usually it comes at inappropriate times.
When I am having a conversation.
And suddenly  this song will come to me.
And  I got  to sort of go home and write it down.
Pick up a guitar or  put it on  piano.
That's what happen's to me.
A  song will alway's come to me.
I will never go to a song.
If I try hard it won't work.
If I take it  easy and just relax.
That's when it come's out.
You got to  have  a clear head at time's to write a song.
Don't  want to over think it.
And you want to let it sort of  take it's  own course
Yes a good song has it's own  feet.
It doesn't need  you.
A song has a life of it's own.
Yeah a song is it's own beast,  it's own identity.
It has a life after your life.
If it's a good song.
Yeah  a good  song can travel further than youll  ever travel and be around lot longer than you.
Yeah a song writes'  itself.


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Phill you didn't mutilate Tigs song you just took it to where it should be a wonderful Transatlantic  performance.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beamer you have a great songwriting gift. Your recording to me has a bit of a Lou Reed feel to it which I like. Keep those songs coming.

Johnny Cash is one of my music heros I love that song you put up Bill.  Reading about Zurf Grandfather reminded me of those  old men I knew when I was a kid who had been through the First World War from both sides. I would loved to have met Zurf,s Grandfather. I will attach a Australian song about The first World war by the Pogues about the Australian, New Zealand experience. The Battler of Galipoli is a big part of both  NZ and Aussies military history. We have a day of rememberance called ANZAC day every April.
http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=The … ORM=VDFSRV


(2 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Thank you Bill for your kind comments the song,  Sold Ya Soul, was writen by Easybeat. If I coulld play the piano better I would have taken it up a notch. The Blues, Gospel, and Soul is what I grew up singing at home. When I was younger I spent a lot of time in smoke filled Jazz an  Blues venues. When I was in my Mid Twenties living in Sydney, I sang with a small group of Jazz Blues musos who were all around the age of 60 and over. The Band leaders daughter  the only one near my age and I were good friends. She would also sing with them much better than I  could sing. I was  paid mostly with free booze and food and entry to clubs and bars they were paid with cash. My day time job use to suffer a lot due to my late nights out.


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Badeye I I love that Joe Turner sound the sort of music I grew up with. I wish I could sing and play like them. Down here in New Zealand it is now our summer but someone forgot to turn of the rain this Saturday morning.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Greg Lake was a magic muscian. ELP  were an exceptional band.


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I can hear millions of couples world wide saying that is us on hearing your song TIG. Phill has made an excellent cover of it. When working to pay our bills that same job differant day would also apply also to the single working person trying to get on with  life.. Those lyrics cover the experience of many all around the globe .


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A couple friends of mine have had knee surgery like yours and have been pleased with improved quality of life.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love that  message of yours on soundcloud EB. I like your Cotton Fields lyrics idea Bill.


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

Phill Williams wrote:

Peatle, you live in the Forrest?

Chords to when I'm 64? Might work I'll have to give it a go.

Thanks to everyone for reading my early morning thoughts

Phill. I don"t live in a forrest just on the edge of a beautiful valley. There are plenty of trees around here and not far away is a forrest that goes to the top the highest hill that overlooks the valley I live in. My part of the woods is just a phrase we use here when talking about our part of town.


(14 replies, posted in Poems)

Even though it is summer at Christmas time here, those words make sense to me one of the oldest 18 year olds who lives in my part of the wood's, me.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello Chordie Verse
I know this is going to sound dangerous but believe it or not I have been thinking. Peatle thinking impossible I hear them cry.  In this dangerous moment of thought it seemed it would be nice for those who have it in them  this month to attach their own personal recorded Christmas New Year messages. It doesn't have to be a song it might be just a spoken word or a photo or whatever comes from your heart. While I got a moment as work wise it is busy time I made my one, attachment below.
I would love others to put something up if they want to.


(28 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Here is a little thumb picking idea you might want to try  Upside. It  is just playing on the A and B strings. I attach a short video I made for you showing what I mean. Hopefully it might be of some help to your guitar playing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN-gQVy … e=youtu.be


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Phill. That would a huge privilege to hear your take on Johnny's Whistle. I quiet often have vivid dreams of those who are no longer here, but are dear to me at night.
My father's perant's  lived longer than him I was very close to them. My grandmother the night she died went to bed early as she wasn't feeling well.  I was visiting that night,  I sat up with my Grandpah talking , Just before I left my Nana called out to my Grandpah and asked him to bring me to bedroom and say good bye. She then orderd him to take some small glasses out of the glass cabinet and got Grandad to put a drop of sherry in each. We then did a toast and I left it was very strange thing for her to do. She died that night in her sleep. While asleep at home that  night, I woke up after having this dream that my Grandmother had come to me and told me too keep an eye on Grandpah  make sure he is ok.. When I was  told of her passing next morning I felt like I already new what had happened.


(5 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I hope you give it a blast Easy Beat. Mekids it's those memories that sometimes make's one smile.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I thought I would attach a traditional New Zealand Christmas Carol Te Harinui which my Mother would sometimes sing  to us when she was younger. I love that Jazzy young Choir Mekids  put up. Also TF Jethro Tull another great song.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill and Dondra you  are Chordie Land Royalty. The Chordie Verse would not be as good if you two  were not on here.. I always look forward to reading your posts,