
(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is lovely jets.

God i could nearly smell the cherry blossom.

Ps, i had a futon jets, dont know how anyone sleeps comfortable on them.

old Doll.


(8 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I have to agree with Zurf here,

I nearly pulled my hair out trying to learn John Denvers, "This Old Guitar"

Asked on the Forum, and Mr Guppy here discovered it did have the wrong chords in parts.
As to strumming, i have always found the best way if your in real
difficulty, is to strum along to the tune/song its self.

Old Doll.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I so enjoyed that link Southpaw41l,

I have always liked most of these songs, but never did know the writers.

Love Hurts, Roy Orbison i love singing this song. But then i love most of his songs anyway.   Mystery Girl, is another i play when driving. Sure! what can i say about,

"In Dreams"Wheres that sparkling Globe till i get in the mood!Tee hee.

Southpaw! Speaking of Globes! How can a globe have 4 cornors?

You know as in, 4 CORNORS OF THE GLOBE?

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Fáilte again Dan,

I also tried to listen to this song. " No Joy"  I will try again later in the day

when i'm finished writing here and get back to you.

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Good morning Dan,

Lovely song, no doubting what this is about.

Nice wee story.

Old Doll.

Hi All,

A big "thank You" to you as always, Also Gem and Badeye, who was

the inspiration for this song.

For all  your encourageing words.  Diá Linn.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)


With  this one id like a little more of the story.

Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thanks for the Email Gem,

Whats the story here for James party? Are you bringing food or a bottle?

OK Gem! will we both just turn up acting Casual, Juawice will hardly turn

us away. Make sure Badeye brings his strings. " Not his string vest now"

We couldn't be letting the side down :Lol;

See ya there!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Last Rebel,

This one i feel needs more telling? Maybe me been nosey?

Old Doll


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi last rebel,

I have read this a few times earlier, and again now.
Personally i would leave it just as it is.
I like the feeling of " I wonder what happened next.

Good work.

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

As always lovely Jets,

you really can capture the moments..

Old Doll.

Ps. Thanks for your message today. I do hope its sorted!


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)


This piece has just melted the cockels of me ould heart. I could have been
any of the woman there.
What a great piece of writing. I could hear the till as you paid your tab,
and get a great feel for the surroundings.
Chords Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase. Not to hard mind,
keep this Old Doll in mind.


Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi cheapskate Bonedaddy,

I hope you understand, I was jesting about my brothers writings! Yes! he does keep most in a safe, which i can never understand either. My family
history is known to most.

   He was here some time ago today, played a song that brought tears to my eyes.  It was simply based on something he heard a woman say, On a tv programme, after her young Son was killed at war. Really beautiful. I have suggested he send it to her!   But  He never does anything with them.

which is a shame..
I have said here before" i have no skeletons in my
cubbards, buried them all outside lol. Why? because they only bought Cheap plonk!
Long W/E here, trying to decide what to do.

Mind your liver now! or it will be only good with Onions  Mash and Gravy!




(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


i was recently given a presentation bottle of Whiskey, with my name

written under the name of the whiskey.

In Gold" no less,  Do Woolf Blass do this kind of thing? with there labels?

Aussie Wine! Scottish Labels? I ask ya?.

Old Doll.

PS. forgot to say congrats on the award..


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well" where do you buy Woolf Blass for a fiver?

I pay anything from 12 to 20 euro a bottle. In the North I get it much cheaper.

But then everything is cheaper there anyway. " Must take a visit soon..

As for the Group i sang with. "you nosey git", if you think im putting that
on the www. your definitely havin a laugh.. There are some recordings somewhere. My parents house was sold some years back. It contained
a small recording studio. My brother burned a Cd and made some
tapes for me of old  recordings we all made long ago . lovely to hear my parents still sing though long passed.. I used to sing all the stuff my brothers wrote.
theres are so important there writings and recordings are locked in safes.!

I just purchased a memory stick today! Didnt want to lose all ive written.

getting a big head i am!! "Above my station as my darlin Mam would say!

Have you ever tried EagleHawk?
and was your passengers Pot herbs {Nerves } frazzled today with you in that state!!

Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Happy Birthday A Grá,
sure your only a babby {Baby}

Even the animal kingdom wanted in on the good wishes. Was up all night
teaching the steps, worn out i am! lol


Have a real Happy Day.

Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bone daddy!

Isnt Wolf Blass The most beautiful wine.  Been out tonight for an Indian.

Not looking for one, mind you" a meal!. All our American friends go home this

week end, They have had a ball. My song is finished for my Colarado Man.

He is so sweet, Id nearly like wedding cake again.

Eh! no on second thoughts. He's not that sweet.

Hey bonedaddy! remember this? Bus stop wet day shes there i say "please
share my umbrella" Your to young to know this..

My rockie mountain guy aint.  "Illl walk in the rain by his side! teehee

you mind those passengers now!

Old Doll.


(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

In one of the Dukes of Hazzard films.

Jackie Gleason " whom i loved said to his Son in the film " When i get home

im gonna slap your Mamma, as there aint no way you came from my loins".

I just thought id die from laughing.. To this day i still love that line,

Also "Tomorrow is another Day" from Gone with the  Wind" That ones

going on my Tombstone". Thats gonna look real good with Old Doll

beside it. :Lol:

Old Doll.


(7 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Happy Birthday Chordie,

Many thanks to you Per. I f this was good enough for my favourite President.

It has to be good enough for my second favourite!


Hi Forum,
I wrote this song For Badeye and His Gem,  for there 24th Wedding Anniversary. It is some time ago now. I recorded 3 songs this week.
This is one of them. Forgive the nerves please. I dislike recording.
Its posted on FOC: http://www.myspace.com/friendsofchordie

Treasure.Words/Melody Helena Donovan.

[D ] [G]

Did you always know that  she would be

[A][ D]

your treasure for  all eternity

[D] [G]

A twinkling gem like stars above

[A ] [D]

to give you never ending love.


Did she look at you when  first you met


with expectation on her breath


And know this man would nurture  her

[A] [D]

nurture  both your  chakra   tiers.



Its rare you know this kind of union

[A ][D]

blessed on high from Gods dominon.


Both took your fate with ease and grace

[A] [D]

Hand in hand at loves slow pace.

[D] [G]

May you always know each  others soul


like  the steps to the jive in  rock and roll


So lead each ot--her  onward now

[A] [D]

and dance the same steps 24   years from now.

Repeat chorus+ last verse.

Thank You.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Last rebel
I recorded 3 songs this week. I borrowed my brothers Takamine
to do this.
Lovely sound. My own guitar has a lovely sound also. But i did really like His.

So ill  maybe settle for one of these. I have been offered a good trade in price
for my own!I Dont really want to part with it.
Difficult choice!!.
Have many happy inspirational hours of playing your new Guitar.

Old Doll.


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

GoodMorning James,

Welcome back. Did i bust out laughing when i read this! This old doll
locked herself out at 6/45 this morning In my jammies. Freezing cold, putting out recycle bin. Could have done with thermal knickers! could still do with them as the cold went to places id forgottten existed.

Love your song, All houses should have dogs, cats, loads of people visits
and all the things that reflect the characters of the people who live there.
Also one big kitchen table for food and conversation.
I have a print in my kitchen which says "Dull Woman Have Immaculate Homes".
That one lets me off the hook a lot!

Nice song James.

Old Doll.

Thank You Stroll Soul Ark,

I so enjoyed that link. Talk about keeping it in the family?

She was then a very beautiful girl, and im sure she has aged real good 2.

She probably doesn't stay on Chordie late nights { not like some, not a million miles from here!!
Im starting my swimming now for the winter, so that should
take a wee bit more out of me.. Preparing for the Olympics Ark, you should see
me in my togs and goggles? Im only massive !  :Lol:

Old Doll.


What a lovely way to describe a great relationship.It must be
wonderful to feel that kind of security with someone..

George Harrrison  From the Beatles wrote "Something"In the way she moves"

For his lady Pattie Boyd.

Eric Clapton wrote Wonderful Tonight For, Pattie  Boyd also. He was
also married to this lady.

I do remember how beautiful to the eye she was. But she sure must
have had something more then looks!! 2 of the best songs ever written
inspired by Her.

Old Doll.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Kath,

i had often wondered how you were! Delighted to see you here again.

Hope your happy Girl..

Old Doll.