
(2 replies, posted in My local band and me)

E B like your treatment of my lyrics. I am honoured to have you make a good job of it . Guitar and singing work good.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank you Zurf it took  me years of pratice to learn how to sing as bad as I do.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank you Zurf it took  me years of pratice to learn how to sing as bad as I do.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers thanks for the jokes. Eb and Phill. Zurf glad you got the humour.  Bill in answer to your question', Robert Hall is a friend of mine who is a very good guitarist and bass player. He has been dabbling recently with recording music at home and also plays gigs with various muscians around town. He asked me to contribute my vocals to some of his compositions even though I am not a great singer. He was  a profesional full time muso back in the in the early 1990s but now does only the odd gig and has a day time job. He  has played guitar with many NZ top players. He was also an original member of a band called Gitbox Rebellion and played on their first album. I will attach an old video of Gitbox Rebellion for you to watch.  They were  an unusual band of ten guitarists. They played mostly concert style gigs.


(5 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Excellent studio work. Your voice and playing were nicely balanced we could hear all the nice tones comimng through. It was money well spent
Obviously you used a top sound engineer to display ypour excellent talent..


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Two men walk into a bar the third one ducked.
A Horse walks into a bar. The bartender looks at horse and asks, "Why the long face?".
My ex Brother Inlaw had a drinking problem  which caused the break up of his mariage to my sister.
He was staggering home one night when a homeless man came up to him'
He asked for two dollars.
My brother inlaw said to him,  "no way you will only spend it  on drink".
The homeles man said," no way sir I dont drink."
Brother inlaw then tells him "In that case you will spend it on gambling".
The homeless man said," no I don't gamble.">
My brother inlaw look's at him  with pity before asking  the homeless man to come home with him.
The homeless  man asks, "sir  why do you want me to come home with you.?'"
My  ex brother in law replied," so my wife can see what happens to a man that doesn't drink or gamble".


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers thank you for having a listen glad you like my vocal effort. I have to thank Robert Hall  of Hall and Shutlar for the other bits.
I will attach  the link to the song just incase anyone wants to have a listen.
https://soundcloud.com/eatleville/no-mo … -the-blues


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ditto to Bills comments.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Bill
Knocked Kneed is a expression I like. It is used in NZ by some parts Kiwi society.Look fprward to seeing what you come up with.
I am not playing music at the moment due to health issues, just adding a few bad vocals here and there,  Attached is my latest vocal effort .
Wishing you and Dondra all the best.
https://soundcloud.com/eatleville/no-mo … -the-blues


(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Dino was one of those people who could turn winters into a warmer time. I hope his family and those close to him get to experience some of what Dino meant to his Chordie friends.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Mojo you got a clever  way of telling stories through song. I enjoy listening to your music.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A guitar called Dino an excellent dedication dedication.


(16 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

Hi Bill
I got both shoulders Rotor Cuffs  giving me grief the medical people think it will take me about 6 months to get back to playing guitar and piano again. Wishing you a quick recovery.
Wishing  you and Dondra all the best.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Chris and Willie and now Mojo three musician singers who I love listening to. My late father inlaw who couldn't speak good english use to tell me he loved Woolly Nelson music. His favourite song On The Road Again.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am not sure I could name any lasting world moving suoer talent  songwriter who has turned out to be a horrible sexual preditor of vunerable people or a murderer. Though  there have been many dodgy managers and production  people in the entertainment industry.
They were mostly ones who had short moments of sucess and then were mostly forgotten.


(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A  short Youtube tribute to Dino
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1Ks7FS … e=youtu.be


(29 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am sure Dino packed plenty into those 68 years. A member of the Chordie family whose words were appreciated world wide.
Many a songwriter will be dedicating their next song to you.  RIP Dino


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Bill
Getting your email on soundcloud and having you back here is one my highlights of this year.
Love to  Dondra also.
Peatle and Maree


(4 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

Welcome Mr Chuff if I was to form another band I will call it. Stop That Noise my wifes coments on most of my attempts at music.https://soundcloud.com/eatleville


(6 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hi Phill
I think the stripped down arrangement works perfect.


(15 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Kia Ora is the right Maori word and that iechyd dda  is what I was trying say.
Ka Pai Phill  Ka Pai means good pronounced Car Pie.   
A Fijian word we use at my 96 year old mum   home as she is Fijian is Bula Vinake a way of saying cheers. It also translates to hello thankyou as Bula also means hello and vinaka means thankyou.
Vinaka Phill


(15 replies, posted in My local band and me)

Hi Phill
Not only do us Kiwis who follow Rugby Union love the Welsh because we play the same game. We love the way your suporters.sing. Cardiff Arms Park is a place of pilgrimage for many a Kiwi. Your Town  LLanelli is also known by many  here through Rugby. Back in the early 70s our All Blacks were given a great lesson on how to play rugby in your town.  It is now a privilege for me and Easybeat  to  have someone like you teach us how to write and put together  a  great song. Both songs you put up are  very good but full credit must be given to you and Easybeat. Welsh entertainers like Harry Secombe, Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey and Phill Williams have provided me with great entertainment over the years . Thank you Phill.
Quiet often on a Sunday around about  5pm I stop for a quick beer with my friends at our local there I will raise my pint and wish you my friend good health and say those Welsh words La ch yd da..


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Nice kids song you wrote there EB.  I will leave atttachment here to one I wrote recently for Kids. https://soundcloud.com/eatleville/cat-wont


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

One of my favourites takes me back to going to his concerts and digging every minute of it.


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Clever chorus lines a song that works perfect which many a songwriter who has been to Nashville could relate to. Even people who are interested  in country music and what Nashville represents. Many a Kiwi musician has gone there in the hope of breakking into the big time.