
(4 replies, posted in Poems)

I can relate to the first  time feelings your words convey love to hear it as a song.

Great Idea EB here attached is something along those lines with the song Stand By Me.
And also here is another song below done the same with the  Kids on here  right into it.

The first thing I would like to say to Z G thank you for letting us know about your search to find a better site,  I am pleased that you no doubt after a good search found no other site that can do better. ZG this site is not a  Business Corperation   or Government it is  a place for people doing things for people in an unselfesh manner.. So if your frustrated that is fine but please dont expect people on here to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. As the technology gets better no doubt the things this site can't do will get better.. If you are onto better ways of doing better things than please let Chordie know. I am sure everone will then use your learnings to improve what we have.


(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill and Dondra
Chordians all over the world hearts are with you. The beautiful thing you have as a couple is that you will both help each other get through this.. When the time is right for you two we know your light will shine again on Chordie Land.
Love to you both.
Pete and Maree


(1,560 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

badeye I am enjoying the blues you put on here. I will attach some of our Kiwi musos giving American blues number a  whirl back in 1984.


Zurf  I dug your Zurfing USA version of Bobby Mcgee.


(23 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I am not  as diligent or regular in my computer habits when it comes to visiting Chordie.  I am pleased to read these posts knowing that Chordie Land citizens are not being sent into exile or are going to  another place when i havent been around. I wont bore you with what keeps me distracted doing other things.  Though we are geographically distant in this cyberspace there is a close collective  spirit here on chordie. Recently my health has required me to be on lots of medication so I have not been that clear of mind. This is  why I havent  posted much on my infrequant visits. When I am here  I do give the ones that are current at the time a read.There are many gems of wisdom on here from all you folks that make interesting reading. Thank you to you all who keep this site running.. I hope what I have writen makes sense.
K I R  I am sure we all here thoughts are with you.  My condolences on your loss.

Mekidsmom  I enjoyed that version everyone having a good time and it sounds good.


(1 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

That is a song my Dad and his friends would sing at parties when I was a boy.
Great choice Bill.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TF ,,,My Dentist must know your Dentist . That is why they play those awful songs in shopping malls  to get rid of people they don't want there. Barry Manilow music  is very good at scaring people away from areas  around New Zealand where they are not wanted.  My 96 year old mother has told me one of the advantages of her lack of hearing is even bad music sounds  good to her nowadays, Just take the hearing aid out  and its all good..   My wife's dentist is good he asks her what she wants to hear .
Dairy Farmers in NZ have differant theories on what music makes their cows produce more milk.

"Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. Inspires Dairy Cows to Produce More Milk
A University of Leicester study proves that slow tunes make cows produce up to 3% more milk.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

EB this is a  Mother Teresa quote I like.

If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
Mother Teresa

EasyBeat on Electric Guitar me trying to remember the lyrics while singing badly on a quick Kiwi Style Blues Jam of Me And Bobby Magee.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello Bill
Friday afternoon here just saw this post  as I am about head out the door. I just watched this wonderful inspiring  clip a few minutes ago of a singing  deaf lady so I will put this link up for you.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Joeyjoeyjoey
I am in a tempory situation where I have needed to rely on other people because I am recuperating and cant do a lot of things. Apart from obvious factors  like my faith that gets me through, I found the hard part is having to rely on others. My biggest obstacle was taking the resentment out of my life. Example resenting the fact I had to get my wife to help me get dressed among other things,
Since this is chordie  I will mention not being able to play guitar or piano frustrated me. What has helped me was when I started to enjoy what I could do and forget about the could not part. Apart from the pain I can't drive due to medication I am on. When I saw what happened  to Tiger Woods it made me glad I have other people to transport me. My friends and fami;ly all offered valuable suport and made me feel their love in a way I havent experienced before. Having musician friends saying Peatle tell us what you want to be played on guitar,  piano or any other instrument has humbled me. So my life changing expirience for me has been accepting things don't always stay the same but we can learn to enjoy our day in other ways. I hope that makes sense,
Bluejeep I like what you said keep  laughing and the  fact there are people worse off than us. Aside from that I am an 18 year old inside an old man's body.


(6 replies, posted in Poems)

TF You have captured feelings of the heart at difficult times in your words, That line  "The highway is conquered by faith that is sure. "  speaks the truth  of what gives courage to move on. even when life isnt  going well or making sense.


(31 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Bill and Dondra 
Maree's and my heart feel for you and Dondra at this sad time. Our prayers are  for both of  you. and your extended families. i cannot offer words of wisdom and can only imagine how awfuil this is for you and your family. All I can say is you will find hidden strength to get through this hard time and Jason will always live in your hearts.
Love Pete and Maree


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hey EB with online dating do these young people get a real partner or a Robot.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Gidday Bushy
OZ has  produced many a fine country artists plus poets  such as Banjo Paterson.. I wrote these words about the body slowing down about a month ago. Looking at your post I thought I would share them.
                                                   Worn Guitar.
The guitar I use to play has grown older and plays better than me.
It's body batterd by time just like me.
It can dance with anybody I can just dance with me.
Poems and songs once familiar I have forgotten.
Put in the right hands my old six strings and wood remembers them all.
The doctor looks at my body worn and battered.telling me thats your destiny.
My voice is still singing while  my body's  melody has lost it's harmony.
Young hands pick up my old  worn  guitar in the same condition as me.
With a gentle caress my guitar sings better off for  it's age than me.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Excellent Documentary Johnny was a person who I have admired on many a level. His integrity and ability to inform while not forgetting who he is as a person inspired many to try and be true and care about people.. He never  tried to appear perfect just a real human who sang great songs.


(1 replies, posted in My local band and me)

I like both versions but I agree the original version has a slight edge over the second. The studio recording is excellent..


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TF I think the thing with having talent is it is something people are born with in differant degrees. What most probably is the add on is how hard you want to work at your given talent. Is this something you do for yourself or others. I know talented muscians that love music but their passion to work  hard at something takes them in other directions. One of my Aunties was an example she was a very gifted painter. Her passion was teaching young women Science and Maths. When she retired from teaching she started to paint pictures to sell, She made more money doing that than she did teaching. I asked her once why didnt you sell paintings when you were teaching. Her answer was, When i was teaching it was something I loved and the paintings I did were done with love. I would give the odd one away to someone but I would never sell any of them. Now Im retired from teaching I have developed expensive tastes and I know my paintings sell. I paint with the dollar in mind to fund the things I truley enjoy. I  enjoyed my teaching career it was my vocation in life  and I would never had swaped it to become a full time or part time artist. My point is just because a person has a talent for music doesn' t always mean that becomes their  main focus in life. I heard an interview on the radio a while back with Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull. The interviewer asked him what sort of music does he listen to relax. His answer years ago I could answered that with a wide selection of music. Now days when Im not working doing music when at home music is the last thing I want to hear. I have developed other passions.


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Jandle it is wonderful to have people like yourself and Bill take time to listen to my attempts. Robert made my not so good voice sound better by writing a easy to follow piece of music. Thank you.


(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Jandle I appreciate your  encouragement.  I was honoured to have Robert do all the clever aspects.


(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

As a promo for your band I think your video works  extremely well. The lighting effects and way you introduce the Band very  nicely done, You can see you are  all getting into what your  playing   making it fun which  creates a good visual and listening vibe. What stands out to me is you  havent gone for the band members outside of  playing approach which spoils many a promo video I have seen.

Jim that is country music at its best.