
(10 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I had ust typed a reply to you tat I had to delete after doing some research before hitting submit.
I thought you were wrong about 4 strings on a banjolin, even though there are some images on google that show a banjolin as the same vintage one i have. So i read more about it on the ne and yer right.
So, I have not got a banjolin after all.

I have a mandobanjo smile



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi and welcome to the chordie forum and site

I agree with what you say. A few times I have done what you have just described.
I had to delete it out my songbook then go to the song, transpose it agan into a differet tuning then add it again. What you suggest would be very useful for people like me that cannot make their minds up first time,lol



(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi roger and congrats and welcome to the wonderful world of moderation lol

while on he subject of moderating, since te site has changed I see, or cannot see where there is a part to repor to another moderator about posts in the wrong place etc or somewhere for anyone to report a bad post.
Am I rght in thinking there are none of these options or is it I just cannot see it.



(10 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

I have one of these instruments, a cross between a mandolin and a banjo.
I dont play it though as it is a right noisy wee thing.  I prefer the sound of the mandolin.

anyone else got one of these?
do you like it more than or less than the madolin?



(115 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

b.robinson460@ntlworld.co wrote:

A group was recently set up in the place I live SWINTON MANCHESTER UK, 99 % are learners, we meet Saturdays at 1pm till 3pm, we are about 25 people now.  If any group could tell me the best way to use the 3 hours we spend I would be gratefull.  I thank you

I am no expert in the Uke or in teaching anything apart from what I do, but I would reckon if you are all learners, is to use the three hours playing a few songs.
work out about 4 songs in your houses and use your 2 or 3 hours to keep playing them over and over until they are perfect.
Try getting some players to play a few different parts and make a uke orchestra, get another instrument or two in to accompany the ukes.
25 is a lot of fecking ukes at one time! maybe spilt the 25 in two and play 8 songs, or have 13 versus 12 wit hthe same songs, see what group plays them better

sounds like fun.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I have a job. I am a production co ordinator in a printers factory.
When I said I am glad to be part of chordie I meant I am glad to be a moderator but most of all glad to be part of chordie as in glad to be a member.

Had a bit of a laugh when I was reading your post there but not in an evil way. I just cant explain in what sort of way in case I do my usualy and say something wrong,lol



(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Mike,
I like the lyrics there in that song,
but really i am replying to say congrats to you and yer missus.
I have always said marriage is legalised prostitution, thats why i got married and still costing me a forune after 12 yeas but I am still loving and hope you enjoy married life too.

all the best



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

excellent lyrics!!
good work



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Well, I switched on the computer a few minutes ago, read an e mail or two then clicked on CHORDIE. I have been watching the last few days the number of registered users quickly increase. Today exactly 100000 are not registered members. Thats a lot of people!!!
well done Per for setting this site up, even though there may only be 50 or 60 ( total guess) regular users to the forum, the number of registered numbers speak for itself, it really is a great site.

I am glad I am part of this site and hope it remains online for a long long time to come.



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

funny you should say that.
Syd wrote a fantastic wee tune called "bob dylan blues"


(19 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I tihnk wioth all those chord you mentioned, for a beginner it might scare the a bit.

I only ever played A C D G  Am  Em for about a year when I first started playing.

All anyone really needs to play a guitar is E A and B ( or so I read) might have been  A E and B7.



(3 replies, posted in Acoustic)

you dont say if you can hold a chord with your fingers or no.
If you cant then keep practicing the chords, your fingers will soon learn to go into a shape that presses the correct strings down.

If you can hold the chords down ok and it is only the strumming then try different plectrums or try no plectrum. Try all sorts from very soft to hard.

If it is timing with strumming then I would suggest you play along to some easy tunes like knocking on heavens door etc, a few 3 to 4 chord wonders,. try tapping your foot for timing or one of those things I just cannot remember the name of but they should be hanging from a clock like a pendulum going tick tock.



(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Well I think it is never too early for anything just as it is never too late.
Even if you and your band cannot do things perfect just now, stick together and make some noise, if you all like it, you got a song.
You can help each other out and learn what parts you have to learn for certain songs you want to write.

good luck



(77 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I thought I posted in here yesterday but loks like it was one of those rare occasions I am wrong.

I am 37 years young, and I really mean young. everyone tells me I am a big wean.



(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Yep agreeing on a few names there that were not only popular but GREAT.
Neil pert, not just for drums but percussion
john bonham, a legendary drummer that has infulenced so many rock drummers.
Keith moon for his eratic drumming, the band had no idea what he was going to do but it always worked.
Nick Mason, not known for fast drumming but his techique in playing and fills and one of the first to play double bass.
and that Larrs guy from metallica, very powerful,superb drumming.

and if I can add another drum , the bodhran. Any drummer that can play this properly are great drummers in my opinion.


Hi let.

Maybe your image is not fitting in with their image?
Maybe they feel threatened if ou tell them you ca do all these things and they might feel you want to take over and dictate.
I think if you are as tallented as you say then like james said, find people! advertise and be the band leader and dicate exactly what you want, unless you can find a few people that you can write with and have similar ideas for music.



(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

cheers bootlegger,

if i decide to try it myself I will try it out on a mates guitar first <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I think it is about time a lawyer that deals with the music industry should pick up and learn guitar and come into chordie and help us out with all these legal questions  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">



(24 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

without a doubt got to be THE CLASH  and THE JAM

a few others would be with original

Small Faces, the pink floyd, the who, elvis,



(6 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

good thread!

I am wondering if anyone here tightens or losens their truss rod themself.( Never knew it was called that until jimmyriddlementioned it)

I ws tempted a few years ago to do thi to change the action but chickened out in case I completely knackered the guitar.

Are these things best just left to a guitar technician?


(13 replies, posted in About Chordie)

no badeye, dont be sorry,

I thought it was a great idea for a thread, that is why I even replied in it too.

It just seems there is nowhere to ask non music question, and by the looks of it, some people do want to ask and people want to reply.



(13 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Per, and fellow chordians  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">

I have noticed recently a few threads have started that has nothing to do with the area it is in, i.e what job, something wrong with a search engine, etc.

Would it be worht while having another non guitar/music related area where members can ask for help or ask nono music related questions so they are not in places that seem wrong for them to be asked in?

I dont know if this would be  good thing or not on chordie, what do others think, and most important, what does Per think?


Hi Shady

sorry I cannot hel pyou but asking this in a "about chordie" probably will not and hopefully not get a lot of replies more than this one.

Why not try asking Microsoft or go onto a web site that deals with internet problems.

Sorry, I love being helpful but this really is the wrong place to ask.

If everyone, evn if they are chordie regulars started asking alsorts on the site it would take the site away from the theme it is based on.

sorry for the negative reply



(7 replies, posted in Song requests)

I got a few that go down well sitting out on the hills in the sunshine with a whisky in one hand a beer at the feet and guitar in hand.

loch lomond

dirty old town

you ar my sunshine

honky tonk woman

and lotas more but i gotto go make the kids dinne, ooops, i am in trouble yet again

Ken  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_rolleyes.gif" border=0 alt="Rolling Eyes">  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_rolleyes.gif" border=0 alt="Rolling Eyes">


(9 replies, posted in About Chordie)


It works fine now Per.

I dont even want any of their songs  <img src="images/smiley_icons/icon_lol.gif" border=0 alt="Laughing">  but I am sure other fans of his band will be happy

