
(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I don't know what drives  me to write poetry or write my own songs. I cant really say I write songs because most of it I do by feel. The obvious reason is I enjoy doing it. With the enjoyment I find the frustration of listening to my old recordings and thinking man that is bad what was I thinking.  When I look back on some of my old artwork it is a differant feeling of happy nostalgia and I can enjoy that side of my creativity. Even though I always feel I could have done my old artworks better. I think I express myself through  poetry and compose song  because its a bit of my internal theatre  that hopefully will live on longer than me. I know  sometimes its a perfect way to to tell someone how you feel about them.  When I  do occasionally go back through my old songs and poems they help trigger memories of what I was feeling when I wrote them. Though to be real once I pass away my songs and poems will most probably just fade away. Still there is no harm in dreaming. Sometimes I think I do it as a way of getting things out of my system.  I was wondering what motivates others on Chordie to write poems and songs I would be interested to read your thoughts. Here is a short little clip attached  which I  quiet often look at on youtube about  poetry.


(1 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Your song is a good reminder to remember to treat each moment as if it's your last

“Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.”
― Marcus Aurelius, The Emperor's Handbook
“You need to make time for your family no matter what happens in your life”
― Matthew Quick, The Silver Linings Playbook


(12 replies, posted in Poems)

Cheers TIG


(12 replies, posted in Poems)

C G That is a good thing about songs ,poetry and art is we can all put our perspective on it. A  song can be as  sad as the  listener or a memory that brings a tear of joy.
The Question is not what we are looking at, it is what we see.

A flower is a weed seen through joyful eyes.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

In a rapidly ascending balloon were two men.
One watched the earth getting farther and farther away.
One watched the stars getting nearer and nearer.
~George Jean Nathan, "Viewpoint," A Book Without a Title, 1918

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
― Lao Tzu


(12 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank  you Tenement Funster.


(12 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Phill .


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Doug  It is good to see the Sevens game growing and getting world wide interest.


(12 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Jandal I had that song sitting there for a while I wasn't happy with my voice and was  originally going to do it with piano. Unfortunately my health got in the way before I could figure a piano version. As I play by feel it means I am not that good at writing down music.. I like it when Maree has a go at one of my songs but it doesnt happen often.. I was hoping she would play piano for me on it but she thought my guitar was all it needed. When I saw Tenement Funster poem Defying Gravity it made remember it. I thought  I should at least put it up in the hope someone else might want to have a go at it.

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
– Lao Tzu


(12 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Easy Beat


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jim Thank you for your interest.  I thought you might be also interested to know that Joe Walsh of the Eagles has a special connection to Maori and New Zealand.  Below is a short article that might interest you writen a few years back..  He had a life changing experience while here.
There is a bit of a long video on youtube of the Powhiri that was held and him speaking but this short article tells the story just as well.

American rocker Joe Walsh has returned to the site of his life-changing "epiphany" in Hawke's Bay with a warning about living life in the fast lane.
The 67-year-old Eagles guitarist visited Otatara Pa, near Taradale, on Tuesday where he was welcomed by the locals and treated to a rendition of the band's hit song Hotel California  performed by school children.
It was at Otatara Pa 26 years ago that Walsh sat on a hill overlooking Hawke's Bay and had a vision that he credits with setting him on the path towards sobriety

"I don't understand it, I don't need to, but I had a moment of clarity standing up on top and looking out at the valley," he said.
"I remember that vividly and I don't know where that came from. I got goosebumps."
Walsh said he went home after that with a different mindset.
Giving up drugs and alcohol was the hardest thing he had ever done, but also the most rewarding, he said.
"Today, I haven't had a drink or done any drugs in 21 years ... and a lot of the guys that I used to run with didn't make it. They're gone."
Walsh's career in the music industry has spanned more than 40 years, but he is best known as a keyboardist and guitarist for Rock and Roll hall of famers the Eagles, who he joined in 1975.
The band, which is considered to be one of the greatest American rock acts of all time, played two shows in Auckland over the weekend as part of their History of the Eagles tour

Walsh's latest visit to Otatara Pa is his third. After his epiphany in 1989 he returned in 2004 to pay homage to the place and its people.
"The first time I came here, I was in trouble," Walsh said on Tuesday.
"When you get successful at something, and you're young, it's easy to lose your perspective. It's easy to forget what you were doing that got you successful, and that happened to me."
At the time, alcohol and drugs were eating a hole in his heart where love and family should have been, he said.
"I could still function but I knew I was in trouble."
The Maori people would always be special to him, because they gave him his life back, he said.
"I'm here to say thank you ... I have a wonderful life now, and I have a family now. That's new to me, but it's wonderful. It's what healed me."


(474 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Fantastic listening to those two I like Don Ross technique  of using  his guitar percussively while playing. I would love to be on that street listening to them play. Thank you TF


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Thank you Jim my wife Maree helped with the harmony on the chorus. I have posted the lyrics on  here in the poem section and on soundcloud for anyone thats interested.


(12 replies, posted in Poems)

Looking at Tenement Funster's excellent poem Defying Gravity reminded me of this poem I  wrote a while back about my wife Maree and I. I tried to make it a song I couldnt get it to work.  I found it and put it up on soundcloud to see  if anyone can make it work as a song. I have attached the link if you want to have a listen and the words below.

                                                                 As Long As Love Can Be

We love each other eternally as long as love can be,
We love each other eternally as long as love can be,
Come dance with me my darling tonight.
Down by the sea and moonlight.
Barefooted on the sand.
We'll sing songs from when we were young many years ago.
Your the Angel that changed my life.
Your the Angel that made me what I am today.
Come waltz with me under moonlight.
Our love is eternally as long as love can be.
Our love is eternally as long as love can be.
The stars in the sky not a cloud to be seen.
The ocean as still as can be.
Just you and me barefoot by the sea,
Come waltz with me my darling we'll sing songs from old.
Just like we were all those years ago my Princess of my life.
Our love is eternally.
Our love is eternally.
As long as love can be.
Our love is eternally.
As long as love can be.
You and me my darling happy as can be,
When I look at you in my eyes.
My darling your still the young girl that I knew back then.
Our love is eternally.
As long as love can be.
Our love is eternally.
As long as love can be.

Zurf your phone recording sounds real good.  Joe that song works good with your style. Mojo it works real good for you also.


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

TF your poem made me think about about the 45 years I have known my wife who is my anchor and love. Though strangely for us we were friends for many before we fell in love and got married just over 35 years ago. Anyway I knew somewhere I had writen a song around this a while ago. I have just found it my voice isnt good on it but I hope it conveys my and Maree's  love for each other. Attached is the song. It was just recorded on my cell phone.



(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

The Haka can be part of a welcome known as a Powhiri. A Powhiri  is a welcoming ceromony I will attach a short video explaining what a Powhiri  is about. My father was English and when he arrived in New Zealand he really hadn't read or had much knowledge of Maori culture.  When he first saw  a Maori welcome he felt like getting back on the ship he arrived on. He soon realised after speaking to and coming into contact with Maori that they were friendly.  Haka is also preformed at funerals as  a way honouring the one who has died.     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZy7u0_36nw


(10 replies, posted in Poems)

Behind every great man is a great woman. Two are always  stronger than one. Sometimes it is easier to take on a challenge when you have someone who loves you encouraging one through the tough times . That  line of your poem describes this well. (We' ll defy gravity and gain peace of mind) .    TF your poem covers a good love match  perfectly I hope I get hear it presented as a song sometime..


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Doug it is going to be one of those games that people will debate about for years to come. For me it was frustrating having an outcome that didn't have a winner. I should imagine for the Lion suporters it was a good outcome because it shows their team is just as good as the All Blacks. We have enjoyed having the Lions and their suporters visit to our country  representing the United Kingdom well  with pride.and a great spirit. It was also  good  that it showed up the  weaknesses with the All Black style of play..  The Lions now are going to be a hard to beat team for any  country that plays Rugby Union.

Back in 1980  my friend and I were at Tullamarine Airport Melbourne waiting for a friend of ours to get off a plane from New Zealand.. We were walking around when we saw this short guy dressed up like  a well dressed  cowboy with  long hair and a limp walk past us when  we realised he was Leon Russell. He had played a concert the night before with a bunch of Bluegrass muscians that he had brought over to Australia with him. A bit later we came across a bunch of guys who we heard talking in American accents  chatting  to each other. Somehow we got  talking to them and it turned out they were his band.  The one thing that stuck in my mind was the guys telling us that Leon  Russell was a quiet man of God and didnt do wild parties anymore. Many years later when I heard this song attached it made sense to me what they said. They also us told he was a very humble man. At the time we weren't  sure if these  guys were telling us the truth or not. At a later date watching TV we saw a bit of the concert and those guys were definetly in his band. This song attached will also confirm what they told us was true.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Both teams next Saturday will be at their best. The Lions played the better game last Saturday and All Blacks will have to improve their game next Test match. The kick-off will be at 7.30 pm Saturday night New Zealand time. At the begining of each game the All Blacks will preform one of the two Hakas they do. It will be Kapa Opango or Kamate. Kapa Opango which is a new Haka writen back in 2005. Ka Mate is old haka writen over a hundred years ago around 1820 by a great Maori Chief, Te Rauparaha. I will attach a short video explaining what the Kamate Haka means to the All Blacks.


(20 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Congratulations to the Lions on beating our New Zealand Rugby team the  All Blacks in the second  test. This will make the third test interesting..

Hi Jandle
I better leave my name out of the hat this time until my health and body gets itself  fixed and back together.

TIGLJK wrote:


Those were excellent - thanks or sharing... that would be  a very cool project to pull off- and I have absolutely no idea on how to accomplish that... way above my pay grade ! smile  but it is a great idea.


It would be interesting if someone on chordie did have the tech savy to do that and follow through with EB's idea. It would be beyond me .
I will attach another Link with David Crosby in it.


(4 replies, posted in My local band and me)

TIG you and Phill work well together on your songs. Until I heard this version I wouldnt have thought  of your lyrics been done in a more of a dance singalong  style but it works.
Well done guys.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Yes our New Zealand sail teams win does show that David can beat Goliath. For our country it is a major event.