I’m not sure how common this is in the rest of the world, but in the US it seems to be a tradition to make a New Years promise to yourself and see how long it takes to fail. I’m not the type that will make petty promises that I know I won’t adhere to. Lose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, etc. – What’s the fun in that?
So here’s a couple for myself that I think I can stick to:
- Make an effort to be friendly to strangers. (This is really a cheat as it has been on my list for years. I’ve gotten better, but there is always room to improve, especially when your nature is to be a grumpy old ass like me.) It’s amazing how busy we get and can only be truly comfortable in our own surroundings. This hit me a few years ago while riding in an elevator (I believe you limey’s call them “lifts†). All these people crammed into a tight space – people who I’m sure are interesting, outgoing, friendly, yet nobody says a word. So I try to make an effort - tell a joke – compliment somebody, say “have a great day†while looking them in the eye and meaning it. The simplest gestures might have a profound effect on somebody else’s day. I resolve to be friendly, to make someone smile, to make a small difference to at least 1 person every day.
- Musically, I’d like to make an effort to play with other people on a regular occasion. I believe that this not only will help me grow as a musician tremendously, but it will also be a ton of fun. I’m not ready to go behind a mike in front of a bunch of strangers, but I do think I am ready to jam along with others. So anybody in my neck of the woods (Cam!) let’s make an effort to do this in 2009! Raw beginners are welcome (I’m not much more than that myself). Let’s get together and help each other improve!
Warning – Drinking, smoking and eating will be in abundance if the gathering is at my place.
Happy New Year Chordians!