
(61 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

good name for an irish rock band.

do you do your own songs?
got a website?
anything on the net?

i like irish bands, folk and rock and rock folk or just rock rock heavy rock


this might sound silly since who i am going to say was a massive star.

I discovered johnny cash by mistake.

I knew a few of his songs but i saw him just as country and western music, which i was wrong to think. He is more of a country folk singer. Iput a cd on in my car not knowing what was on it.
The album was "LIFE"
As soon as I heard it I knew who it was but instead of turning off, I listened to the entire album and I loved it.
This made me look into other johnny cash songs that I never heard of and I am glad.
And for me being into punk rock, rock funk, rock, rock and even more rock and taditional scottishand irish it suprised me i liked this american music so much.
Also I am glad I got introduced to John Prine. fantastic songwriter!!

good to see a section like this, hopefully a lot of gumff will stop happening on the main forum and other sections of the site,




(10 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

I have thought about buying one on ebay before but for the reasons you say I didnt bother.
I would much rather have a guitar in my hand and make sure it sounded ok and looked ok and there was no warp on the neck etc.

Even if someone gives you a garuantee thru any internet site, you will have the hassle of gettng t uplifted by courier etc and snding it back then waiting for your money back ( if you are lucky enough to get a garuantee like that)

I will stick to buying from the shops.



(45 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

yeah ok, lol smile

I stand corrected I tihnk. There are good female guitarists!!! probably great???

I am so glad I appoloised in my first post about this,lol.

But the fact remains, in MY opinion I could not think of any at the time meaning there cant be that many compared to guys and......and...... (but lita ford I would say is very good)

Hi Doll.
I go to the hospital on the 18th July to get the camera rammed down to look at my vocal cords so I will know nothing until then.
thanks for asking



(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I am a big fan of Big Brother. I trynot to be and kee ppretending to myself and everyone else that I will not watch it year after year but always end up addicted to it.

So, I love this song,I should learn it and play it to my addicted to big bro wife of mine, yes, we are two sad individuals addicted to tv nonsense.



(45 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I really dont want to sound sexist here at all but I do not rate any woman guitarists high in the rankings of guitar players.
Yes, there will be excellent guitar players that are female and would kick my butt and other male proffesionl players, but I just cant think of any that I would put in the top ten of guitar player be them male or female.
But I do like KT and Cheryl crow and ,, and, maybe a few others, but I would not say they were particularly excellent on guitar even though their songs might be superb.

I was talking about this subject last week in a pub and got hounded by a few females.

I couldnt name any women drummers either or bass players. PLenty of excellent singers but not musicians.
Maybe I need to be told a few names of women musicians to make me change my mind on how I think?

Sorry to the females that read this and think I am being a male sexist chauvanistic swine.
I do try to break free from this label I have given myself over the years of not thinking before I speak,lol



(8 replies, posted in About Chordie)


I never thought you had to put a song into a songbook before correcting it.
At the bottom of every song there is an option to correct the song. I have done this a few times and never had the song in any of my songbooks.



(21 replies, posted in Song requests)

dinny worry about it.

I have been trying this song on and off for a while now. I have not been playing much recently though due to a problem in my vocal cords. I should know mor soon when I go to ENT for a camera rammed down me throat.
The doc says I might have singers nodes,

I will wait and see



(12 replies, posted in Acoustic)

well, I use MR sheen furniture polish about once every 6 months.
I dont believe in rubbing a guitar down and keeping it looking good, I like a worn out old guitar that still plays well.
If it gets  bit dirty thru puke, food, drink spillages, etc, thats when Mr sheen comes out. smile

As for the strings, I never clean mine unless I am really bored, and I mean really bored.
I buy new strings so I dont see the need to keep cleaning old ones.

But, if I was making money from playing then I might invest in a poper guitar cleaner, but for all those that are like me I would bother.

and another way I would pay for a proper cleaner s if I spent over £725.99 on a guitar.
So until the day that I do, it will be Mr Sheen, it really does smell nice!!!



(240 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

what sort of song request is this?

Plase keep to the subjects.


(2 replies, posted in Song requests)

it is 70 years in USA and 50 years in the UK, dont know about the rest of the planet.

Cliff richard is a fighting this as his songs are soon to be over 50 years. He wants it to be the same as america

There is a difference as well wit hthe songwriting and the performer.
I think it is after 50 years the person/band that sang the song stop getting royalties but the writer gets some  for a few years later.
Meaning if cliff wrote and performed a song he would get money for writing the song after a certain time but would stop getting money for singing it.
If he wrote  song and the who (lol, no chance) sang it, they would stop receiving money but cliff would still receive some.

( this is what I read from the daily record last week)

and this is not a song request


(5 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

thank you Roger, I missed the begining o the topic and I was lost to what it was all about.
I was going to lock this, but now I shall leave it open for more responses.




(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I have I.E 7 and they print on my computer last time I printe out a song. They were not on the same page though, they got printed on a second page.



(240 replies, posted in Guitars and accessories)

this is a very strange song request.

I have never heard of the song "what kind of guitar do you have"
who sings it? what year did it come out and could this not be in another ection of the forum? smile


(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

Hi Worm,

There is also another thread relating to this on chordie, maybe even in this section. you might get a few tips there.
You say you are new to the guitar so that is making me think ( even though it is a cheap fender acoustic) that maybe the action is ok on the guitar and maybe you need to press harder on the strings? maybe not!!
Are your finger tips like the paw pads of a grizzly bear? if not then I would say you have to toughen yer fingers up to press harder on the strings.
But then, maybe your fingers are like the paws of a pussy cat that has been lying in bed for 6 weeks and your action still does need lowered.

If you really want it lowered, take it to a shop. It should not cost that much to gt it adjusted.



(28 replies, posted in Acoustic)

good vid bud.
Left a good compliment for you and gave ye 5 stars.

I think everyone should help your ego grow.

I love my ego grwing bit by bit so i know how it feels to have the need of a good healthy ego smile


dont worry about sounding like someone else, even the big stars do it.
Everyone has used bo didley's riff that george michael used in the song Faith, Lenny kravitz with his "it aint over til its over" sounds like someone else, The jams "in the city" bass line was copied by the sex pistols for "holiday in the sun" and the list goes on and on. The thing is the lyrics will not be the same. and if you think it is sounding too much like some other song then just change it by adding a chord at the end or in the middle and changing it slightly.

you can only do so much with rythums on a guitar, every strumming pattern has probably been done, every riff etc. all there is to do now is compose with what has already been done.



(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

excellent lyrics there shady

will be some time before I have new songs but it is fun to read all the new songs coming in, even if i dont comment on most of them.
I have picked up one or two new songs from here yours now being one of them


right, I have farted about with this a bt more and not even had breakfast yet,lol.

I found a song that was ok with the chord grids. all the lyrics moved to allow room for the grids and looked quite good.
here http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.g … 0553.html#
is what I see a lot especially songs in my songbooks, although I have not went through them all.
That song was not in my songbook so it is happening outwith.
this happens on explorer but seems ok on firefox.

I did try the chord variation. IT is a great feature, I can see me using this a lot. I can find no fault with it on explorer or firefox.
one thing about it though. it took me a few minutes to realise ( even though it tell you to click on the cord variation you want) that you click on the variation you want and the other chords will show along with the variation you want.
I was looking at the variations at first without clicking on them and wated it to go back to the original so I hit BACK and that took me back to te menu. But that is nt really a problem.

hope this helps


I know of quite a few good bass players,
I would not know who to call the best.

as mentioned,
John entwhistle,
Mark King
Ali McMordie
steve harris

and my all time favourite ( but maybe not the best)

Flea from red hot chili peppers for his soft and gentle yet melodic bass lines to the hard powerful to the heavy funky rock bass pounding lines.
Ye just canny beat him


the best bass player is FLEA


I dont know if this should be allowed or not.
If everyone was to advertise links to great bands this site would be like a big pin board where there was too much stuff.
However there might be a place for a post here for people to add links if others are interested.

So, if I see too many new posts with just links I shall delete them ( sorry)

You can add a link after here on the same thread.



(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

I cheat.
I just play the three bottom strings on the second fret I tihnk.

cheating is a good idea for this ,lol, especially if it is for your own entertainment. If you are wanting to play it to make something sound bang on right and earn money from it or not, then learn it, take a week learning it.
I have been told all chords are possible with practice.


Hi Per,
I had a look at this chord grid instead of named cords. I agree with you, it is not something I wil be using, but maybe because I dont need it. If I dont know a chord and I cannot cheat then I would learn it.
Saying that, it might help some people, it looks like the grids gete in the way of he lyrics to me though.



(10 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

that looks the exact same as mine, even the case looks the same. Also looks a bit better condition than mine,lol

