I was wondering if anyone on chordie knows of well known songs covered in a differant style that work real good that they  can share on chordie?????
Attached is two  examples . First Up Pinball Wizzard.
Second Shaft


(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you everyone all the  links and coments are great. I hope there are some more to come doesn't have to be by anyone well known.
I havent got anything modern to put  up or from recent years.  I will attach the musical genius of the Marx Brothers having fun playing piano.a scene I have enjoyed from as long as I can remember.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Jandle for taking the time to have a listen. It was fun having a seven year old to help compose the vocal side. She was a delight and I would have  loved to  had a video made of the sesion. I will attach a video of Kids lyrics being used to create a song for a fund raiser for sick  children. Song at end of the bits with kids doing their inyterviews contributing lyrics.  .

While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about.
~Angela Schwindt

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca4ty7t … 7tz9x0#t=5


(34 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

There is nothing worse for a young person then  having an old guy like me go on about the past. What I am wondering is there a famous musical entertaners around today  that have an eliment of comedy in their act.???????? I am thinking along the lines of the way Dean Martin use to do a funny  part of his show with just him and his Piano player.
I will attach a sort of  a Southpacific attempt at been funny while singing Elvis songs as an example of what I am trying to find out.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello Easybeat I thought best way maybe around a kids song  is to get a  seven year old involved. This song called Brians Banjjo is composed  just for you.  Your  friends down this way know you love Banjo so this is all for you. The Kid was fun to work with descided what she wanted sung, Considering her age I thought it was good. Only trouble we had is because she likes to dance while singing I had to keep putting her back close enough to the microphone to pickup the vocals. So thats why some of the vocals are not that clear.



(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers TIG thank you for your kind comments and taking the time to have a listen. Like you I need young ones to show me how  to do things on my phone and laptop.
I sometimes worry that young people seem to concentrate more  on their devices as a form of comunication rather than just talking to each other. I will leave you this poem about my inner theatre and sharing thoughts with loved ones and the rest of world through poem and song. I titled it   Light Will Get Through. What I am saying in this poem is words that mean something to you' can touch those who have affinity with what you are underneath the exterior that the world  see's. It also aimed at my wife and soul buddy who gets what I am about when sometimes others don't.

Light Will Get Through
The snow caped mountain at the top of my head.
Hit by sun.
Hit by rain.
Hit by wind and stillness.
That river that flows through my veins.
In the deep parts are you my love.
Not my shallow banks for you.
As my thoughts flow down to the sea.
Sometimes accepted by welcoming lapping waves in the sea of people.
At other times struggling against strong tides and a relentless pounding of angry seas.
Out in the ocean sometimes my thoughts do flow.
Touching distant shores.
Sucked up by heat of the sun then rained down onto your interior.
As always my love in deep parts are you.
In deep parts are you.
In deep parts are you my love.
Ever since the start of my journey,
In the deep parts are the departed.
Those who have been left but still remain.
In the deep parts are the unseen.
The guiding hand that gives me faith the hidden strength that conquers angry seas and the monotony of those not going anywhere.
In the deep parts a guiding light still gets through.


(2 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hello Jim here is a song poem I wrote a few years back that might interest you. The words come up on screen as I sing it.
I will also put up some words to another song I wrote that Easybeat liked which  when read doesnt always make sense until you hear it in song form. It doesnt have  a chorus like most  song writing I will also add a link to me playing and singing it,recorded on my cell phone with a bit of  a added sound of a phone ring in it. It is not about me it is about a Keith Richard type character.
Phone My Guitar.
Hey dont judge me.
Just cause I look old on the outside.
Inside of me is a heart beating just like any teenager.
Yeah I am a teenager with more experience but there is still alot that I need to see.
Bud don't look at me as though I can't have fun.
I tell you what Ive had some.
I wont let you talk to me, don't judge me.
I can have fun just like you.
Alright I can't do some of those things you do.
I don't understand those funny little phone things.
But I can have fun.
I can play my guitar.
I can sing just as good as you.
Don't judge me just cause my body's old.
Im just the same inside as you.
That's it man.
That's it I'm Am the same as you.
Yeah I am the same as you.
Don't need your phone.
I got my guitar it does the trick.
So dont judge me just listen to my licks.

Song Number Three is me with my guitar.  just telling a true story about a sad Mother and Daughter I knew years back.
https://soundcloud.com/eatleville/video … 4-19-34-52


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Glad you got the humour TIG   
Excellent observation Phill the cats name is Horse the cartoon was popular in NZ known as Footrot Flats writen by Murray Ball . The sheep dog is owned by Wal a rugged sheep farmer,
"The Dog" 
The main character of the cartoon, a Border Collie, thinks of himself as intelligent and tough, but is really quite soft and often cowardly. He has a real name, given to him by Aunt Dolly, but despises it and has never allowed anyone to reveal it, often going to great lengths to stop Aunt Dolly or anyone else from saying it. Aunt Dolly says it is a "such a refined, aristocratic name", which gives some clue as to why Dog despises it. Wal always calls him "Dog", gaining loyal devotion. The Dog is often put to use to guard things or get rid of rats or pigs, but Border Collies have an independent streak and the Dog's is a mile wide. However, also like others of his breed he is a competent sheepdog. He also has a couple of alter egos; "The Scarlet Manuka" who attempts to 'liberate' cricket balls from being hit by Wal and his team, "Mitey Ironn Paw", and "the Grey Ghost of The Forest", that appear from time to time. The dog has also, at one point, claimed to have the following commendations: V.C. (Very Cute), D.S.O. (Doesn't Steal Offal), and B.A.R (What Sheep Do), along with the alias of '00Dog' (Licensed to be kind but fair) and acting as Wal's 'chaperone' in many cases in Wal's dates with "Cheeky" Hobson. The Dog thinks Cheeky is a cheap hussy and his chaperoning often leads to the date being a disaster for Wal
For my friends who dont know what the VC and other abbreviations  mean. They are medals given by the Queen for service and bravery to the community. VC stands for Victoria Cross the highest medal one can get for bravery in the military. DSO (Distinguish Service Order)  People who have these awards will put it at the end of their names.
Jack or Jill  Someone VC.
A large, fierce and practically invulnerable cat. The character is a menace to Dog and the other characters, resisting attempts to be tamed by Aunt Dolly or others. He has a girlfriend (Fred) who frequents with a Biker gang and loves leather. Occasionally fathers kittens. He and Dog frequently cross paths which end up with the Dog on the short end. Horse "spoke" a little in the earlier comics, but in later ones he mainly spoke out via actions and yowls. Later the irascible tomcat Horse became Dog's main nemesis (and sometimes ally). Horse is also seen protecting the dogs (Dog and Jess) from the local rat population that reside at the Murphy farm.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers TIG I will gather some of my words together for you sometime. My Dad died when I was twelve and his name was John.  One of my memories of him is when he came home he sometimes would start singing When Johnny  Comes Marching Home a song from American Civil War. I was with a friends grandson named Johnny and I told him about the Johnny Comes Marching Home song. He got a bit upset  at the song I thought it was my  bad singing. No it wasnt that,  he mistook  the gay lyrics to mean something else.

When Johnny comes marching home again,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer and the boys will shout
The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
The old church bell will peal with joy
Hurrah! Hurrah!
To welcome home our darling boy,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The village lads and lassies say
With roses they will strew the way,
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.

Dirty Ed  I enjoyed your input here . One line in there of yours  I will hang onto is.
I also think each song has its own "why" I chose to write it. 
You would be excellent  company around a campfire. Campfire's  are great places to have fun while learning about  all sorts of things,
Thank you.
Here is an atttachment to  a song/ poem about some of my thoughts on poems and songwriting.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you TF.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Kia Ora the Maori word for Pob hywl to you.  Welsh have the same humour as Kiwi's. I forgot about the film Babe. Wales and New Zealand are a slice of heaven at times.Here is another short Kiwi clip with a bit of  Dog theme.  The muscian on it are Dave Dobyn colabrating with a band called Herbs. The herbs had Joe Walsh of the Eagles as a member at one stage of their career.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers TIG .  Phill  I was worried my Kiwi accent might ruin it glad it worked. Phill I have travelled the world and  I am pleased that I can call New Zealand home.
People from Wales tell me there are a lot similarities in our sheep farming traditions. I will put a short clip below of the sport of Sheep Dog Trails for people who never heard or have seen this sport.  .. Our other  national sport in common is Ruby Union.

“A dream is a seed.
Vision plants it.
Imagination nurtures growth.
Opportunities create blooms.
Thoughts become things!”
― Donna McGoff             



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you EB and TIG  I am glad you enjoyed Phills poem
.“A dream is a seed.
Vision plants it.
Imagination nurtures growth.
Opportunities create blooms.
Thoughts become things!”
― Donna McGoff


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Cheers Phill I have put it on soundcloud for you


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Here is my attempt at recieting A Small Story writen by Phill Williams for children.



(474 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Not only is Tobias percussive technigue  flawless also every other aspect of his playing down to his harmonics bang on every time. Thank you TF for putting me onto him.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Here is a short Peatle story please click on attachment


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Cheers Phill I will do one on soundcloud sometime soon and I will let  you know when I put it up. The Maori word for Butterfly is pepepe which also is the same word for moth.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Thank you Phill  I enjoyed your two poems   http://www.chordie.com/forum/viewtopic. … 91#p184691


(21 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I love the humour in those two poems thank you for  putting them up. I will attach a little Kiwi  bush poem about  Hunting and living of the land,   Just a man and his horse getting a break from people and the rush of life living of what nature can provide.. He is  talking about that sad feeling one gets sometimes when you have to get back to  humanity and every day life. But like you I need my Darling Wife with me.

.Time of Day - Barry Crump

Time of Day - writen by Barry Crump a Kiwi bushman.

At that time of day
when the world turns away from the sun
and the last traces of sunlight
are gone from the ridgetops,
I lead my old horse down a wild river valley
with two trout in the split sack
behind the saddle.

Around the bend I see great wires
strung swooping from pylon to pylon
across the sky.

And I wonder how come
it makes that moment of sadness
waft through my thoughts,
and puts that mournful note
in the cry of the putangitangi*

*Putangitangi - Paradise Duck


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill Glad you liked Sam.  I was wondering if there is a Chordian who  writes songs or poems with the intention of making people laugh?    I know up there in the United Kindom there is one funniest poets I know of Pam Ayers.. I will attach a video link of her reciting one of her poems.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Tyson7  I like your insights  about the mystery and magic of  poem/ song. Here in New Zealand is a poet who travels the country enteraining people with live prefpormances of his poems. He is what we call a living treasure. He used to travel with his dog Minstrel who was  a legend in his own right. When Minstrel died it was headline news around our country  not bad for a dog. Anyway for anyone that is interested I thought I would attach Sam  Hunt doing a  Ted talks. Looking forward to hearing more insights from other Chordians on why do we  write  poems or poetry.


(13 replies, posted in Songwriting)

TIG I like that Nashville magic you got going on there with that  lady.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love what you all are sharing on here. Mojo I think for me trying to write something because a person  wants me to do it never works. Poems and songs seemed to come to me when I am not trying to be creative. Many times it  happens  at inappropriate moments.  TIG poetry and songs are very personal and that why I have my alter ego Peatle Jville to put that side of me out there. My own mother who is 96 has never seen or heard most of my poems or songs unless I have done them under my real name. TF as a person who has experienced depression and anxiety attacks I connect completly  with what you have shared. Thank you for being so open. Many people who know me are aften shocked to find out that I have expeirenced what Winston Churchill described as the black dog because I am  outgoing and full of humour most of the time.
“All emotions, even those that are suppressed and unexpressed, have physical effects. Unexpressed emotions tend to stay in the body like small ticking time bombs—they are illnesses in incubation.”  Poetry and song is an excellent tool  sometimes to help purge negative feelings.. Mojo your Oil Feild Trash is a song I love because it comes from a real place it is not only an entertaining listen it tells me about a subject I knew nothing about. On my mother's side I am part Fijian and the way some of our history has been passed down is through story telling, poems and songs because nothing was writen down years ago. The reason why Fijian people feared the younger generations lossing their language is because somethings Fijian can only be properly expressed in the  Fijian language. TIG I was wondering do the the young people you teach learn somethings through poetry and songs???? My wife when she was in the United States learnt how the slaves and oppressed kept their spirits up through song as a way of surviving hardship. Her time in New Orleans is full of musical memories.  Here is a American lyric that comes to my mind which we sing at Christmas.
When I am a seeker,
I seek both night and day;
I seek the Lord to help me,
And He shows me the way:
Go, Tell It On The Mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere;
Go, Tell It On The Mountain
That Jesus Christ is born.


(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I love that Phill It's not me that writes the songs its my pen. I supose all Chordians agree that,  it's not true that all the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff.  I remember my Grandpah telling me the pen is mightier then the shovel. Maree tells me sometimes what comes out my pen is better then what comes out of my  mouth.
Love, romance and passion are great subjects to write and sing about.

The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows. Frank Zappa