
(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi McSquire and welcome to the chordie forum.

Have you ever heard the John Prine song " it's a big old goofy world" ?

if not then I tihnk ye should. That song is ful of Synonymies, drinks like a fish, stubborn as  mule, throat like an arabs sandal etc

tis a good song full of these.



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Hi Jens

It is goo to know your students use this site however, Choride is not a site where the songs , lyrics and chords are actually fed into the site. Chordie is a search engine sort of program. It takes songs from sites already in use, i.e guitar.com, ogla thingy place ultimaeguitar.com etc.
People link the songs from stes like those to hear so there are bound to be mistakes.

A good thing though is if you feel a song is not correct you can go to the bottom of the page and correct it. Also you can click on a link that takes you to the original source from where chordie got the song from.

I have came across quiet a few songs that are wrong here but it is good to know you can amend tem and have them in your own songbook online here in chordie.
If you only went to another aite, I dont think you could amend songs or have an online songbook, so tell your students thy can fix the errors, or you tell them what they are doing wrong so they can amend the songs you think are wrong.




(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I went to a new folk night last night in a wee pub in the middle of nowhere called the carbeth inn. ( in scotland)
I had to stay sober as well as I had to drive.

I was planning just to go in and listen to what the regulars do, but got warned to take my guitar or I would regret it. It ended up a great night. I ended up having to play 2nd.

There were about 25-30 people, most musicians. sat in  big sort of circle, or the best we could and had turns of playing. those that wanted to join in jammed along jammed along.
From memory ( which should be quite good as I was sober for a change while in a pub) the instruments there were:
7 guitars
1 bazooki ? ( greek guitar)
2 mandolins
1 mandolin,
1 set of bag pipes ( not very noisy, the ones wit hthe bellow under the arm for the air)
3 or 4 bodhrans
2 harmonicas
1 fiddle
2 banjos, a 4 stinged and a 5 stringed
and a guy with a flute, clarinet and some other sort of windy blowy in sort of thing
1 penny whistle
and a lot of voices
oh yeah and the owner/barman played the piano as well

it was a fantastic night. Usually at these nights it is mostly scottish and irish folk songs ut last night had scottih and irish folk plus other songs, blues, acoustic rock, country, jaz, trad.scottish pop. All sort to please everyone.

I am just a bit peeved off I cannot get going every thursday night as my wife wants to go every thursday to play her fiddle and we cannot get a child minder every thursday.

so, if you know of anything that goes on like that in an area near you I advise you to go and take your instrument, even leave it in the car until you see what it is like.You will be gagging to get it out,especially if you have a few drinks ( but do not drink and drive)

I played. Wild rover, wish you were here, the hobo song, redemption songs, hush hush, black velvet band, as well as jamming with a couple other songs the best I could.

just thought I would share this with you all.


this is a question I asked ages ago. Is tis the same thread but has been moved?

Anyway, I got that site and I learned the song.

still sing i in my work now and then along wit h.... the hobo song from john prine.
That is until my voice goes then I just hum humn humall day.


out of all the bands I love the best band I have ever seen is a fantstic band but not my favourite, but should be close up at the top with pink floyd, the jam, the who,slf, chili peppers, clash, acdc,
my award to the best band live is


these guys were the tightest band I have ever witnessed. The gig was on 28th March 1993, I know the date well because it is the day I asked my girlfriend ( now my wife) what she wanted for her birthday.......a leather biker's jacket or an engagement ring. she chose the ring the silly girl,lol.

Althoug they are the best band I have witnessed, it was not perhaps the bet gig as I cannot remember the support band. I remember aguy pissing me off and I think the band should have stayed on for 3 hours.lol

best gig I have been at for a single band and attmosphere still has to go to stiff little fingers on their 25 th anniversary in 2002 at barrowlands. It was like a massive party for 1700 people wit ha great band playing. Even if you didnt like the band, everyone walked out wit ha smile. not one disapointed person I saw.



(2 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hi chordian phil,
I have met a few.
I have met all the band "love hate"
All out of the choir boys,
Jake burns from stiff little fingers and bruce foxton from the jam/slf ad now in from the jam
the drummer from  pmsl, naepalm death ( i told hi i hated their music.

Lemmy from motorhead, he bought me a pint in the venue years ago. I think it was to get rid of me since I asked him why so many good looking women talked to him when he was ugly, t was meant as a joke and he took it as one too.

the late stuart adamson from big country. When I was going to the barrowlands to see them in 1986 or 1985 while I was walking down high street in glasgow his driver stopped so he could talk to me and my mates, at 15 or 16 years old I was in awe, My hero stopped in the streets and talked to me.

Paul Di'anno, the first singer with iron maiden. I met him when in 1988 in ... in..... I canny remember,lol, it was near ilford on the ast side of london,  place calld Green....????? or ,,,,,,,green. He went on and on about how good he was in iron maiden.

I know of someone whos uncle worked as a taxi driver and picked up Midge Ure ( thin lizzy/ultravox, solo, co organiser of live aid) he was very drunk and crying in the taxi saying to the driver how no one liked him anymore, this was a few years after the first live aid.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

hi blind

I tihnk after I wrote 4 songs I never wrote anything for about 2 years after.

that was about 14 years ago, now in the past 12 years I still only hve about 20-24.

think of yur life experiences, splitting up, moving house, walking thru the streets, etc

I sometimes sit with the guitar an make lyrics andmusic together. I find when I sit and type down lyrics first it is sometimes harder to get the music to fit.
Also I find it easier to get a tune first then sit and put lyrics to it.

Dont throw any of your lyrics out or delette them.
I have got probably about 60 verses that I have not turned a song out of but I keep going back to them and sometimes new lyrics to add on just come spilling out, even after 3 years.

good luck



(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)

if you want to write some punk tunes just think of the government and how you oppose them and put it in words.
Or hw you are against something that you dont think is right.

My latest song " I'm an atheist" are punk lyrics, but I have only done it on the acoustic.
I do quite a few acoustic punk songs


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

good luck stuck.
I am 37 and jam with 14 - 72 year old sometimes.
look at the band THE WHO, they have a drummer who is about half their age probably and abass player.
age is nothing as long as everyone playing likes what they are doing.

but there are some younger ones in here about your age.



(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i mostly play on my own in the house.
I have two friends though that come down evey few weeks or so and we ply ourselves with a bottle or two of whisky and we play rom about 7pm to 12 or 1 am practically non stop, and my wife also gets her violin out after a few wines have been poured down her throat.

I also take my guitar when I go to a bothy ( a small house in the middle of the hills for hillwalkers to shelter in) or camping and try to entertain folk.
Also I have jus found out there are a lot of folk sessions going on all around me which Imight start attending.
SUnday night....Fintry, Tuesday night...Old Kilpatrick, Wednesday...loch lomond folk club, thusrday.... carbeth inn. friday night...my house. I could be jamming nearly everynight if I want to.



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ahhhh, well that makes sense now Roger,

But good thatthings turn out ok in the end and the two of you are now happy and can talk.still a good song though


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

thanks roger,

Sorted now. I nevr noticed I had amsus2 in there,lol

I trieed playing that chord and apart from sounding not right at all it is terrible chord to play.




(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I have not put much in here for a while, t gets a bit busy and was hard for me to keep up it hall the new songs and mentioning on nearly every one " good song" etc. I felt like a vinyl record with a bit dunt in it making it repeat over and over again.
So, Last niht I was at a pub watching a few punk bands, a guy from my work was in one of the bands " the red eyes". Anyway, a band from my old hometown Clydebank were theret oo, they were called "Hateful" and it was them that gave me the insperation for this new song I wrote.

They made me think I had not head a song about atheism. I have heard songs about god and other religious things as well as songs about hell etc.
So, here is my thoughts put into a song on my beliefs.

I’m an atheist By Ken Godwin

Am                              G                        Am   D Am Asus2 G Am

[Am]I wont say grace or[G] kneel down and [Am]pray[D] [Am] [Asus2] [G] [Am]

I w[Am]ont look to the hea[G]vens and call out a [Am]name[D] [Am] [Asus2] [G] [Am]

I[Am] don’t believe in god[g], Allah or Rah[Am] [D] [Am] [Asus2] [G] [Am]

I’[Am]m an atheist and I’[G]ve got this f[Am]ar

[Am] [D] [Am] [Asus2] [G] [Am] [Asus2] [Am] [D] [Am] [Asus2] [G] [Am]

I don’t need any guidance from any book at all

And preachers can all get together and fall

I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s just not my thing

Tomorrow’s another day, lets see what it brings

[Am] [D] [Am][Asus2] [G] [Am] [Asus2] [Am]

You get told when you’re young in what to believe

Then you’re stuck with a label, no exit to leave

At 4 years old they’ve brainwashed you good

Escape when you’re older, I know that you could.

[Am] [D] [Am][Asus2] [G] [Am] [Asus2] [Am]

A[C]hh h[Am]aa [D] [Am] [Asus2] [G] [Am] [Asus2] [Am]

A[C]hh h[Am]aa [D] [Am] [Asus2] [G] [Am] [Asus2] [Am]

We are all just creatures living on the land

We all have good we can all lend a hand

Don’t need no “good"  man how to tell us to live

He’ll put out his hand but expect you to give.

Repeat 1st verse

end on Em


(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)


but this line "Taking wrong advice from, family, friends and lovers,"

so, she took advice from lovers? no wonder the marriage never lasted ,lol .hee hee hee

sorry!! couldnt resist that

very nice song indeed.


(36 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

looks like old slowhand eric is getting a lot of votes here.

So, I might as well mention aother one of his very veryfine solos that not a lot of people might knew that he done.
The song is by Roger Waters from pink floyd and got eric clapton on lead guitar.
the album and the song eric's great solo is called "The pros and cons of hitchhiking" he really makes te guitar go into an orgasm (if a guitar ever could) on this song.



(36 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

i got a few favourite solos.

a sax solo on "the gunners dream"
the guitar on comfortably numb by Pink floyd again
Guitar on Freebird by linnard skinard ( yes I know it is spelt wrong, please feel free to correct me again)
layla solo
and quite a lot of ac dc's solos, too many of them to mention

Paul Weller was once asked about his songs getting used in commercials. He said he would hate the idea of it but he never had that much control over the record comany with them for that use.
A few months later "thats entertainment" ( i tihnk it was this song) was used in an advert. canny remember what for though it was about10 or 14 years ago roughly.
I just remember that interview so well as I think someone must have listened to this interview and done it to piss Weller off.

I think it is ok to hear some good songs on an advert but if you do watch tv a lot, which I dont either it would get annoying.



(30 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I got this idea from guitardocphil after his post of songs that got banned after 11th of the 9th 2001 ( i refuse to call it 9/11 like everyone else as in the UK we do the day first then the month)

so, bands that have sick names.

I can think of one but there must be more

hanoi rocks


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I dont think radios should ban any song for whatever reason.

eople in this world are too easily offended, always looking for sometihng to assosiate something with something else to make it bad, or to make it good. But mostly to make things bad so they can complain and mouth off.

I could say I dont think the beatles hit " when I'm 64 " should ever be played, it makes me depressed tinking I will be old one day.
The troggs "love is all around" If I just finish with my wife I will not want to hear this, it would make me cry therefore should not be played.

thanks for that james.  iam becoming more and more of a cash fan thaI thought I would have done.
Cant listen to him much in the house when my wife is in as she doesnt like his stuff ( in fact, she doesnt like much msic i like apart from the trad. stuff)

Anyway, funny thing about this thread is, I was ging to start a thread about Johnny Cash, but I tihnk I will just have my wee say here about a song of his.

the song is called " Ragged old flag"
I am not one for loving americans for their patrionism as I think lots take it a bit too far, as do some scottish, so I am not just disliking americans here for taking patrioism (is that a word?) too far. I myself hate myself sometimes for the way I go on about scotland, na!!, i never hate myself. Hate is too strong a word to use here, so, hmmmmm, pain in the bums is what I will use instead of "hate"
Aye, so?????? where was I going wit hthis?
oh yeah, this song " ragged old flag" is surely one of the best ( not thee best though) for a patriotic song. I dont even mind it is about the American flag

if ye have never heard thi song and yer american Ican guarantee ye, ye will love it.
If yer not american I still thnk you will like it a lot for the words in it. It is more of a poem than a song. Like a poem with some soft music through it, not county or country and western sounding at all.

jus thought I would share that wit hye all

( and for any lovely american folk that think I am doing a bit of american bashing, Iwasnt,or not fully, but with me being half american I think I would have the right to half bash them ,lol, joking!!!!)



(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

you had no intention of using the forum?
who are you kidding,lol. yer a natural gift of the gab chatterbox full of info and help for people.

I fit was not for people like you that go out their way so much, even to look up google yourself for answers and give to people here asking, the site just would not be the same.

I like helping people too but when I see questions I know can easily be found thru a search I just dont bother unless I want to know the answer to their question too.

I canny remember why I use this name. I have used it for years (about 10) if someone has already got "upyerkilt" then I use upyerkilt4fun or upyerkilt123. I wanted something that sounded scottish I thnk, but still I get people asking where I am from. And some think I am female,some think I am irish and some just dont have a clue.

But mostly at the end of things I always sign off as Ken,
or byefurthenoo, ken 
and i tend to babble on a bit sometimes.  Ithink it is to make sure the bloodis circulating ok round my fingers so I can learn more harder chords.

finished babbling



(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

what cracking info ye get in this forum.

i love it.

well done to keith for making teir name up. \i wonder what they would hae thought up themselves?

i just cant see Robert Plant fitting into any band wit hanything to do with Yards or birds, lol


no, it is Ken, my terrible typing made me type Len instead of Ken


(7 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I heard on the radio ( rock radio 96.3fm in scotland) the dj said Robert Plant was not happy to be called heavy metal or heavy rock band. He saw led zepplin as a rock band.

I think sometimes it doesnt matter what the band actually want, it is the fans that take to them that can determine the category they will be perceived in.



(17 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

You have mentioned a name unintentionally there that I like " Maybe worth a shot"


hi weedjie.

I dunno where in the planet you are but Blue Nile had a hit ( I tihnk their only hit) in the UK charts with Tinsle town in the rain.
I still got the limited edition 7" double single. And I think my mates cousin used to play drums for them. He is now drumming for the bluetones. ( or was last year)
