
(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Acapo,

i do believe you mean this beautiful piece. I was given this in my late teens and have given it to many friends since.

desiderata - by max ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann c.1920


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Ah will ya get outa that Bonedaddy,

A good big greasy fryup you need. Put muscles on your urine. that would
and nodules on your already damaged liver. Ya wuss.

Had a blast last night. Needed it badly!
so good Im now going out for the day, to enjoy some more.

Dont forget to mop up all that fat with buttered bread.. God im making myself sick here lol

have a good day!

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

Hi Kandante

I cannot help you with this. But there are loads who will. Welcome to the Forum.
Just had a wonderful Holiday in Istria. Croatia. Stunning Country you have there. I will be back for a visit.

have a blast here.

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely Emma,

looking forward to hearing this completed!

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Reading this litttle piece, the melody from "Okie from Muskogee" is running
in my head with these lyrics.
I do feel you should add to this one.

Old Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Last-Rebel,

Good post, but as you say we are all entitled to our opinion.
As for Myself coming from a war zone untill recently.Some Awful atrocities
were perpetrated in the name of freedom.

I have never pointed the finger and
laid blame to any particular group. ITS WAR! and war is like that, religion
or not.
I had untill recently A Jewish family member. Judith, passed 3 years ago in her late eighties. Beautiful person, who remained behind closed doors for most of
her life. Why? Because she somehow managed to survive one of the death
camps in her young life.  In  the last few years of her life she was given lots of money from a fund. FOR WHAT? Nothing or no money could erase the horror from  her mind or give her back her life!. She was a  part of the history of her time like myself with our own Conflict.   Her story in The Anne Frank Museum,
in Amsterdam is only one of thousands who managed to survive.
My point in telling you this! I dont look at German People with distain.
no one can allocate The Sins of the Fathers on anyone.
I dont feel anyone on the forum is pointing at anyone in particular.
Nobody has to justify there ancestors. But in the name of all thats Sacred
can we not learn from all all thats gone before?.

Never any winners in love or War!

Old Doll.


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Good MorningDocs.

Soft Day to ya, After all the storms of yesterday. I could write about food
till the cows came home.
I have eaten everything from Gazpacho - Cold spanish vegetable soup"
The word gazpacho just means fragments or very small pieces of veg, Olive
oil and Garlic. Beautiful on a hot Spanish Andalusian day.
Billtong! South Africa. Dried strips of meat, i think has dutch connections?

Escargot. Because at one time the people i  dined with said" you must try them! well i did. I would rather watch these beautiful creatures eating my
plants. Somehow much more pleasant.

Best sandwiche by far, NewYork Rhuben, Id leave home for them.
Best Pancake Ihops. Holy God i ran amok in that place.
Best Pasta dish, in a beautiful family owned italian resturant, on one the Islands of Forteventura. Teneriffe
Best Calamares, squid} Argentina.

A deep fried Huge Onion! That was served like a big flower on a plate.
i think this was called a Texan? beautiful.
I dont really like fast food burger, but have eaten them. i prefer home made
my own or resturant.

Docs, I dont know how woman stay a size 8, sure i was born that size.
i have managed to stay all my life size 14 to 16.. getting harder as i get
The worst sight i ever seen with food was in a burger place. in Mashpee
or Falmouth, Usa. These 2 great big woman. eating huge burgers and fries
with some kind of LIQUID YELLOW CHEESE.! Then half  a gallon each of icecream. I have a very healthy appetite, but God i nearly got sick looking at this.
I dont care if your fat or skinny. if your a good person thats all i look for.
but how do there bodies break this sh#t down?

You need Docs to be giving me your famous foods to eat so i can keep
looking like im 19 lol I wish. {Magic wand comes to mind.:lol:

Have a good Day.
Old Doll/


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Acapo,
one of the best books i ever read and still have in my posession is
Deepak Chopra. The Seven Spiritual laws to Success. Also
"The Power of Positive Thinking" from way back.
I do wish someone would write a book about "The Power of Laughter"
Maybe they did and i haven't come across it?

I personally think this is the best tonic for the Human Being. I have had so much of this tonic tonight, Its just like good sex? If God made
anything better "He definitely Kept it for Himself" lol
Thanks Jets and Acapo for this thread. I do wish it could be continued

Old Doll..


(10 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Docs,
I agree with Acapo Here. We have such a huge influx of foreigners here our traditional
food is out the door. Also people travel much more now and there palate is more open
to different foods and flavours.
Bacon/ Ham Cabbage and spuds. Irish Stews, Dublin Coddle. Best Sausages in the world.
made by Superquinn. white pudding. Black Pudding { american friends of mine call this
blood pudding} Smoked salmon, brown bread, creamery butter. Home made Blackberry
and Apple jam. Fresh Trout. Fresh Salmon poached ! Delish.
Irish Beef { No mad cow here!
except for my self of course lol } Guinness, fine whiskeys, and the best cure for
a hangover Is not irish? But Scottish! A soft drink  called "Irn Bru". great stuff.
At this time of year Docs we eat Colcannon. Its Kale spuds butter sometimes fine chopped
raw onion is added. served with fish or meat.

Did you ever eat colcannon           
when 'twas made with yellow cream   
And the kale and praties blended     
Like the picture in a dream?         
  Did you ever take a forkful           
  And dip it in the lake               
  Of heather-flavoured butter           
  That your mother used to make?       
  Oh, you did, yes you did!             
  So did he and so did I,               
  And the more I think about it         
  Sure, the more I want to cry.
  God be with the happy time
When trouble we had not,
And our mothers made colcanno
In the little three-legged pot.

Now Docs after all that i cook food in my home from all around the world. love cooking.

Boston Chowder. Peach Cobbler, mud pie, now i have the munchies..
I also have a song i wrote about food in my childhood. Hmmmmmmm needs music!

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Ah Me ould Segosha. I know how you feel! we had all that heartache this year!

Keep your chin up, just maybe by the power of Tv, they will score in the Match Replay?

No! that wont happen, have a ball of malt instead.

Dont suppose you will be wanting Spaghetti Bolognaise or Pizza for din dins!!!

Your Ma!

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Beautiful Jets,

Very thought provoking! I did go through a phase one time thinking like that.

I came to the conclusion i was wasting valuable present time. So I dont think about it
no more..Sure had i known i was gonna live even this long i would have minded myself
more! Anyways im still here for today.
! Unless things go more askew! { Slightly wrong Crazy= Erring   or any of the Silly things thats puts me on the wrong path .}

As always jets
thank You.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

I had absolutely no problem today!

Old Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Forgive me if i am wrong here!

But i always thought it was to do with the Mayflower Ship Arrival and the pilgrim Fathers? Some one fill me in please!

Old Doll.

Ps.. No need to now! i just found my National Geo, May 2007, all the info i need there.
I have been to this area. Uyk the history is wonderful to read.. !5,000
Indians lived on this land. They did feed the settlers. and were so good to them. The settlers in return gave them all kinds of diseases, Including the
AGAIN? Mr/Mrs this is History here.!
Anyway UYK, When the Brits arrived as the do{ no offence its history}
they marked off all the land { why am i not surprised}. The Indians grew
corn - squash and nitrogen replenishing beans together. this practise
preserved the lands fertility, kept the soil moist and pests at bay.
How very clever these people were. But the  english bringing all the own
S##t changed all that forever and almost wiped the land from under the indians feet.
Now you would love this history! So read a little more on it. Great Stuff.

I bought 2 big fresh Corn on the Cob for my din dins the other day, Lovely
warm irish creamery butter dripping off them,  Ah better then an orgasm they were. no work!   Just  Beautiful. 
I think i was born on the wrong side of the pond. Any one want to claim me as there own  Stateside lol.. Half my family are in the Boston Area having a ball.
at the moment " lucky Gits... If any of you lot are reading this." DO NOT FORGET MY YANKEE CANDLES!
maple syrup.
and those huge big bottles of bacardi.. Ill supply the ice  coke and lime lol

Thank you
Big Sis.


Old Doll.

HI Legate,

very easy little song with great meaning.

Well done.

Old Doll.


(15 replies, posted in Acoustic)

James McCormick

From: Starkville, Mississippi USA
Registered: 2006-03-04
Posts: 1311
E-mail  Website

Hi Boxer
this is how James  guided me with the same question?
Re: Bridge?
Hello Old Doll,
A bridge is usually just one part of a song that has some melodic or lyrical contrast to the rest of the piece (verses & chorus).  Often, the bridge will contain some different chords than the rest of the song.

Usually the bridge has different melody than the other parts.  Most songwriters use a bridge to further dramatize the lyric somehow or to somehow offer a different perspective on the song's topic.

Not all songs have a bridge.  Most pop songs have some sort of bridge usually after a couple of verses and maybe a chorus or two.   I guess it is called a bridge because it is near the middle and connects the beginning and ending of the song?

A chorus, on the other hand, is a part that typically repeats after verses and usually carries the overall theme or idea of the song.  Sometimes a bridge takes the place of a chorus in between verses. 

Listen to just about any popular song and you'll be able to spot the bridge - it's the bit that sticks out from the rest.

"That darn Pythagorean Comma thing keeps messing me up!"


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Snowden,

Love your songs!. One of them reminds me of a song here called

Lovely Leitrim! And what can i say about Black Velvet Band? I sang this song so often i felt i wrote it.

Your sound is good is like it very much..

Old Doll


(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Forum,

Well so far no joy from "Concerned Parent". But my computer nearly crashed
last evening with all the emails i recieved. To all of you! You all know who you
are i thank you.

I still feel young children should be given the proper names for all kinds
of things. They are always gonna learn the slang words unless there locked away from life and reality.
I personally always taught my own children the proper words for everything
as soon as they could speak.

So Much so, My eldest lad was about six when he ran home one day
and asked me " How come I have a Penis? when my friend Johnathan

has a "Charlie Rooster". We still laugh to this day over that one.

Poor Johnathan has been called "Charlie Rooster" all his life.

So "Concerned Parent" there is a lesson here somewhere.
Good luck always with your children, and at the risk of sounding offensive

to you. Lighten Up" allow your children and your self to live in the real world.
Keeping them ignorent to many things, may make for bigger problems
for you and them in the future.
I wish you the endless joy and love i have had and still have with my now
Grown Men.
Remember your "Ducklings are not Swans yet!. teach them well.



Old Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Your story made me bust out laughing. Also reminded me of many years ago.

A new neighbour invited us for drinks after mass one christmas morning.

Tradidition in my house always on Christmas Eve is to have all my Brothers.
This started many years ago when ,  i lived it seemed then so far away
out in the country.  Having no family of my own for some years, i remarked to
my Mam " I felt lonsome. My brothers started to visit, and to this day they still
visit Christmas eve, with there now adult children , wives  and girlfriends. So its always a full Joyous house  christmas eve which i love.
But Im usually tired on christmas Morning.
Any way back to christmas morning. I had 2 delicious Hennessy Brandies. Neat"
With being tired and so early they went straight to my head  toes and every other avenue of my being.
Well! i was singing and a bopping with anyone who'd bop, and had  tinsel
like confetti decorating my person. I was in great form.
Arrived home still singing and bopping. Took the bird from the oven " The turkey Southpaw! Not this Bird. lol

  Yea  you guessed. The dish slipped and the turkey made the loveliest
Waltz movements around my kitchen floor, and {Mise} slipping and sliding around after it! Tinsel and all. Talk about jingle Bell Rock! This was more like "The Turkey Trot" lol  I  now looked like someone had pulled me by the ankles backward through  a farmers hedge... Well you should see those photos. Hilarious! me in my finery covered in tinsel, turkey fat and with the tinsel everywhere, as colourful as an explosion in a Lego Factory.
Both Birds were cleaned up. One was eaten! the other retired to bed.
Moral of the story? never ever drink before serving Christmas dinner.
never ever have since that episode many years ago.

Now you and yours have a wonderful "Thanksgiving Day".

AAAAAAAAAAh No! Southpaw was that them old legs i heard collapsing again? lol
Thanks for the Cranberry. Yummy!

Old Doll.


I did and have overslept. Yikes! by 2 hours. My own boss so i cant be reprimanded. But still need to work.

Have a great Day Sunshine. I intend to.:lol:

Old Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


All you wonderful Chordie People on the other side of the pond.

Have a great Ole knees up for your "Thanksgiving Day". Will one of you save

some good old home made Cranberry Sauce for me Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase... God i love the stuff.

From "The Beautiful Emerald Isle"


Well Holy Moley,

will i ever get to my bed,

This is really good. Very well done all round.

Im really looking forward to hearing this one complete.

very very good. Great lines in there.

Old Doll.

Lastrebel Pet!

That is one of the funniest discriptive pieces ive read since Ida Mae!

That was a real ole bellyache read.

God i wont be able to sleep now thinking on that one!

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Well Now Jasonhague,

How did you make this magic happen? For a minute i wasn't sure what i done!

Is  this really you young Man? Fag and all?

Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)

was on my space when i listened to this one.

Reading the post here it makes more sense to me.
Anyway, when your singing this one do it early?  As someone with
a grivence may just clatter you around the Gob.   Watch out for flying
turkey Drums lol   Gobble Gobble  Smack!   lol

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Thank You Jas!

My Ray of Sunshine.

Old Doll.
