
(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

ok, ye got me thinking so i went in and looked. It is there under chord progressions


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Cytania,


I have not looked for a while but  iam sure there is something on that site that allows you to type in the chords and it will tell you what key it is in, or it has the chords for different keys.

i.e G,C,A,D .... in the scale of G, or something like that.



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Roger Guppy wrote:

Hi Ken,

I hope I played this right, I repeated the chords from line 1,2,and 3 for lines 4, 5, and 6 then repeated line 7 for line 8.

Lovely chord sequence to which a melody naturally flows. A well argued protest song, well done.

Thank you,


yep roger that be right.

And thanks James and Old Doll too.



(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

pop musc as far as I am led to believe is short for popular music.
This wuld mean that pop musics root would have to derive from elsewhere. Any kind of muic could be described as popular if lots of people listen to it, therefore it is popular.
But we live in a world that has to label everything, put things in to categories unessesarily.
take for instance punk music, there is no such a thing really, it is rock music, mod music ( modern) no such a thing, it is rock too. It is the fans that categorise it by following who they decide they like. I think it is a dress sense more than a music thing sometimes, although "mod" music will sing about getting laid, getting high, where "punk music" will sing about how bad the governments are, how bad society is etc. these two forms of rock have also been catogorised as pop. The clash " london burning" a big hit, therefore in the charts, listened to lots, makes it pop ( popular), The jam ( mod music after their first album which was punk) number one hit with a few songs, town called mallice, in the charts, #1, pop!!

If the majority of heavy metal fans enjoyed abba music they would have been classed as easy listening heavy metal or some silly thing like that. and if it got in the charts then it would be easy listening heavy metal pop. lol


I have liked punk music and rock music from about 10 years old. There was no influences in my house as no one really listened to music. I like the music because of the lyrics, anti establishment and real hings that happen in the world on te punk side really got me interested in lyrics.
The rock side of things I was influenced by a friends uncle with ac dc highway to hell album, made me want to jump about mad to the music.
I have also liked folk music from aout 14 or 15, again, mostly the lyrics I love, the words mostly are so meaningful. Lots of the music has the same riffs I tihnk but the lyrics are what make it a great sog.
with these genres of music my own songs turn out sometimes in a punky/folky/rocky sort of way.

for new bands lately???? hmmm, I dont eally get into any new bands, well apart from one, the arctic monkeys. These boys are superb at their lyrics and the bass linesare cool too. Their first album "whatever people say I am , I',m not" is all about young lads going out clubbing for the weekend and how they pick up a girl, get chased by he police feel so bad an mixed in is some imagination. they quite righly won some sort of awrd for this album and their second album has been nominated for the same award ( not that I think much of these crappy show excuse award things) and I think they should win this too for "my favourite worst nightmare"

Hmm, thats it

I am very open minded about music.
I dont think I can say there is one genre of music which I can catagorilly say I do not like.
but, I do hate dance music, rave music etc, even though I do like the prodigy and they I think are classed as dance, hmmm, maybe wrong?
I used to say I hated rap but I love eminem, dont like anyone else on that scene.

I dont like death metal but there are few song I do like.
I do love folk, rock and traditional mostly.
Blues is ok but too much is depressing ( in my view)
even some big band music and opera is not bad



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Just wrote this one this morning, no prizes for guessing what it is about,lol


[G]I will not fight that war

I[Bm] told you once before

I will[C] not be labelled a Westminster[G] pawn

The fight is not my fight

And I know I have the right

To take a step back in their unruly plight

T[Am]hey say they’re fighting for [G]our freedom

But where’s the freedom if your dead

[F]Where’s the honesty we[C] look for

[G]All we get is lies of [C]despair

I will not fight that war

I told you once or twice before

I will not be a statistic on a government chart

If the government didn’t start this fight

Then everything would be all right

But we attacked and they had to bite

What have you done to our freedom?

Ye had to go and spoil it all

We ask questions but get no answers

All we get is lies of despair

I will not fight that war

I’ve told you many times before

It’s not my fight until it’s knocking on my door

I will protect my country to my death

But on foreign soil I will not see my death

In a needless battle so many have seen before

They say ye’ll be fighting for yer freedom

But fight for a union I will not do

Fight in the name of the queen and her country

When all we get is lies of despair

Where’s the honesty we look for?

All we get is lies of despair

We ask questions but get no answers

All we get is lies of despair

All we get is lies of despair


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Great song there James.

Another one I might use if i sound ok doing it.



(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

H all,
as a fe know I went to the hospital to get a camera rammed down my throat to look at my vocal cords as the doc says he thought I had songers nodes. Well he as wrong, I have A singer node. only only one on my cord.
I have to go to get voice traiging and anti biotics and anti acid things for three months then go cak to see if I will get the star trek lase gun down my throat, so everything is fine.

The camera I got was put up my nose to go down my thraot. not very nice. He told me to breath in and not to swallow but if anyone has had this done , it is very hard, so I tried to swallow, I gagged and I coughed saliva all over him, some over his face, ,lol, I did warn him about my nose and things going up it,lol.
apart from the vocal cords he noticed my septum is bent, which i already knew but got told nothing could be done ( trying to get rid of as many patients off the national health sevice list he thinks) but it can be done, so after my cords are mended i will g in for the burnig of the septum so i can breath easily, or easier. This all means after my cords are done and my nose my singing should improve..... i know, hard to believe I can get any better tha nI already am but tis true!!! ,lol, I might even appear on one of those tings wit hsuimon cowel and tell him where to go when he begs me to sign for him,lol

( yes, I have been ot and had a drink,lol)


go solo ( like you are now) and be a person it hyour own label.

Dont do thngs to impress others, do it to impress yourself.
if others dont like it then tough.

I am guessing you are young ( under 17), if so dont worry, ye'll nearly be old enough to go to pubs and clubs and meet others that feel the same.

If your guitar playing abilityis good enough then you start a band and dictate to them, who cares if you hate them or they hate you, as long as good music is getting made.



(4 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I ave not looked but I am thinking you just go to the tab "my songbook" and add one, name it then way you go???

when you are on a song, go to the right hand side and click "add song",

you can have more than one song book so you can catogorise your song.

hope this helps
if not then come back and say and I will look more into



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

On the mentioning of the final cut,
would you consider that to be a pink floyd album or a Roger Waters album with 2 memers of pink floyd doing session work, since it was all roger's word really.

I still see it as Floyd since I see roger waters as the key to floyd, but a mate of min thinks differently,
what do you think./?



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

That sounds like a great idea Phil,
But like you aid it woul cost quite a bit. And what country would it be in? when etc etc etc.

If I ever win a roll over in the lottery I willpay for 50 to travel. Yep, a dream it is,lol, but a nice one.



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

still good ye get out to them though, even if to enjoy the night.
The few I have been to, it is not someone gets up like at an open mic night. It is just one big jam for whoever wants to join in. So even if you have not got the skills to knock out a cong on yer own, you let someone else know the chords and they play along and if you have a fiddle, other guitars, accordian, banjo, mandolin etc it allows you to make mistakes ,lol

And although you say country is seen as too american, not all is country and western sort of music, lots of country music is just american folk music, and since it is a folk night, it does not have to just be scottish,irish,english etc. I play a few english folk songs up here and dont get any complaints. Even though when everyone is playing things like how hard done by the scots were by the english, they will then sing along to the streets of london.
Ye just canny beat a goof folk night to get people together.



(5 replies, posted in Acoustic)

hi miller and welcome to the forum of guitar knowlege,
I have been playing for about 15 years and I still practice.
Normally I will play at least 2 songs a day to about 25. Maybehave a day or two of ot touching it.

I practice more wit hchords when i have to learn a new chord, I will practice this quite a lot in a week, giveit a rest if it is frustrating me, then go back to it.
Dont let anything stress you out, if it does , take a step back then try again when yu are ready.

I have not subscribed to that playjam thing that there i alink to in chordie, for beginners to advanced, but  ireckon for anyone needing help this would be a good site to go to as the person or a moderator or someone connected to that site actually replies and you can get proffesional help if really needed. I see someone from there has replied to someone in here, which I think is very good service.



(3 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi mpraise,

If you are meaning there is chord diagrams through the lyrics then I think  there might be a bug.
Per ( the admin) did have this function you could have just the chord name above the lyrics or you could change the chord name to ave the chord diagram ,but I thought he had disabled this because there was a fault wit hthis.

Is this happening to all the songs you look at? If so then I am sure there will be somewhere to change this. I looked at a song and could not see anywhere to change it on the actual song, but there will be somehwere else to change this. I cannot tell you right now as I have not looked, but  iam going to go look now


hi wako,

when you see lots of lines and numbers, this is the same idea as the replies.

the number represent the fret to play as single notes, and on what string ( the lines are the strings)

Some of these though are not singlenotes ad will be put down like the previous replies as a chord.You should be able to tell what is a chord andwhat is not wit hthe help of a chord aide such as.

hope that makes sense



(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

the nolan sister, 5 of them I think.

alexander brothers,

and the band HEART, was that not two wison sisters? nancy and, nancy's sister?

also Pete Townsehend brother Simon has played with The who, but not part of them.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

it is true he was well gone i the head, but does that mean he couldnt offer something?
If it was not for his tallents at the start, his crazy ideas, his eccentric ways his experimenting in colurful lights puslating to the music pink floyd would have been nothing.
A bit of Chaos might have been good.
we will never know, and so I still stand by what I said.


(8 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

only ones i can think of right now are eddie van halen and alex van halen from........ lol..............Van Halen

oh one more but not brothers, the white stripes, Jack and ermm Megan? white? I dont really know her name. I could google and cheat but I will hold y hansd up and say I have no idea. but they are brother and sisster


(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

errrmmm,, ,lol, I dont think i should answer that on a public forum,lol.

but what people think and what they actually know are two very different things. People are ignorant.

Ok, I will tell you what I think, errmmm, no, better not. People will take offence, and I will hae to try and worm my way out of whatever I say, even though it might look bad I dont mean it bad if ye know what I mean.
I ave not really got an opinion on americans as a whole but I have got my personal opinions of americnas from different areas. Since they are not all the same all over the U.S it would be very silly for someone to slate all americans the same as new yorkers, or californians or red necks or whatever the most northernly americans are called ohioans? lol ( is that where they all interbreed) lol, yes, joke.

I know a lot of people here in the UK dont think much of americans, a couple of  reasons apart from their own ignorance.
1. the american governement. ( but then probably the majority dont like them either)
2. lots think americans think they are the best in the world, and they do brag about it a lot, especially when they are over here. Quote from the last american I spoke to " Of course we are better than the rest of the world, we are making the world better ,we lead the way and you all follow and youlove it"  I know this would not be he views of lots, but I have heard similar things like this from americans online as well as offline.
3. they are too religious and use the word God too many times when it is not needed.
4. Always here " have a nice day" they dont really mean it, I think they are trained to say it from an early age, why say it if you dont really mean it and the person on the receivig end knows they dont really mean it.

I like to take people from all over the world as I meet them individually, americans, english, irish, indians, iraqis, iranians, turks, greeks, french, german, chinese , japanese etc etc etc.
some of the worst people I have met that I tihnk are a waste of human life have lived on my doorstep in the past.
If someone treats me the way I treat others and dont preach dont force opinions, are kind to kids and others  and are honest etc then i will like them.

James and roger ( if yer reading) if this is too controversial for the forum please feel free to delete or edit or anything you want wit hit.
I got asked and I felt I just had to answer but I know things like this can cause a lot of illfeelings in a forum, somewhere you cannot see someones face so they can actually explain properly wht they mean. So if anything I have said looks bad, feel free, scrub it.

And to everyone els, if I have typed anything there that you feel strongly about and think I am talking crap then ok, thats your opinion, and maybe I am, but I say it how I see it and sorry for that. Not meaning to offend and if I never drank this hlaf bottle of whisky I might not even have started this ,lmao.



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

fantastic subject Phil,
I too have probably all their songs.

My top three albums are
in third place.

The Wall........... superb album and great to play a few songs off it too
Piper at the gates of dawn..............this used to be my first choice for years, shold be joint first with
Wish you were here........... not only my favourite floyd album but probably my all time favourite album.

I also love to bits Meddle, it should be in the top three as well I would think and dark side, but I cannot cram them all into three spaces unless I burn 5 albums onto 3 discs with mp3s, lol, I could fit a lot in then. Atom heart mother is also good by least fvourite would hae to be.................hmm, ahrd but Momentry lapse of reason, sying that I think it is a superb album too, but my least if I had to choose only because Roger Waters' precence is missing from it.

I much much prefer floyd with Roger Waters in it. I dont care if Rick Wright fell out with Roger because he felt he was taking over too much and wanted to dictate their direction ( leading him to not record The final cut with the band), what Roger was doing or wanting to do wit hthe music was the right thing in my opinion. Just look at the marvelous job he done wit h"the pros and cons of hitchhiking", just sounds like a floyd album, and why? because Roger is and was and always will be the true precnce of the sound pink floyd should have.
RogerWaters said last year about the time of that G8 live thing that Amused to death would have been a much bigger success if they had done it as pink floyd and I think he is damn right.
But saying this, without David Gilmour their would have been a big loss to the sound Floyd had in the 70's. His guitar playing and his voice were needed as well as Rogers musical direction for the success floyd had.
Although I Idolise Syd Barrett, the pink floyd would not have become so succesful without DAvid. But I do think they shuld have allowed Syd to stay in them for his ideas.
I said before somewhere I think that Syd was trying to get back in his band when they were making wish you were here but they told him he was not needed. And these guys had not seen him for a few years and still regarded him as a very good close friend? what utter bollocks!! they should have let him at least put a few wierd whistle sounds in a track or two, have him do voice overs, backing singing, anything to get him involved, and if Syd did not want that then fair enough, let him walk, but they should have gave him a chance.

well, thats some of my views on the magnificent band.



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Gilmour fan,

It is on every thrusday night, start off about 9pm but to get a good place, i.e. somewhere you can move easilt as well as play then i would advise to go about 8:25.
When you go in the main door turn to the right and go thru the middle section into the end, where people eat, thats where the fun is.

although dont expect the big double bass there, I tihnk the DB player and 3 guitarists only go every 4 weeks, but as far as I know it is a good week every week if yer into jamming scottish folk, irish folk and a few other. They dont really mind what you play I dont think as long as it is sort of easy listening to, i.e pink floyd ( ones people would know) clapton etc.
A song I left off my list was fishermans blues, sadly my wife was not there to play her fiddle but still a good song for jamming.

If ye get going say hello. I sit with a guitar with no name and a shaved bald head.

Also if yer only 30 mins away from carbeth inn ( depending what direction yer coming from ) there is a really good night in the pub in Fintry on a wednesday night, but since i would not get home until 1am I think I will wait until I have the thursday off work. BUT, on a wednesday night the Lomond folk group also have a jam in the masonic hall in Alexandria. I have been told it is a good night and I am hoping to get there this Wednesday.


I dont write many love songs now but I find minor chords which are used a ot in sad songs ( as previously discussed elsewhere) sound good in love songs.

Tesla have a great song called "love song" it has Am,D,Bm,Em,G, C

you could make a love song up with any sort of chords really, it is the lyrics that can put a song into a category.

once you do it, you could share it wit hus all and post it on the songwriters section



(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi Phil,

I dont really like greek music, not that I have heard that much of it, but this woman was playing scottish folk songs wit hit, not greek.
I dont like much what I have heard from middle east to the far east, but that is not to say it is bad. I thin it might be a cultural thing, they might like it because they are used to it and grow up wit hit as I have done wit hscottish music. They might even hate it too because it is different from what they like and thats fair enough.

Yeah sad blues songs always play with minor chords and lots seem to end on an Em, but for the style of music that blues is, the chords just fit so good. I could not see muddy waters playing a sad blues song with E and A and F, F#. well, maybe he does????? doubt it.lol

oh yeah and I forgot to mention one more instrument there,  a big double bass was slapping away at some songs.

The weather here today is lovely, I just got back from the highland games in balloch ( a 10 mnute walk) people from all over were there, english,french,italian, american,canadian and other places I have no idea where they are fom,bus loads of them.
I might go out the back and have a bbq for dinner along with a bottle of Glen Moray.
