
(6 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


Thats not a problem at all, I hope you remember the story behind it..

My beautiful  friend Mary, woud be so pleased, as i use it for her!

And not myself  as someone here thought one time back.

Your on the wrong Island. I have bottles and bottles of wine, all sorts

left over from different celebrations over the past year. Everyone here brings wine with them. Geez now i might open a bottle myself. hmmmmmmm.

But then i usually get bold and dont care what i say, "Losing my inhibitions"

Start playing " You Rocked me all night long" Sure then im anybodies lol

Seat dancing for the night. Wearing out my Ida Maes?

Good to have you back.

Old Doll.


(1 replies, posted in Songwriting)


This piece some how reminded me of  the  book. "The Road less Travelled"

I read it many years ago.

Very good  writing,

Old Doll.


this piece  could also apply to the troubles { Past i hope}

In my own Native land.

Very Good.

Old Doll.


(61 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Do you know Son,

If its one thing women young or old  Dont like is a bad attitude.

Now you take your dummy  twirl your hair, and watch the Charm and

experience this guy has, in more ways then one.


Old Doll.


(5 replies, posted in Songwriting)


I have read this song over and over. Do you mean you get the smell

of onions Garlic and Fish? When these things happen?
I have had a few strange things happen to my self but, I am glad I dont have to kiss any of them Goodnight.

Old Doll.


(27 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Stanton Moore is my favourite! 

Soooooooooooooooooo Good.

Old Doll.


(61 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


And remember, most importantly of all -no glove, no love.!


Thats so good, It should be a bumper sticker,

Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Well God bless you Zurf,

for thinking im acomplished? I wish. I was sent a link for one of these camps in the states. They do seem like great places!

I have looked here but! Nothing like it, Day camps, but i dont think very
inspiring. There always in some hall or room.  Which gets to warm.
I have always had a weak sense of smell.
So when i get a  strong smell of something i know its very good or awful.
I always manage to sit near Some person whose body odour {Stale}
would knock a skunk out from forty paces!
One class one young guy took off his sneakers. I went into a complete
swoon! so bad was the smell from his runners. He was lieing back to
the wall looking real cool,   but honking to high heaven. To my mind he was at the wrong class, Hygiene classes came to mind.

So you can see Zurf why Id prefer outdoors.  I have now read all above and did get some ideas. I do the love the bluegrass sound. Now theres a thought!

Old Doll.


(61 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Matt4mayor

Wonderful feeling to have. But you do know your a walking bag of hormones
right now? Nothing wrong with this its nature at its very best. You more then likely will feel like this many times in your life. So good luck, and always use protection!!.

Wonderful tonight I would always suggest, Failing that.

Woman. John Lennon.

This one is fantastic. I had this requested for me recently, and was asked to dance to it By the Guy who requested! Mama Mia, I nearly went to Colorado
to marry the guy.

Everything I Do. Bryan Adams



Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Love is wonderful, but it can also be the hurting game...There was a lesson to be learned here for you both.. You May not know this for a long long time!.

lovely song.

Old Doll.


I cannot believe such a sad song at seventeen. ah I just want to hug you!

The world was my oyster at that age.

Janis Ian sings one of my favourites songs about her time at seventeen years.


Belated Happy Birthday Darling.

Old Doll.


(12 replies, posted in Songwriting)

God this is  good last rebel.

i would love to hear the music to this and recorded.

Ps. Lastrebel, I heard a group of sisters being interviewed the other day on Radio.

They were superb, young, and i think there called " Gold?  C/W fantastic at harmonizing!

They had won some kind of music award!

Old Doll.


(28 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)


That is just so funny. I did not see anything wrong with  it  untill i started to read the article. Thats hilarious.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

I now know you have Boxer Petal.

Well now isnt that just the bees knees? worth waiting on?


Talk Soon

Love and light



(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Yikes! what a name!

This is beautiful.

]Tomorrows horizons,
[E]full of surprises,
[Bm]don't let them take your [E]dreams away!

I get out of my bed every morning, and hope there is something wonderful in the day ahead!

Do you know! there usually is.

well done.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Go Girl!

Im gonna send you a wee surprise now, Give me a sec!



(11 replies, posted in About Chordie)

Boxer Petal.

There you go darlin. Can you not add to your name? As i know from our relationship

You are one of natures loveliest Blooms.

I was also able to say that name! It just tripped off the tip of my tongue. and landed on the

floor somewhere. Best leave the light on, as i could be falling over that one forever. lol

Old Doll.


(21 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Hi Badeye Me ould flower!

I am feeling in a bit of a quandary at  the moment about a couple of things!

My Guitar? seems to have come to a complete stop. Still Playing but cannot seem to get any further.
I have met a nice Man who is wants to give me private tuition.

Been playing and still plays 40 of  his fifty years. Do I plod on or can he really

teach me stuff. I never did like my last teacher, as i felt he was to slow at
moving the group forward and to be honest a bit cantankerious for my liking!

It seems from what i read here its practise practise. But that can get
somewhat boring.

Feeling at a bit of a cross roads, which i should be used to lol

As regards the other quandary?  hmm  "no best take that elsewhere!

Old Doll.


(3 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi Markalan,

There are so many songs being posted here , i am beginning to miss out on some of them.
This is really a good piece of writing. I do wish to hear music to it?.

You are a gifted wrifter.

Old Doll.


(19 replies, posted in Songwriting)


So Good, so good my Funny friend! There's a whole lot of honesty and Justice

in these words.  But  then you are a very honest, no nonsense type of Man.

Good quality to have! Good song also.

Well done.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)


You must stop that now! Ill be getting a big Head.

I have requested you to my space? Are you selective? Unlike

My friend  "the Jerome Fella " He has no standards as regards

Myspace friends  lol

Come on over! ill make the Tea. You and the Mrs can dunk all the bickies you want!!

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)


Good song this. This song in my mind linked me to this old song.

My Cus! http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=IrPB8TPgs9U

Old Doll.


(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

This is also lovely Jets.

Had a trip down memory lane, Pete was the guy. My first love. Became a alcoholic in life?

Do you know Jets for some reason, my Mam who was a very kind woman, always  called him Troll?

sure we were only innocent kids!

God I could pick them. The Great escape that poor devil was? for me that is!!

Old Doll.


(2 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Lovely as always Jets.

Roll on Christmas this year, when this year i get to see nearly all of my huge family  Huge celebration planned.

So excited just thinking of it.

Old Doll.


(11 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Goodmorning Daddycool,

Lovely  little ditty. Made we wonder what i'd be in a song? Dump-ling!! lol

Came to mind.  But i'd prefer to be a chocolate Bickie!

Have a good Day.