i keep thinking suzie quatro, but i know I am wrong, but did she wear that sexy balc lather kit that suzie wore?

( the boy)

yep, that was it!!
not heard that for ages.



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

why say you cannot get in a band?
Why not say you cannot find anyone to be in your band? Makes you feel better, they are not good enough for you.

20 strums a second eh? lol, have you tried to audition with slayer or anhrax? I am sure that will impress them.


I am glad I dont remember this program, so that means I am still a boy,lol

I do rememberthough some other program I tihnk on bbc2 early eighties? cnny remember the name either ,lol. But that had a lot of guitar tuition on it.

My wife, brother, and 2 mates are all left handed but they play like a right handed player.

Never actually thought of this before. So many left handed people dont play the left handed way.



(4 replies, posted in Songwriting)

very good James.!!
I like a good song with a good meaning. Or a good meaning to a good song.
am I getting de ja vu or have i typed something like this before?lol



(8 replies, posted in Songwriting)

Hi nadine,

See like what James said about me and roger taking the lyrics and chords for one of his songs, well that was a wee experiment we done in Feb. just to see what it would turn out like.

I would do more of them i this computer was not so tempramental with my recording. Some days it will not allow me to do it, other days I could do it all day. I get fed up and dont record so many now.

sometimes with your own melody to someone elses song you might find you have to change a chord or two to make it fit to your style,



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

hi raestar and welcome.

Yes, the chord images automatically get printed at the end of the song.
It does mean sometimes you will have the song on one sheet and then the chords print out on another sheet. But if the song is small and it can print everything onto one sheet then it will.

Per ( the admin) had a feature where you looked at the song and it had the image of the chord rather than just the chord name above the lyrics where a chord change was to happen, but there was an error with this sometimes so he had to disable it.

but, yes, the chord images do print out



(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

acmecorp wrote:

Did I misunderstand the original question?

I thought the complaint was that tabs were only for people who don't really understand music.

Maybe i've had one too many glasses of wine smile



It looks like I misread his silly stupid original post. I thought he was complaining about having tabs and nt what chords. Now I see he i anting actual sheet music, a page that "real" musicians will understand.

What a complete numpty welcometmyhead is. I know some numpties that hve said nicer things than he has done.

As mentioned about John Lennon, also Paul Macca did not understand any sheet music at all through the 60', I dont even know if he does now.
He did not know sheet music but still managed to write songs on the piano,guitar, bass.
When I started off, I did not have a clue apart from the little i got taught in school

but looking onthe positive side, ye have got a lot of replies.lol


(9 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song is now on my bebo page on the play list along with a few other songs



(10 replies, posted in Songwriting)

this song is now on my bebo page on my playlist.


Sometimes when I change my strings I think they sound not bad. Other times they sound very tinny like.

I tihnk mine take about 2 days. I use martin acoustic strings.
I think it might depend on what strings you use? maybe the very expensive ones will settle down quicker?
Also I got told yars ago when stringing a guitar, do it at night and over tune each string ( being careful not to break them). In the morning tune it down then retune it. I got told it will make it sound better quicker.
I dont pratice this though. I just throw them on and play.



(10 replies, posted in About Chordie)

you do get quite a few wrong chords here and there, but it is good to know you can change them so everyone can see the correct chords.
Bad thing is someone could change them so they are the wrong chords.

If someone has changed the chords incorrectly it is easy to change them again.
Down the bottom of the page where the song is, there is an option to revery back to original.
this will put the chords back to te same as what chordie first got them as. This is not to say they will be correct iether. It all depends on the website the song came from.

Another way to amend chords is to go to the original site where the song has been submitted to and tell the webmaster of that page. If he is a good webmaster he will amend the chords.

hope this helps and expalins things about wrong chords.



(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

yep Phil.
Agree with you there.
a few bands are like this, it is like the front man and a backing band, Jager and the stones, Jake burns and his stiff little fingers, mike peters and the alarm, simon le bon bon ad the duranees,
axel rose and his guns'n'roses to name just a couple
A band can still sound great without the original line up but it is good to see or have seen a band with an original line up.


(7 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I just spent quite a bit of time on this bebo thingy site.
It has a place to put your own music on, so I have done.
Ony 6 songs on just now, some which are already on youtuibe, but on this (unlike myspace) you can put on lots I think.

I do not know if ye need to be a member or not to hear them

and if that doesnt work then ye might need to reister and look for me ( upyerkilt4fun)
then go to my music part where I have bands, I have entered myself as " ken and his distorted mind"
I just recorded my two latest songs, "im an atheist" and "lies of despair".  I tihnk on both songs my voice strts going horse a wee bit but it will do. The bit of echo effect might hide this ,lol.



(4 replies, posted in Other string instruments)

how many ribs?

no idea!!!

what is a rib on an oud?
also i noticed you spelt it 'ud. i looked up on google and everywhere i saw it was spelt oud, just like the way I was originally told, unless 'ud is another way to spell it?

still dont know,lol



(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

hi besti
#and welcome

I tihnk yer dscription of fish doing a gary moore impersionation is bag on carroet.
and iof you dont undeetstand what i am typing, trying dring a bottle of whiky and a few beers the nread again ,all will come cear



(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mhebert wrote:

I could have made it shorter but I'm sure the moderators would have pulled my reply off this string. lol


not from me anyway ( not that I m the moderator of this section)
I totally agree with you



(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i had a big massive poster once of Angus Young from AC/DC
On the poster it showed him playing left handed, I thought for ages he was a lef handed player but then after watching videos and seeing them, I now know the poster was deceiving.
the poster was in fact a mirror image that made it look like he was playing it left handed.


i tihnk if ye like johnny cash ye will like John Prine.

I have had....not an argument but a....not even a debat.... a..... do not know what to call it, was not a debate as my wife said nothing back.

When I played a John Prine song, she said it was country and western. I say tis NOt.

I see country music as american folk and country and western like garth brooks, dolly parton etc completely different.

So, I need help from people nearer to this than me, American people, what is the answer?
is american folk, country and country and western all different styles of music.



(16 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

there is a guitar shop in Glsagow called McCormicks, they have or had a sign up before wit ha big list of songs you were not allowed to play.
I think if they want to sell an instrument the nthe buyer should be able to pay whatever the hell he likes, or she likes.
I didnt like the shop anyway, got bad advice from them before so I never ever went in after the first time, I never recommend it and I hope it has shut down.lol



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

definetly Eric Bogle that wrote it, just so many have performed it as lots have performed Green fields of france.
Eric is a very underestimated and to an extent hardly known singer, but his songs are well known, even if sung by others.



(9 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

war pigs by sabbath was to do with vietnam?
first I have heard of that.

and the song "and the band played waltzing matilda" was sang by the pogues quite badly even though I love the pogues and the wasted drunk Shane. But the song is actually by Eric Bogle, an australian scot. He also wrote
the green fields of france...... i tihnk the world war 1 as well.
the soldier by harvey andrew...... northern ireland.
sam stone...... john prine.... vietnam.
little boy soliders .... the jam ..... ww1
most of the final cut album by pink floyd.......ww2
is that what you faught the war for .... slf..... all wars i think
wasted life.....slf......about all armies
a pair of brown eyes.....pogues........ww2 i think ????
each dollar a bullet.....slf...........not about wars but about fighting back at terrorists, wrote years and years ago while companies and people were still throwing money at the IRA until the twin towers came down, then it all changed.
killiecrankie......the corries....about the battle of killiecrankie in 1689
massacre of glen coe......corries....about a massacre on the clan macdonald in 1692
stirling brig......the corries.... about fighting the english off in 1297 at the bridge.
the black douglas.... again,lol, the corries and agan fighting off the english,lol
wha wadna fecht for charlie.....yep, you guessed it the corries again and yep against oor cousins doo nsouth.
i will go/............ de  really need to tell who by and why? lol

nuff from me



(46 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I dont know why we get a FEW people out of over 110,000 people complaining about tabs.
Maybe they are expecting too much?
We would all lik o see chords rather than tas I think, but what would they prefer? tabs or no song at all?
since chordie is a search engine and takes the songs from other sites( how many times must I keep repeating this) t is not the fault of the admin for chordie!!!

I think about 97% of songs I look up have chords.
Maybe there is a rason for some songs not having chords and only tabs? maybe the song is better with tabs for understanding the song?

Instead of moaning about it unconstuctively why not work out the chords from the tabs and reajust the song?
make changes in the song and put the chords up yoursel and put a bit back into chordie instead of insisting on getting everything at your fingertips.
If chordie has not got the chords then it is a slim chance ( but maybe not impposible) you will get it anywhere else.



(15 replies, posted in Bands and artists)

I watched a documentary a few months ago on hendrix.
According to the program he was heavily influenced by cream, the way they played, not only guitars but al lthe instruments. A few other bands were mentioned as well as guitarists.
I dont think he was a guitar god at all. I think he was fantastic and pretty damn tallented, but a guitar hero? na, not at all. If he had lived at least  7 or years more and kept coming outwith the same stuff, then perhaps yes.
What he was a god at was his unauthorthodix ( spelt wrong) way of plying that got him noticed so much.
in my opinion the guitarist that ozzy discovered " randy Rhodes" was by far a betterguitarist than hendrix, but he gets no recognition because he only done one album I tihnk with ozzy, but if you listen to his riffs and solos i think you will find it hard to disagree.

But I do love hendrix and his music ( mostly his music and not really him)
But just because he is dead I will not go on about how good he could have been if he was not so stupid.


excuse my ignorance badeye but is a blues harp different from a harp harp?

When I was out at a folk gathering on Wednesday night a young girl was playing a harp and singing, itsounded great and she had a really really great voice. Was the best version of "green fileds of france" i have ever heard.
