here are the words and chords to I could have wrote  song. I also did a another recording finger picking instead of using a pick, I think it sounds better well marginally better

G                         E           C                G      D
I could write a song or I could write a book
it dosnt really matter I never get a second look
I might change my mind but not my point of view
I dont know why I am sitting here talking to you
it dot make no difference when the day is through
most of all these people well they aint got a clue

C                                 G          D                                G
about where their going about where they've been
about the world in general their living in

some folks say it will be all right
while others sit and worry and cry all night
me myself I just dont give a damn
to many things in this life we dont understand
so I grab my guitar and go along for the ride
tell my little stories round the country side

about where I'm going about where ive been
about the world he world in general and the shape its in

well its time for me to be moving along
nothing much is left here for my next song
so ill get my self on the very next boat
across the river Styx my soul will float
when I reach the other side and step out on that bank
I may drop down to my knees and I may give thanks

maybe ill have questions about where ive been
about the world in general and the shape its in 


(6 replies, posted in Songwriting)
was sitting around playing my guitar this morning .when this just kind of wrote it self.
any way my apologies for not being around much life gets in the way some times, and this is the first thing I have written a for quit some time now.

if any one is intrested I will post the words and chords when I get some time 


(33 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I my self have not been around much, so guilty as charged. I some times write entire post then delete them before I post because I remember the best advice I ever got. better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. and like Doug said my intrest comes and goes.     


(3 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

just wanted to wish every one a merry Christmas and a happy new year. 


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

time to rename this thread NMAKDCIDWBOJDD
that translates to new monster amp keg dixie cup ice dispenser with bottle opener jack Daniels day. of course that depends on any new updates. i hear that the new super deluxe signature model will be four wheel drive limited edition personally autographed Mojo. thats the rumor on the street any way


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Jandle wrote:

Well that's a mighty fine gadget I`d say
Take it anywhere , any day
No big set up
I hear a few hiccups
As you settle down and play

First few songs and strums
Going really well , using your thumb
The keg getting lighter
You sound a bit brighter

You got a monster rock and roller
Now you just gotta holler
With mic, amp and guitar
You strut your stuff, your a star
You got ya mojo on

Songs are getting longer
Words getting slower
Keg half empty
Legs wobble plenty
But that rock and roller is steady
It's all set up and ready

Last couple of songs now
This gadget has it all
You emptied the keg completely
head feels like lead
Think it's time now for bed
Go rest your head
And dream of your rock and roller

Jan good one , cracked me up
did I mention this thing has a bottle opener on it to????


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

TIGLJK all it needs now is a keg

JJJ that could have been the contents of the dixie cup talking .


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

I use paper plates all the time. Dixie cups, only when there is a party or gathering. Not on a regular basis. Paper plates mainly because they don`t have to be washed.Just the cheapest paper plates. Dixie paper plates are too expensive

hmmm thought I hit the report button but this box popped up.

JJJ that is some funny s@#t I dont care who you are. I am with you on the dixie products way to expensive but my wife insist on the good stuff and she says the wal mart brand colors clash the cool whip serving bowls.

TF thats the one ,about the only thing it does not have is a dixie cup holder on it


(25 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

so I walk in to Sams club for paper plates and Dixie cups for a family gathering I am cooking for and walk out with paper plates Dixie cups and a and a new portable amp. has any one else used one of these things? I would post a picture but I am a little on the dont know how to side of things. monster rock and roller charge it up and play it any where.179 bucks, so far im pretty happy with it came with a mic, I can run my phone or I pod through it on blue tooth and play along with  a guitar plugged in and the mic all at the same time. supposed to run up to 10 hours on a charge.
here is one with captain, constable and sheriff I think that qualifies it for June

well at this rate I should be doing June songs around Christmas time. any way here is an attempt at brown eyed girl

congratulations Julian, wishing you bright and happy future

as usual a day late and a dollar short. but thanks to the musicator  nagging err i mean inspiration i found a little time to do a instrumental. this was done really quik so it starts off pretty rough and dosnt end much better. so with out further ado here is a children's favorite


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Strummerboy Bill wrote:

I think I'll just come to Nacogdoches and let you fix me  some ribs. smile


come on down, i can do ribs but my brisket's are what im know for.


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well thats just great now i got no excuse


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

well thats just great now i got no excuse


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

lol good one roger. we are going international pickle flavored tea and cakes


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

i had every intention of doing one Bill , just never found the time. im looking at a new set of strings i bought to put on my guitar i keep here at work , they have been on my desk for two weeks. excuse's excuse's  maybe this week



(18 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill Williams wrote:

Hi Peatle, great story and unfortunately too true!

I have to correct you on a couple of points...

1. This might have been more at home in poems?

2. Here in the UK we now have to pay for dental treatment, there are NHS dentists but you can never get in to see them that's why British teeth have gone to pot.

As you eloquently say; all medical establishments are run by private businesses with the sole aim of making a darn good profit at our expense of course.

My dentist is a very nice chap and the music is easy listening choice, there is also a map on the ceiling and occasionally some of his holiday snaps...nothing to excite the patient too much!!!

I love the way you can put your thoughts and adventures down in an entertaining way...keep them coming LoreMaster

say it aint so you have to PAY for dental work? and the guy that worked for free did a better job?  lol i suppose we will have to start paying mechanics and plumbers next. smart a@# remarks aside that is a great story Peatle. i opt for classical gas when i go to the dentist.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Phill Williams wrote:

10 gauge strings or maybe 11's i wouldn't go lighter than that or heavier. maybe the action needs to be lowered? take it to a guitar doctor, ask at your local music store.

thats true phil lighter strings can cause trouble. my taylor wont take any thing lighter than 12,s 11,s make it buzz not enough tension on the neck

im a day late and a dollar short as they say well 3 days late any way. put some new strangs on my geetar this afternoon and thought i throw this one in . it aint dream boat annie but her granny i think poke salad annie


(4 replies, posted in Poems)

ill drink to that


(24 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

waiting on the first police report

topdown wrote:
mojo01 wrote:

the fried piper is probably more accurate.
i dont think i am going to read this thread any more, i hate it when i miss a good party

Well then you need to make plans for next year! It's always the weekend after the change to Daylight Savings Time. 03/16/19 next year

it is on my bucket list, hope you guys have a great time.

Zurf wrote:

I'm probably going to bring Tiny if I get the chance to do the fret work before I come. Otherwise, it'll be the Tak Jeff gave me. It's been feeling homesick.

As for you JJJ, bring whatever you like. I don't know what to tell you to bring.

Dirty Ed, I can't imagine a ChordieStock without a beach jam. I also can't recall Jeff ever having planned one. Those have been pretty organic so far. So I'd say if someone just picks up a guitar and says, "I'm going to the beach to watch the sunset and play music," that it will put anyone watching in mind of the fable of the Pied Piper.

the fried piper is probably more accurate.
i dont think i am going to read this thread any more, i hate it when i miss a good party