(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This is a new beginning. Lol. The amount is going down. Sold a Recording King Dirty Thirties last night. A kid that wants to learn how to play. So I threw in a tuner and a set of strings.


(19 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I haven`t been around too much. In the times I have, I didn`t notice anything.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

mekidsdad wrote:

What ya got for 12 string acoustics?

Jim.I don`t have any.  The one I did have is already sold.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have no Nylon Strings at all. Others going up. Ibanez acoustic electric. Danelectro electric 12 string.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Fender Strat, Tele California Series, Montara. Ibanez Artcore.Yamaha Electrics. I have to open cases and see what is going.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I have to get some room in my house. Looking to sell around 10-20.  Obviously a good selection. Lol. No Gretsch for sale.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

I hear you brother. Lol. Congrats on your NGD.


(4 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

This time it is a Fender Brown Derby. I normally don`t care for Fender Acoustics. This one felt great. I stopped at a music store on the way home from the BYG. I went with one guitar. Came back with 2. Sorry. No pic this time.  Didn`t take one.

I got home around 5. Had a great weekend.

Strummerboy Bill wrote:

One day, maybe I'll get to attend and hear this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FINnXz06qic

Anybody know what  song that intro comes from?

"Born On The Bayou" comes to mind.

Y'all have a great time!!!!

Bill and Dondra

The intro is Magic Carpet Ride--By Steppenwolf

We will be there tomorrow afternoon.  They wanted to start the shoot at 5 pm. Until who knows how long.I told them no.  See you then


(11 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

Wall Space?? Who needs walls. That is what floors and other rooms are for. You need to leave a path. Hallways, they work too. Bedrooms work. There is always a solution. Lol. Remember. It isn`t hoarding if what you have is cool.  You can trust me. I am experienced in this matter.

I`m hoping to leave Friday Afternoon. I will have the car packed Thursday night.

Zurf wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

Chris already told you. Change of plans.  Either late Friday night or Saturday afternoon. Depending on what time the shoot ends.

Don't let them damage the car.

And is your compensation for the shoot that they have to fill the back of the wagon with period appropriate guitars and amps and baking apparatus?

I wish. I just have to park it with a bunch of old cars in a lot. We get paid, fed and get to meet the stars.  I refused the first time. They upped it to an obscene amount the next time. For a few hours of sitting. One town away.

Chris already told you. Change of plans.  Either late Friday night or Saturday afternoon. Depending on what time the shoot ends.

We should arrive around mid to late afternoon. A little change in recreational habits this year. Lol. Remember. When talking to Chris. Any and anything that happens is because I`m joeyjoeyjoey. Not the whole weekend. Just long enough. She will know it was my idea.

Leaving Friday. Have a place to stay. Taking my automobile. (cah). Looking forward.

We are still arguing over which car to take. Her Subaru or My FJ Cruiser. Everything else is worked out. We have a place to stay. The bread machine already made its debut. It is staying home. Lol

mekidsdad wrote:

I'll do it. But only because you are joeyjoeyjoey.

Thanks Jim. If you can get everyone to do it. That would be great.

Doug_Smith wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

She has a great sense of humor and won`t get mad at anyone.

Yeah last  time I heard something like that.....  the lady pulled my belt buckle and POURED a beer behind it !!  big_smile

If she does it to anyone, it will be me.

unclejoesband wrote:
joeyjoeyjoey wrote:

I need to ask a favor from everyone going. I need help playing a joke on Chris. Nothing mean or dirty.  She will know right away that it was my idea.

Me thinks you may need to go into a little more detail.  big_smile

Everytime is because I`m joeyjoeyjoey. If I win a car show, it`s because I`m joeyjoeyjoey. Everything I do, it`s because I`m joeyjoeyjoey. I even got her daughter to say that to her one time. She said it`s because he`s joeyjoeyjoey.  So now she says "I know it`s because you`re joeyjoeyjoey".  So now I say it`s because I`m --- then I point to the ink on my left arm that says joeyjoeyjoey. The trick-- If she says anything about me to any of you. Good or bad. Can you say to her---- THAT`S BECAUSE HE`S JOEYJOEYJOEY.  That`s it. Nothing harmful or mean. A stupid trick since she doesn`t let me say it anymore. She has a great sense of humor and won`t get mad at anyone.

I need to ask a favor from everyone going. I need help playing a joke on Chris. Nothing mean or dirty.  She will know right away that it was my idea.

I will bring the same 2 guitars I brought last year. The bread machine stays home. It made its appearance last year. It is still alive and well in the back of my FJ. Vices will be a minor expense. Looking forward to coming again.


(12 replies, posted in Chordie's Chat Corner)

A few friends have told me that buying this car was the best thing that happened. My obsession with buying guitars is dwindling. I am getting more into car shows. And winning some. Also losing some of my bad recreational habits. The stroke took a lot out of me. In JJJ style, I am beating it and making a comeback.

Last year. I got to meet and talk to James Montgomery.